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Boystown Season Three Page 18

  Derek reached down and scooped up some of Cole’s cum, applying it to his own cock as lube. Then he spread Cole’s hips wider and prepared to shoot inside of him.

  With a powerful thrust that forced Cole to yell out, Derek exploded inside of Cole. He pushed further and further, ensuring that every drop made its way into Cole. Then he leaned forward to kiss Cole one final time before pulling out of him.

  Derek rolled over onto his back next to Cole and both men rested for a moment, looking up at the ceiling.

  “It gets hotter and hotter each time,” Cole said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

  “No one is ever going to take you from me.”

  Cole rolled over and kissed Derek’s chest. “You have nothing to worry about. I’ve been yours since that first night in Boston.”

  Derek smiled and said, “That’s as it should be.” Then he kissed Cole and wrapped his arm around him.

  A few blocks away at Boystown Blend, Keith took the two cups of coffee he had ordered from the counter and walked to a table in the back corner of the coffee shop. He sat down and then looked around at the other customers in the room. Then he removed the small bottle from his pocket and poured some of its contents into one of the coffee cups. Returning the bottle to his pocket, Keith pushed the poisoned coffee across the table to where Emmett would be sitting.

  A few moments later, Emmett came into the shop. He scanned the place looking for Keith and, upon seeing him, walked over to the table. Keith stood up and they hugged each other before both taking a seat at the table.

  “I got you some coffee,” Keith said, nodding toward the cup.

  “Great, thanks,” Emmett said. “It’s so cold out.”

  “I know.”

  “So what’s up? You said you had something you wanted to talk about.”

  “I do, but first I wanted to see how you are...with everything that happened yesterday.”

  “Oh, I’m okay, I guess,” Emmett said, taking a drink from his coffee cup. “It’s crazy but I’m coping.”

  “Max is a father. It’s almost unbelievable.”

  Emmett took another drink of his coffee. “No, it’s real. Jacqueline kept it from him all these years.

  “Well, if you need anything, I’m here for you,” Keith said.

  “Thank you; I appreciate that. Now what else did you want to ask me about?”

  “I heard all about the fundraiser you guys are hosting and I would like to help out with whatever you need. Sounds like a great cause and Michael and I want to support it in any way we can.”

  “Oh, great. Logan and Jesse have really been the ones planning it. Max and I are just providing the venue. But I’m sure they could use the help, especially since Jesse is hurt. I’ll let them know.”

  “Sounds good,” Keith said, watching Emmett drink more of his coffee. Emmett finished his drink quickly as Keith took a sip from his own cup.

  Keith and Emmett wrapped up their conversation as Joyelle finished loading her freshly-baked cookies into two large, round tins. Then she grabbed some ribbon and tied it around each tin, topping them off with large bows.

  She walked over to the closet and removed her winter coat, scarf, hat, and gloves. Bundling up for the cold weather outside, Joyelle picked up one of the cookie tins from the counter and headed outside to deliver the treats.

  At the hospital, Logan and Jacqueline got out of the elevator and headed down the hallway toward Jesse’s room.

  “Fate really has thrust the two of us together lately,” Jacqueline said with a smile.

  “That’s for sure.”

  “Maybe this is an unfair question, but do you think you’ll ever be able to forgive my son for what he did?”

  “No one knows better than you how horrible it was seeing him in the hotel room that night.”

  “It’s been hard to completely put out of my mind,” Jacqueline admitted. “But he is my son and I’m realizing now that shutting him out wasn’t probably the best way for me to respond. He’s a good person with a good heart.”

  “And how many second chances do we get in life?” Logan asked. “So, yes, I am trying to forgive him and move forward. I’m just so grateful that he’s going to be okay.”

  “Navigating all of this isn’t going to be easy. For you or me or Max.”

  “Or Emmett. But we’ll have to figure it all out. The main thing is that we get to take Jesse home today. He’s safe and he’s going to be fine.”

  When they reached Jesse’s room, they entered it. The room was dark and there was no sign of Jesse. His hospital bed was empty and the window blinds were closed. Jacqueline and Logan exchanged glances of confusion.

  Logan turned to the bathroom door and opened it. Looking inside, he saw Tyler lying on the floor unconscious. Wearing only his underwear, Tyler’s mouth was covered with duct tape and his hands and feet were bound with duct tape as well.

  “Oh, my God,” Logan said, kneeling down next to Tyler’s body. “Call the nurse.”

  Jacqueline stepped into the hallway and yelled for a nurse. One rushed from the nurse’s station to the room.

  “What is it?” she asked and then saw Tyler on the floor. “Oh, no. What happened?”

  “Where’s my son?” Jacqueline asked. “My God, where’s Jesse?”

  While Jacqueline panicked over her son’s whereabouts, Derek was sitting on the end of Cole’s bed, pulling on his pants, socks, and boots. With his arms wrapped around Derek, Cole sat behind him kissing his neck and massaging his chest, as he did on the very first night they met in Boston so long ago.

  “Thanks for coming by,” Cole said. “Great surprise and great way to start the day.”

  “We needed to talk,” Derek replied.

  “I’m not sure we did much talking.”

  Derek turned around and kissed Cole. “True. But we did clarify who you belong to. Nice shirt, by the way.”

  “Mmm,” Cole said with a smile. “You’re the only one who could ever get me to wear a Michigan shirt.”

  “Well, don’t expect me to start wearing a Notre Dame one just yet,” Derek said. “And you can tell David and anyone else to back off. You’re with me.”

  “No arguments from me,” Cole said, getting up from the bed and pulling on his t-shirt and underwear while stepping into his flip flops. “But you need to handle things with your wife.”

  “I’ll handle all of it,” Derek said, standing up and pulling on his shirt. “Now I have to get back to the office.”

  Derek got up and walked back into the living room with Cole following him. Cole helped Derek put on his overcoat and then kissed him.

  “We’ll talk soon,” Derek said, heading out of the apartment after giving Cole one final kiss.

  Cole closed the door behind Derek, smiling at all that had just occurred between them. Then he looked down and noticed Derek’s wallet lying on the floor. “Oh, shit.” He grabbed the wallet and headed out the door to catch Derek.

  As Derek emerged from Cole’s apartment building, Joyelle exited her condo building across the street. Cookies in hand, she took a few steps down the walkway and stopped when she noticed Derek on the apartment stairs. She was about to call out to him when Cole ran out, carrying the wallet. She noticed the Michigan t-shirt, which she had delivered to Cole’s hospital room months before at Derek’s request.

  “Wait, you forgot this,” Cole said, handing the wallet to Derek.

  Derek took it from Cole. “Oh, thanks, stud.”

  Joyelle watched as Cole kissed Derek. Suddenly, her mind flooded with images. One by one, they raced across her mind’s eye. Cole jumping on her as the limousine exploded. Derek racing after her as she rushed from the New Year’s Eve party. The video of Derek telling Cole that he loved him. Being held in Tyler’s arms and kissing him. Tyler telling her that Cole had Derek’s wedding ring. Delivering the Michigan t-shirt to Cole in the hospital.

  Cole turned and went back into his apartment as Derek continued down the stairs and turned onto the sidew
alk. Joyelle dropped the cookie tin, which popped open sending cookies in all directions. And Joyelle stood silently in the cold, tears streaming down her face. One’s memories define her character and purpose.

  Episode #28

  The search for a missing person often leads to unexpected discoveries. During the course of his career, Officer Michael Martinez had investigated numerous incidents involving missing people. From worried parents whose children were simply late arriving home from school to hostages being held for ransom, the situations that Michael had examined during his career were varied and often challenging as well.

  Beginning his newest investigation, Michael stood in the corner of the hospital office with his arms folded, the Chicago skyline visible through the window behind him. He was questioning Tyler Bennett, who sat dressed in scrubs and holding an ice pack to the back of his head. Jacqueline Morgan Donovan and Logan Pryce stood off to the side, their eyes focused on Tyler.

  “Why don’t we start with what you remember?” Michael asked. “Take your time.”

  “I went into Jesse’s room to check on him and prepare him for his release. The room was dark and the blinds were closed. He looked like he was asleep. I gathered his clothes and other items that we had taken off him when he was admitted to the hospital and placed them on the counter. Then I went into the bathroom to pour the juice that was left in his cup down the drain. I felt something hit the back of my head. And that’s the last thing I remember until you found me on the bathroom floor taped up.”

  “You didn’t see or hear anyone else in the room with Jesse and you?”

  “No,” Tyler said.

  “And what are you missing besides your scrubs?”

  “Just my hospital name badge and card key.”

  “Do you have any idea where my son could be?”

  Tyler looked at Jacqueline. “I’m sorry; I don’t.”

  “What about tracking the use of Tyler’s card key?” Logan asked.

  “We did,” Michael said. “It was used to access a restricted elevator and exit about half an hour before you found Tyler in the bathroom. They also found an abandoned wheel chair near that hospital exit. Jesse’s belongings, some sedatives, and some syringes are missing from his hospital room as well. And we have checked the hospital’s security cameras. They don’t provide a clear view of that part of hallway for us.”

  Tyler put the ice pack into his lap. “I wish I could be of more help.”

  “You’ve been very helpful,” Michael replied. “One of my guys can get you home if you need a ride. Assuming the doctor has cleared you to go.”

  “He has. It’s just a small bump on my head. I’ll live,” Tyler said with a smile. “Just need to get my clothes from my locker downstairs.”

  “Get some rest,” Logan said.

  “And if you think of anything else, please let me know,” Michael added.

  Tyler stood up from the chair. “Of course.”

  “What do we do now?” Jacqueline asked. “I’m sure Ben has something to do with this. He has to. You’ve got to find my son.”

  “We will. I know it’s not easy, but you need to try to stay calm. We are trying to locate your husband. You can help us by continuing to call him. But until we have more definite evidence, we have to cast a wider net. We can’t focus on your husband alone.”

  “Tyler, thank you,” Logan said.

  “Sure,” Tyler replied. “Good luck to all of you.”

  As Tyler was leaving the room, Max Taylor passed him and stopped in the doorway. “What is going on? I just came from Jesse’s room. It’s full of cops.”

  Jacqueline walked over and hugged Max. “Jesse’s gone.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Tyler was attacked earlier in Jesse’s room,” Logan explained, “and Jesse is missing. We think he has been kidnapped.”

  “Well, where’s the security around this place?” Max asked angrily as Jacqueline stepped back from him.

  “Don’t go getting all upset,” Michael said. “Your temper has gotten you in trouble before, remember?”

  “Don’t worry about my temper,” Max said. “Worry about finding my son.”

  “You saw my team in Jesse’s room. They are on it.”

  “Like you were when Emmett disappeared? We found him on our own, no thanks to you.”

  Clenching his fists, Michael took a few steps toward Max. “Look, Max--”

  Logan interrupted Michael. “Max, why don’t we take a walk and get some coffee?” Logan put his arms on Max’s shoulder and turned him toward the door.

  “That sounds like a great idea,” Michael said. “I’ll stay here until my team reports back.”

  Logan escorted Max from the room and walked him down the hall.

  “You need to calm down,” Logan said. “Otherwise, you’re not helping.”

  “He’s my son,” Max said.

  “So I’ve heard,” Logan replied. “Do you think that fact is going to magically change things between the two of you?”

  “What do you mean?” Max asked, as they reached the elevator.

  “You two can’t stand each other. You practically killed him. Now you’re referring to him as ‘my son.’”

  “I’m trying to wrap my head around it, I guess.”

  “You and me both,” Logan said. The elevator doors opened in front of them and they got inside.

  “I suppose it’s good we have some time alone to talk about this. You must be just as freaked out by the news as I was.”

  “Not nearly as upset as I was when I heard about you beating Jesse. What the hell were you thinking?”

  “What was I thinking? What were you thinking when you started dating that little shit? I heard what he did to you and his mother on New Year’s Eve. No wonder you have been upset and drinking. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I didn’t tell you because it’s none of your business. And I knew you’d try to ‘fix’ it for me because you always think you have to be my hero.”

  “Your hero?”

  “Like you always did during our entire relationship. Logan can’t do anything right so Max has to fix everything for him.”

  The elevator doors opened; Max and Logan walked out and headed toward the cafeteria.

  “Is that what you really think?” Max asked.

  “What I think? I lived it for all the years we were together,” Logan said as they entered the cafeteria. “So, no, I wasn’t going to tell you what happened on New Year’s Eve because I was trying to prevent something like this from happening. But it happened anyway, didn’t it? You were on a crusade.”

  “Wow,” Max said. “That’s quite an opinion you have of me.”

  “It doesn’t matter. The damage is done.”

  “Well, we need to work it all out.”

  “Jacqueline and I have realized that maybe we were too hard on Jesse. He did what he did to get her away from Ben. And while his plan was completely misguided, he was right about Ben.”

  “That’s true.”

  “So maybe we should have been more understanding. He’s stubborn and he’s cocky but he’s a good person with a big heart, too.”

  “He got that last part from his mother,” Max said with a smile.

  “And his father,” Logan added. “You’re a very good man, Max. There’s no question about that.”

  “Thank you,” Max said as the two approached the coffee counter. “So do you love him?”

  “Jesse?” Logan asked. “I can’t talk about that with you. You’re my ex and now you’re his father, too. Besides, I’m not sure what I feel right now.”

  “Fair enough. Let’s get some coffee and get back upstairs. I feel like I owe Michael an apology, too.”

  “You want to keep that one on your good side,” Logan said, jokingly. “He carries a gun.”

  Max laughed as they placed their orders before heading back upstairs to Michael and Jacqueline.

  At the restaurant, Emmett Mancini was showing Jensen Stone some
of the designs for the restaurant signage. Seated at a small table together, Emmett flipped through the design options, soliciting Jensen’s feedback.

  “That one’s really cool,” Jensen said. “Classic and retro.”

  Emmett smiled. “I like it, too. Max and I ranked them separately to see how our choices overlapped. Glad you agree with mine.”

  “Speaking of which, I should probably get out of here before he gets back. You guys have enough going on without having to deal with me.”

  “Where are you going to go?”

  “I have to work at the bar tonight. Then I’ll stay with a friend.”


  Jensen corrected Emmett. “Dancing.”

  “Haha, okay. Dancing. In any event, you still need a place to stay that’s more permanent. And I’ve been thinking. We’re in the process of hiring staff for the restaurant. Would you be interested in working for us? It’d certainly be more stable than what you’re doing now.”

  “Wow, I hadn’t even thought about that. Would Max be okay with it?”

  “Well, I’d have to talk to him about it. But you seem trainable to me,” Emmett said, jokingly.

  “Even a dog is trainable,” Jensen added with a smile.


  A knock came to the front door and both Emmett and Jensen looked up from the table to see Dustin Alexander pushing the door open.

  “Can I help you?” Emmett asked.

  “Hey guys,” Dustin said, stepping inside the restaurant. “I’m Dustin. Remember me from Boystown Bistro, Emmett?”

  “Oh, yes,” Emmett replied, getting up from his seat. “How are you?”

  “I’m good, thanks. I don’t want to interrupt but I have been passing by this place often and watching the progress you’re making. It looks fantastic.”

  “Thanks,” Emmett said.

  “I’m just wondering if you are looking for any help. Servers, greeters, bartenders?”

  “All of the above,” Emmett said, smiling.