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Boystown Season Four Page 15

“So when did you come out?” Jensen asked Hugo as they continued their walk.

  “I didn’t,” Hugo replied.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I’m not out. I’m not even sure I’m gay.” Hugo paused for a moment, then continued. “What I mean is that I’m not sure if I’m gay or bi.”

  “Got it.”

  Hugo put his arm around Jensen. “I didn’t mean to scare you there. Don’t worry; I think you’re very cute.”

  “Thank you,” Jensen said, smiling. “Have you talked with your parents about your sexuality?”

  “Well, I don’t really know or talk to my mom. I guess you could say I was an accident. My dad has got full custody of me.”

  “I can relate to that. I haven’t spoken to my parents in ages. They threw me out when they found out that I was gay.”

  “I’m sorry,” Hugo said.

  “It sucked, but I learned a lot living on my own. I learned how to navigate the streets and it made me grow up faster. And then Emmett and Max took me in a while back.”

  “That’s cool.”

  “I’m very lucky and I’m very grateful to them, especially Emmett. He’s the best.”

  “He seems cool.”

  “So does your dad know about you at all?”

  Hugo laughed. “No way.”

  “Uh oh...”

  “You have to understand something. My dad is always on my ass. Pushing me to do this and pushing me to do that. Always insisting I’m the best. The best student, the best athlete, the best kid. Nothing is ever good enough.”

  “Not even being the Notre Dame quarterback?”

  “Not even that. There’s always something else he wants me to do or to achieve. Being gay isn’t part of his vision for me.”

  “But Michael’s gay, his own brother.”

  “My dad and my uncle have a unique history. On again, off again.”

  “So he’s not cool with Michael being gay?”

  “I don’t think he cares, but that’s his brother, not his son. I don’t think it would be allowed for me.”

  “But surely he wants you to be happy.”

  “He wants me to be happy being the son he wants me to be. My opinion doesn’t hold a whole lot of weight.”

  “That stinks.”

  They stopped walking when they reached the Lake Shore Drive underpass to take in the view of the skyline.

  “The boats will soon be back in the harbor. A sure sign that summer is on the way. The city looks amazing from here,” Jensen said.

  Hugo faced Jensen and put his hands on his shoulders. “So do you.” He leaned forward and kissed Jensen softly. Then he hugged Jensen tightly. “Come on; it’s getting late. I’ll walk you home.”

  Hand in hand, they walked through the underpass, emerging on inner Lake Shore Drive, and then continued walking in the direction of Emmett’s condo. As they approached Dustin’s apartment building, Jensen stopped walking.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Wait,” Jensen said quietly.

  They watched as Max exited the front of Dustin’s apartment building and hailed a taxicab. After a moment, a cab pulled over, picked Max up, and drove away.

  “Wasn’t that Max?” Hugo asked. “I met him at the party earlier.”

  “Yes,” Jensen replied. “And that’s Dustin’s apartment building.”

  “You seem upset. Is something wrong?”

  “Nothing I can’t take care of,” Jensen said. He turned to Hugo and kissed him. “Come on, let’s walk.”

  As Hugo walked Jensen home, David walked down the hospital hallway to talk to Tyler, who was standing at the nurses’ station.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Tyler asked.

  “How’s Joyelle?”

  “We’re still waiting to hear. They’re running a bunch of tests. Derek’s still downstairs waiting.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

  “Is that why you’re here?”

  “It’s one of the reasons. I wanted to check on you, too. Make sure you’re okay.”

  “Once I know Joyelle is okay, I’ll be fine.”

  “And what about all the other stuff from earlier.”

  “Honestly, I haven’t even had a moment to think about that yet,” Tyler said.

  David smiled. “Funny. That’s all I’ve been able to think about. So I’m going home. Tonight.”


  “I’m driving to see my parents.”

  “It’s the middle of the night,” Tyler said.

  “Actually, it’s early morning now. And it’ll be afternoon by the time I get there. I need to talk to them. To see if all of this is true.”

  “At least your parents are alive to ask. I wish mine were.”

  “I know, bro,” David said, stopping himself on the word “bro.” “You know, I’m not sure how I feel about all this news -- if it’s true -- but the one thing that I’m happiest about is that you’re really and truly my brother.”

  Tyler smiled. “Me, too.” He hugged David. “We’ve been through a lot together already.”

  “And we’ll get through this, too.”

  “Safe travels. And let me know what your parents say.”

  “Will do. And keep me posted on Joyelle.”

  “I’m headed down there right now.”

  “Great,” David said. “I’ll ride down with you.” David put his arm around Tyler and they walked to the elevators.

  Upon reaching the first floor, Tyler patted David on the back and watched him head toward the parking garage. Then Tyler turned toward the waiting room.

  Mateo saw him and caught up with him. “Tyler. I was just coming to find you. And Derek. We have the results back from Joyelle’s tests.”


  “Come on,” Mateo said. “Let’s go to Derek.”

  Tyler and Mateo walked down the hall and entered the waiting area. Upon seeing them, Derek stood up from his chair.

  “Is there any news?”

  “Yes,” Mateo said smiling. “I’m happy to report that the tests are all done. Joyelle and the baby are both completely fine.”

  “The baby?” Derek asked.

  Derek and Tyler looked at each other as Mateo realized he had just delivered more news than he had intended. Sometimes a person’s facial expression reveals his innermost emotions.

  Episode #37

  Sometimes, failed plans lead to renewed determination. When life doesn’t work out the way people hope, they often recommit to their goals and relationships in the never-ending quest for happiness and fulfillment.

  As Jesse Morgan stepped out of the shower in Logan Pryce’s condo, he dried himself off, wrapped the towel around his waist, and walked down the hallway into the kitchen. He grabbed a cup from the cupboard and poured himself some coffee from the freshly brewed pot he had made earlier.

  Sitting down at the counter, he ran his hand over his semi-wet hair and thought about all the ways he tried to support Logan and help him move forward from the fire, the burn scars, and the drinking. So far, nothing had seemed to work.

  He looked behind him to make sure that Logan wasn’t around and then stood up. He walked across the room to where Logan’s briefcase was hanging from a doorknob. Again, he looked around to make sure he was alone; then he opened the briefcase and looked inside. After fumbling around a bit, he paused as his hands felt something in the bottom of the case. He grabbed it and pulled it out to look at it -- an empty wine bottle. Disappointed, Jesse looked at the bottle and then looked toward the bedroom where Logan was still asleep.

  At the same time at St. Joseph Hospital, Tyler Bennett and Mateo Martinez stood outside Joyelle Mancini’s hospital room talking.

  “I’m so sorry,” Mateo said. “I didn’t realize her pregnancy wasn’t known. I just assumed Derek would be thrilled to know the baby was okay.”

  “It’s understandable,” Tyler said.

  “I didn’t realize you two were together or that no one knew about the baby.”
  “It’s okay,” Tyler said. “Like you said, you didn’t know. I just don’t want him upsetting her in there.” Tyler pointed toward Joyelle’s room.

  Inside, Derek Mancini was confronting his ex-wife.

  “How could you do it?” he asked angrily as Joyelle sat up in the bed. “You deliberately waited until after the divorce to tell me you were pregnant.”

  “That’s not true,” Joyelle said, running her fingers over the bruise on her forehead.

  “It is and you know it. Even after all we went through losing the twins, you’d be so low as to keep this pregnancy from me?”


  “Well, I have news for you. I’m going to talk to Vince Provenzano and see if there is anything I can do to un-do it.”

  “Derek, please,” Joyelle said. “Why make things worse? We are divorced; it’s best for both of us.”

  “For you and Tyler maybe. But not for me and certainly not for our child.”


  “No, Joy. Who the hell do you think you are? Why do you think you get to decide what’s best for our son?”

  “Because it’s not yours!”

  Angrily, Derek nearly responded vocally, but instead grabbed the plastic water pitcher from the counter in front of him and hurled it against the wall. As water splashed everywhere, Joyelle screamed and Tyler and Mateo rushed into the room.

  “What is the matter with you?” Joyelle yelled.

  “That’s it,” Mateo said, grabbing Derek firmly. “You’re out of here.”

  Tyler wrapped his arms around Joyelle. “Are you okay?”

  “Get him out of here.”

  “You can’t keep that child from me!” Derek yelled as Mateo dragged him from the room.

  Joyelle started to cry and Tyler tried to calm her. “It’s going to be okay. Everything will be okay.” Joyelle held tightly to him as he looked through the room window into the hallway and watched Mateo taking Derek away.

  A few miles south of the hospital, Gino Ciancio was sitting on his bed in his white bathrobe. He could hear the shower running in the adjoining bathroom as he sat quietly. After a moment, the shower stopped and Justin Mancini stepped into the bedroom holding a white towel.

  “Damn,” Gino said from the bed. “Even after the night you’ve had, you’re still smoking hot.”

  Justin smiled. “It feels amazing to have the filth from that cell off of me.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Good to be home,” Justin said, climbing onto the bed next to Gino. “What a night. I know I should be worried, but I’m just too exhausted to be.”

  “You have no need to be worried,” Gino declared. “Sam and I will take care of everything. We know you didn’t try to kill your brother. We have plenty of witnesses who can corroborate that you never left the fundraiser on the night he was shot. It’ll be okay.”

  “But how did someone get my gun without me even knowing about it? It’s pretty damning evidence.”

  “And far too obvious. Do they really think you would shoot Derek and leave the gun in the yard nearby? Babe, you’re being set up.” Gino wrapped his arms around his naked fiancé, who put his head on Gino’s shoulder.

  “By who?”

  “That’s what I intend to find out. I don’t want you to worry; we are going to get these charges dropped.”

  “Thank you for everything you did tonight. Calling Sam, arranging bail, even just being there.”

  “I love you, Justin.”

  “I love you, too,” Justin replied, kissing Gino.

  “I don’t want you to worry about anything. Sam is looking into things today and we’ll meet with him when he has some news. In the meantime, I need to talk to my brother and sort through the mess he caused at the party after we left.” Justin didn’t reply. “Babe?” Gino looked down at Justin to find him sound asleep. Gino smiled and held him tightly. “Sleep, Justin. You’ve earned it.” Gino then closed his own eyes.

  As Gino and Justin slept through the morning, Emmett Mancini and Max Taylor were starting their day wrapped up in each other’s arms in bed in Derek’s guest bedroom. Max’s hard, muscled body weighed heavily on top of Emmett as he drilled deep into his boyfriend.

  Kissing Max’s neck and shoulders, Emmett’s fingers dug deep into his fiancé’s back. Moaning as Max pushed deeper into him, Emmett spread his legs widely, eventually putting them over Max’s shoulders.

  Max kissed Emmett’s soft feet and legs as the throbbing head of his dick searched for the perfect spot to plant its seed. Close to erupting, Emmett’s dick was hard against Max’s abs. Each time Max moved, Emmett edged closer to climaxing.

  Max looked deep into Emmett’s eyes. “I love you,” he whispered as he kissed him deeply, his tongue exploring Emmett’s mouth.

  Emmett ran his hands over Max’s head and then grabbed his shoulders firmly as he shot a large mess between their bodies.

  Paying no attention to the sticky goo between them, Max prepared to shoot into Emmett, who looked up into his eyes and smiled widely. Planting one last kiss on Emmett’s lip, Max filled him with a large, thick load.

  Emmett ran his feet up and down the back of Max’s legs as his body relaxed. “I love you,” he told Max.

  “I love you, too,” Max declared, rolling over onto this back. “You are so damn sexy.”

  Emmett sat up and then playfully jumped out of bed. “Round two in the shower?” He smiled and disappeared into the bathroom. Max laughed softly and chased Emmett into the restroom.

  After fucking Emmett once again in the shower, Max washed off and stepped back into the bedroom to dry off and pull on a pair of sweat pants. Emmett did the same.

  They headed into the kitchen and Emmett poured them each a cup of hot coffee from the coffee maker they had programmed the night before. Then they took their seats at the breakfast counter and started reviewing some paperwork and designs for the restaurant.

  “So construction is actually ahead of schedule?” Emmett asked. “When does that ever happen in Chicago?”

  Max laughed. “Right? Depends on who you know. We probably owe your brother Derek for that. In any event, we have to begin picking out finishes -- for the condo upstairs and the club and restaurant, too. Obviously, we’re going with the same design and look for the public spaces, but Dustin wants to know if there’s anything from the first design that you want to change or adjust.”

  “Not really,” Emmett said. “I think things were looking pretty great the night of the fundraiser. If we can get another booth on the north wall, I think that would be cool. Otherwise, I think we’re good.”

  “Well, take some time to look these over and then let him know.”

  “How is Dustin?” Jensen Stone asked as entered the kitchen.

  “He’s fine,” Max said. “Why do you ask?”

  “Good morning,” Emmett stated.

  “Morning,” Jensen said as he took his protein powder out of a cabinet and started to make himself a shake. “Just wondering. I know he’s been working hard overseeing the rebuild.”

  “He’s doing great,” Max said. “We are ahead of schedule.”

  “Fantastic,” Jensen said. “I can’t wait to get back to work.” Jensen walked over to Max and Emmett and sat down at the counter with them. “Since you’re both here together, I’m wondering if I could talk to you for a moment.”

  “Sure,” Emmett said.

  “I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said about going to college and I’ve decided that I’d really like to try it.”

  “That’s great,” Max said.

  “This has nothing to do with a certain someone you met last night, does it?” Emmett asked, smiling.

  Jensen blushed a bit. “Maybe. But seriously, I have been thinking about it a lot. I looked up when the ACT is being offered and I can sign up for it right away.”

  “Well, I did call a few friends about this -- at DePaul and Northwestern -- as I promised I would. They are willing to meet with you and even
hold a place for you, pending your test scores.”

  “Shit, that’s incredible. Those are both great schools.”

  “They are,” Emmett agreed. “Just don’t tell Derek. He’s got Michigan tunnel vision.”

  “I think I’d be happy at either place. And they are both local which is great.”

  “But your friend from last night is going to Notre Dame,” Max said.

  “I told you that he’s just a part of my decision.”

  “Besides, Notre Dame is only ninety minutes away with no traffic,” Emmett added. “You two could still see each other.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Jensen said. “We only just met last night.”

  “But you’ll see each other again, right?” Emmett asked, excited.

  “Yes,” Jensen replied. “I would like to meet with your friends at the universities.”

  “Not a problem. I’ll call them today and set up meetings for you.”

  “Thank you so much. Both of you.”

  “This is exciting,” Max said. “I’m happy for you.”

  “Thank you,” Jensen said. “Hey, will you be at the restaurant site later today? I have something I want to ask you.”

  Max seemed puzzled. “Why don’t you just ask me now?”

  “It’ll be better at the restaurant. I need to see the layout again before I ask my question.”

  “Okay, sure. I’ll be there this afternoon. Come on over any time before five. I have a meeting after that.”

  “And I’ll let you know as soon as I get in touch with the colleges.”

  “Perfect,” Jensen said, raising his shake cup. “Here’s to the future.” Emmett and Max raised their coffee cups and touched them to Jensen’s cup in a toast.

  Across the street at his own apartment, Cole O’Brien was getting ready to go to the gym. Wearing only a pair of gym shorts and flip flops, he searched the living room for his gym bag. Seeing it on the floor near the bathroom doorway, he grabbed it and brought it over to the kitchen counter. He put the bag down and then gulped down what remained of the protein drink he had made earlier.

  The TV was on in the living room and Cole watched from the kitchen as the news reported Justin’s arrest for attempting to kill his brother. Reporters were standing in front of Mancini Global’s new Chicago headquarters.