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Boystown Season Three Page 14

  Logan patted his hand on the folder next to his plate. “I have everything right here.”

  Their server Dustin Alexander approached the table. His thick, dark hair hanging a bit over his stunning, blue-green eyes, Dustin recognized Max. “Good evening and welcome back to Boystown Bistro. I’m Dustin; we met the last time you dined with us. Can I get you a cocktail or drink?”

  “Thanks, Dustin,” Max replied. “Sure, I’ll have a vodka soda, please.”

  “Another glass of wine for you?” Dustin asked Logan.

  “Yes,” Logan replied.

  “I’ll be right back,” Dustin said as he turned and left the table.

  “You might want to slow down a bit,” Max said to Logan.

  “Max, please don’t do that. We’re not together anymore. You don’t get to say things like that.”

  “Together or not, I still love and care about you. And God knows your boyfriend Jesse isn’t going to look out for you like I did.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend anymore,” Logan said.

  “Did something happen?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” Logan said. “That’s not why we’re here.”

  “Logan, we’re friends. You can talk to me.” Logan didn’t reply. “Look, I know something must have happened between you two. Look how you’re drinking lately. You only drink like this when you’re upset or depressed. I know from experience. What did that kid do to you?”

  “I said I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “You’re still working with him -- at the office and on this fundraiser. But something just isn’t right. Maybe I can help?”

  Logan laughed. “With Jesse? I doubt it. You two will never get along.”

  Dustin returned with the drinks. He placed a glass of wine in front of Logan and removed the empty one. Then he put Max’s drink in front of him.

  “Can I get you started with an appetizer or salad?” Dustin asked.

  “How about the grilled calamari?” Max asked Logan, who nodded in approval.

  “Great,” Dustin said, smiling at Max. “I’ll put that order in and then come back and we can discuss entrees.” Dustin left the area.

  “That kid likes you,” Logan said about Dustin. “Did you see that smile he gave you?”

  Max ignored the comment. “Logan, please,” Max said. “I want to help you. Even if it means helping you with Jesse. I want you to be happy.”

  “Let’s talk about Emmett,” Logan said. “How is he? With his father’s death and all.”

  “He’s coping. They weren’t particularly close, but I think it’s still affecting him.”

  “I’m sure,” Logan said, drinking his wine.

  “So you’re not going to tell me what happened between you and Jesse?”

  “Let’s discuss the fundraiser,” Logan replied, opening the folder on the table next to him. “We have a lot to finalize here.” Logan turned the folder around and handed it across the table to Max.

  Later that evening, Cole and David were walking down Roscoe Street toward Cole’s apartment. Holding hands, they paused at the front gate of Cole’s apartment complex.

  “Thanks for a great day,” Cole said. “I really had a great time.”

  David smiled. “I’m glad. We usually seem to have a good time together.”

  “We do,” Cole agreed. “Well, it’s getting late so I better head inside.”

  “I need to get home, too. Thanks again.”

  Cole and David hugged and then stood facing one another. David leaned in and kissed Cole, who welcomed the kiss. They wrapped their arms around each other and embraced as their kiss continued. Eventually, they pulled apart.

  “Good night,” Cole said, smiling widely and then heading inside the gate.

  “Night,” David replied.

  Cole entered the front door of his apartment building and David continued to walk down Roscoe Street, both of them unaware of Derek watching them from the living room window of his condo building across the street.

  As the next morning dawned, it brought bright sunshine which glistened on the snow piled up along sidewalks and streets. The sunshine streamed into Max and Emmett’s bedroom window above the restaurant and club.

  Emmett was just waking up and rolled over toward his sleeping fiancé. He softly kissed Max’s chest and ran his hand down the side of Max’s body. Pulling the sheets out of his way, Emmett got between Max’s legs. He licked his way up Max’s leg.

  Max began to wake up from his deep sleep. He looked down at Emmett, his dick growing immediately hard. Max smiled at Emmett and placed his hands on the back of Emmett’s head. Pushing down, Max forced Emmett’s mouth further down on him.

  Digging his fingers into Emmett’s shoulders, Max prepared to shoot. Emmett wrapped his hand around Max’s thick tool and continued to suck the head. Max squirmed more, moaning loudly. “Oh, Emmett…” Max let out another loud moan as he shot down Emmett’s throat.

  “Thanks, babe,” Max said with a smile.

  Emmett laughed. “Good morning.”

  “Sure is,” Max replied as he put his arm around Emmett and held him tightly.

  “Derek wanted me to talk something over with you. About the family business.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I want to turn my quarter of the company over to him.”


  “And he said it’s too big of a decision to make without thinking more about it and talking with you.”

  “Well, he does have a point. That’s a lot to give up.”

  “I wanted nothing to do with the business before. Why should that change now?”

  “I’m not sure it has to change. However, before you weren’t a part owner and now you are. There’s a lot more at stake. Financially and otherwise.”

  “What would you do if you were me?”

  “Emmett, you know I would never tell you what to do. I’ll back whatever decision you make.”

  “You’re my fiancé, I want your opinion.”

  “Maybe there’s a middle ground? I’m just thinking out loud here, but what if you gave Derek your proxy to make decisions and vote for you, but you still maintain your ownership. It might be nice to have a share of the profits since we’re just starting a business out, which is always risky.”

  “Interesting idea. Handsome and bright – no wonder I love you.”

  “It’s just a thought. Seems like a nice middle-ground, for now. You can always sign over your quarter at any time in the future if you still want to.”

  “I agree,” Emmett said, kissing Max’s chest. “I’m sure I’ll hear from Justin either way. He won’t be happy about this.”

  “It’s your decision to make, not his.”

  “I know,” Emmett said, glancing at the clock. “We should get downstairs; the crew will be here soon.”

  Max rolled over and got out of bed, the sun shining through the window on his hard body. He picked up his phone from the night table. “Hmm. Message from Jacqueline. She wants to meet me for lunch. Says it’s urgent.”

  “Urgent?” Emmett asked as he stepped out of bed. “Wonder what that’s all about?”

  “You okay with me meeting her? Can you handle things downstairs while I’m gone?”

  “Of course, no problem. Sounds like it’s important.”

  “You’re the best.” Max said with a smile. “Want to shower with me?”

  “I’m in,” Emmett said, following Max into the bathroom.

  While Emmett and Max showered, Jensen woke up in the basement store room of the restaurant below them. Wrapped in a blanket and lying along the wall, Jensen stretched out his arms and wiped his eyes. Then he sat up and looked around the dark room.

  At the same time, Cole was seated at a table at the Walnut Room in Macy’s State Street store. His server poured him another glass of water and then walked away from the table as Jacqueline arrived.

  “Mrs. Morgan,” Cole said, rising from his chair to greet Jacqueline with a kiss on the
cheek. “Thanks for coming.”

  “How could I say ‘no’ to a breakfast invitation from such a handsome man?”

  Cole smiled. “Well, thank you.” Jacqueline took her seat and then Cole sat back down. “Remember the last time we were here? Thanksgiving weekend.”

  “I do,” Jacqueline said, putting her napkin in her lap. “That was fun.”

  “This room seems so empty without the Christmas tree.”

  Jacqueline looked in the direction of where the large tree once stood. “It does.”

  The waiter returned to the table. “Good morning. May I bring you something to drink?”

  “I’m okay with water for now,” Jacqueline replied. “Thank you.”

  The waiter nodded and walked away.

  “I’m sure you’re wondering why I asked you here to breakfast.”

  Jacqueline smiled. “I am.”

  “It’s about Jesse.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “Actually, yes. You two aren’t speaking. And that’s wrong.”

  “That’s between my son and me, Cole.”

  “I know, Mrs. Morgan.” Cole leaned forward. “I know what happened and what you saw in that hotel room on New Year’s Eve.”

  “It was disgusting.”

  “I’m sorry. But you have to understand Jesse’s motives. He didn’t know what else to do to get you away from Ben.”

  “How about telling me the truth? Would that have been so hard?”

  “He didn’t think you’d believe him. He wanted you to literally see the kind of person Ben is.”

  “Oh, I did. But I saw my son as well.”

  “What he did, he did out of love for you. You are the most important person in his life. He was desperate to get through to you.”

  “I’m sorry he had so little trust in me that he couldn’t just tell me what was going on.”

  “Like I said, he didn’t think you’d believe him.” Cole took a sip of water. “You are his only parent. And he’s your only child, at least for the next few months. Do you really want to live without him in your life?”

  “What he did was unforgivable.”

  “You’re his mother. And I know you, Mrs. Morgan. You have a huge heart and a large capacity to love. He said you texted a short sentence to him the other day. That shows you still care about him. Reach out to him again. Talk to him.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t. It’s just too hard. I can’t get those images out of my head.”

  “Maybe if you talk to Jesse. Tell him how you feel. He’s been trying so hard to reach you.”

  “I feel betrayed and I can’t get over it.”

  “Mrs. Morgan, my mother is very sick. Every day is a struggle and a blessing. I know how special a relationship with a parent is, because I could lose it any day. Don’t waste time being separate from Jesse. You two can get through this together -- and come out of it closer than you have ever been.”

  “I appreciate what you’re trying to do,” Jacqueline said, forcing a smile. “I really do. But this is between my son and me. No one else.”

  “Please just think about that I said.”

  “I will try, but I can’t promise anything. Now tell me more about how your mother is doing.”

  The waiter returned to the table and Jacqueline and Cole placed their breakfast orders.

  Cole updated Jacqueline on the health of his mother as Derek entered David’s office in St. Joseph Hospital’s wellness center.

  “Derek,” David said, looking up from this desk. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine, thanks,” Derek said, closing the office door behind him. “Do you have time to see me?”

  “I don’t have you in my appointment calendar for today.”

  “This isn’t a professional visit; it’s personal.”

  “Oh?” David said, gesturing Derek to take a seat.

  “I’m fine standing,” Derek said. “I want to ask you a question. What’s going on with you and Cole?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I saw the two of you last night out in front of his apartment. What is going on with you two?”

  David stood up. “I’m not really sure it’s any of your business, Derek.”

  “The hell it isn’t. You know that Cole and I are involved.”

  “Involved? How so? Maybe you need to explain that more clearly.”

  “You know what I mean. You saw that video like everyone else did.”

  “So it’s true? Does Joyelle know?”

  “You know she has amnesia. Don’t play games with me.”

  “Games aren’t my style, Derek. But they certainly seem to be yours. I am free to spend my time with whomever I choose.”

  “I don’t care who you play with as long as it’s not Cole.”

  “Because he’s yours?”

  “Yes. Because we are working things out between us. They are complicated.”

  “Well, of course, they are. Because you are married to Joyelle, who has no memories of the night that your supposed love for Cole was exposed. And because you refuse to make a decision about who you really want to be with.”


  “Derek, what you do with your free time is your business, not mine. Just like my free time is my business. And I’ll spend it any way I want…with anyone I want.”

  “I’m telling you to stay away from Cole.”

  “Cole’s a big boy. He doesn’t need your protection…or your dysfunction. If he wants me to stay away from him, he can tell me himself. Now I think you should leave; this conversation is over and I have a patient waiting who actually has an appointment with me.”

  “Just stay away from him,” Derek repeated as he left the office. David shook his head in disbelief and sat back down at his desk.

  When lunch time approached, Max headed to The Drake Hotel to meet Jacqueline. As he entered the Coq d’Or lounge in the hotel’s lower level, he saw Jacqueline already seated at a table. He walked over, greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, and sat down across from her.

  “It’s good to see you,” Max said. “It’s been too long. How are you?”

  “I apologize for the cryptic message, but I have to be very cautious these days.”

  “Cautious? Why?”

  “That’s the reason for this lunch. I wanted to warn you about Shawn…Ben.”

  “What about him?”

  “He’s dangerous. You need to be careful.”

  “Dangerous? He’s been doing great work on my new restaurant. What are you talking about?”

  “He’s a dangerous man. You don’t really know him. I want you to release him from the construction project...for your own safety.”

  “Jacqueline, forgive me, but you’re not making sense. Is there something you’re not telling me? Because I have found him to be a responsible worker.”

  “Something happened. On New Year’s Eve.”

  “Tell me,” Max said.

  “It was horrible. I can’t believe Logan didn’t tell you.”

  “Logan? What’s he got to do with this?”

  “He was there.”


  “With me at the hotel room.”

  “What hotel room? Jacqueline, please. You’re not making things clear.”

  “On New Year’s Eve during the party, I received a text that Jesse needed to see me right away in one of the hotel rooms. Logan had been looking everywhere for Jesse and happened to be standing with me when the text came through. We thought something might be wrong, so we went to the hotel room together.”


  Jacqueline’s eyes filled with tears. “When we arrived, the door to the room was unlocked. We went in…and…”


  “And saw Ben and Jesse having sex.”

  “Wait, what?”

  Jacqueline wiped the tears from her eyes. “It’s true. When Logan and I walked in, my husband was on top of my son. And then security arrived telling us to vacate the building.”

  A waiter walked over to their table. “Good afternoon. Welcome. May I get either one of you drink to start?”

  “A club soda, please,” Jacqueline said.

  “I’ll have a vodka on the rocks.”

  “Thank you,” the waiter said. “I’ll be right back with those.” Then he walked away.

  “My God, Jacqueline. Why haven’t you told me this sooner? Why are you still with Shawn?”

  “That’s my business,” Jacqueline said.

  “Of course,” Max said. “I didn’t mean to over step.” Max paused a moment. “Have you two talked about it?”

  “Yes, several times. He blames it all on Jesse.”

  “How so?”

  “Apparently, Jesse and Ben were lovers before I met Ben. When Jesse broke up with him, Ben took it really hard. He came after me as an act of revenge against Jesse, but says he wound up actually falling in love with me.”

  “Do you believe him?”

  “I don’t know what to believe.” The waiter returned and placed the drinks on the table in front of Jacqueline and Max. Jacqueline took a large sip of her drink before continuing to speak. “Jesse set up the whole scene in the hotel room to prove to me what kind of person Ben really is. There were cameras and everything.”


  “Oh, yes. In fact, Ben made me re-watch the whole nightmare to prove to me that he was the victim of Jesse’s set-up.”

  “And was he?”

  “It is true that Jesse set up the whole thing. Cameras and all. But it only worked because Ben went along with it, rather than leaving. So they’re both responsible. I haven’t spoken to Jesse since.”

  “I don’t believe this.”

  “I haven’t spoken to anyone about this, except Ben. I know I can trust you. And I want to protect you as well. He’s reckless and unstable. Don’t put your new business in his hands.”

  “You want me to fire him?”

  “I think it’s best.”

  “But you’re staying with him? Has he done something to you? Is he holding something over you?”

  “I’m carrying his child,” Jacqueline said. “I don’t like him right now. And I don’t trust him. But he is the father of my child.”