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Boystown Season Three Page 22

  Carlo pointed at Gino. “And I told you to remember your loyalty to your family.”

  “I’m sorry, Father, but this fight cannot continue.”

  “That’s not for you to decide,” Marco stated. “I made that deal with Justin and he needs to comply with it.”

  “Their offer is a generous one,” Gino insisted. “And we are going to accept it.”

  “The hell we are,” Marco said.

  “I told you that I was going to put a stop to this and it stops now,” Gino said, looking directly at his twin. “Let me be clear. You caused that explosion that cost Derek his children and Justin his eyesight, at least for a while. Not to mention the life of the limousine driver. That is more than enough ‘payback.’ Either we take this deal or I go straight to the police.”

  “Are you out of your mind?” Marco asked.

  “You would turn against your own family?” Carlo asked. “I raised you better than that.”

  “Father, you taught us to know right from wrong and to do the right thing. At least one of us learned that lesson. That offer is more than generous and still gets us a nice piece of their company.”

  “I can’t believe I’m hearing this,” Marco said. “Are you trying to destroy our family?”

  “Actually, I’m trying to save it.”

  “That’s your opinion.”

  “Would you both prefer to run our company from a prison cell? Father, if you ever trusted me, please trust me today,” Gino said.

  “We may not have a choice today but to accept their offer,” Marco said. “But you can’t hold prison over our heads forever. Our time will come.”

  “Let’s take one thing at a time,” Gino said. “All that matters today is that we are taking their offer and putting this entire loan issue to rest. It’s over.”

  “For now,” Carlo said. “Only for now.”

  Gino left the room to ask the Mancini brothers to return.

  “This isn’t over,” Marco told his father. “Not by a long shot.”

  As Gino invited the Mancini brothers back into the conference room and signed the paperwork accepting their offer, Rachel Carson was in the bathroom of her hotel room. She stood in front of the mirror holding her home pregnancy test in her hand.

  “Come on, come on,” she mumbled, waiting for the results. She looked into the mirror and adjusted her hair. Then she looked back that the test, which was indicating a “negative” result. “Dammit,” she said, throwing the test into the garbage can.

  She walked out into the main area of the hotel room and picked up her phone. She dialed a number and waited for Keith to answer. Instead, she got his voicemail and left a message, “It’s me. Call me back with an update.” She threw the phone onto the bed, mumbling, “One way or another, I’m going to get what I want.”

  At the same time, David Young and Tyler were in their living room. David was getting ready for work while Tyler was sorting through some mail.

  “Hey, are you going to be home tonight?” David asked. “I may invite Cole over for dinner.”

  Tyler looked up from the mail. “In other words, get lost.”

  David laughed. “You are more than welcome to join us.”

  “Naw, I don’t like being a third wheel. Maybe I’ll see if Joyelle wants some company.”

  “How are things going with her?”

  “Depends who you ask,” Tyler said. “I had another run in with Derek. He caused a scene in the hospital cafeteria.”

  “Oh, brother,” David replied. “He really is a piece of work. I just don’t understand what Cole sees in him.”

  “Especially when he can have you, the perfect man,” Tyler said, jokingly.

  “Well, duh,” David added with a smile.

  “Has Cole said anything to you since Joyelle got her memories back?”

  “We have talked, just not about that.”

  “I’m wondering what Derek and he plan to do now.”

  David sighed. “Me, too. But I don’t intend to give up.”

  “Good, you shouldn’t.”

  “Things should be easier for Joyelle and you now, I’m assuming,” David added.

  “It’s going to take time,” Tyler replied. “But I’m optimistic. As long as Derek stays out of the way.”

  “Which you know he won’t,” David declared.

  “Well, then I may have to be a bit more aggressive where he’s concerned,” Tyler said. “I just don’t want to push Joyelle too hard. This is a lot for her to cope with.”

  “One day at a time,” David said. “It’ll work out.”

  “I like your optimism. And don’t worry about tonight. I’ll stay out of your way.”

  David smiled as he pulled on his coat to head to work. “Thanks.”

  Emmett was lying on the sofa in his living room with Joyelle seated at his feet. Joyelle pulled a blanket up over him.

  “Thanks for coming by,” Emmett said with a smile.

  “I heard you weren’t feeling well, so I thought I’d check on you. And I wanted to see how things were coming downstairs, too. Max showed me around. The place looks fantastic.”

  “Thanks,” Emmett replied. “It’s pretty exciting.”

  “Yes. So you need to rest up and get better.” She put her hand on his forehead. “You don’t seem to have a fever.”

  “No,” Emmett agreed. “Just nauseous mainly. I probably shouldn’t have gone to the meeting earlier today, but I needed to be there.”

  “Ah, yes,” Joyelle said. “The big meeting about the family business.”

  “It went well.”

  “I’m glad...for your sake. You don’t need any more stress in your life right now.”

  “Enough about me. How are you doing, Joyelle?”

  “You mean how am I doing with your brother?”

  “I know this is really difficult for you.”

  “That’s an understatement. Do you know what it feels like when you realize that everyone around you knows things about you that you yourself don’t? That’s how it felt when my memories returned. Like I was the butt of a big joke.”

  “Not at all,” Emmett said. “We would never think of you that way. We love you too much.”

  “Apparently your brother doesn’t. He loves Cole.”

  “I don’t know about that -- only you two can discuss that. What I can say is that you are and always will be my sister. You know how much I love you; we have been through a lot together. That will never change.”

  Joyelle smiled and kissed Emmett on the forehead. “And I love you, too. You’ve always been very dear to me.”

  “Thank you,” Emmett said.

  “You need to get some rest,” Joyelle stated. “I just wanted to check on you. I’ll check on you later, okay?”

  “Great. Thanks again.”

  Derek quietly entered the room. “Knock, knock.”

  “Hey,” Emmett said, as Joyelle turned around to face her husband.

  “Hi,” Derek quietly said to her.

  “I’ll let myself out,” Joyelle said to Emmett, getting up from the sofa. “Take care.”

  “Joyelle, wait,” Derek said.

  Joyelle ignored him and left the room, heading downstairs into the restaurant space.

  “Dammit,” Derek mumbled.

  “I’m sorry about all this,” Emmett said.

  “Thanks. You feeling any better?”

  “I’m resting; I’ll be fine.”

  “Good. I just wanted to see if you need anything.”

  Emmett smiled. “I’m good, thanks. Everyone’s been checking on me.”

  “You’re a popular man.”

  “Derek, I didn’t say anything about this to Joyelle or Justin, but what are you thinking hiring Cole to work for the company? Are you crazy? When Joyelle finds out--”

  “She won’t,” Derek said. “And it’s not what you think. You have to trust me on this one.”

  “I’ve heard that before.”

  “How about you concentrate on getting we
ll and I deal with my marriage, okay?”

  “Okay,” Emmett replied. Derek adjusted the blanket on his brother before leaving so that Emmett could rest.

  Making her way downstairs and into the club, Joyelle found Max seated at a table talking with Jensen.

  “Take care, Max,” Joyelle said.

  “How’s he doing?” Max asked.

  “He’s resting,” Joyelle replied. “Derek’s with him now. I’ll check on him again later.”

  “Thank you,” Max said as Joyelle walked out of the restaurant. Max turned his focus back to Jensen. “Thanks again for meeting with me.”

  “Not a problem,” Jensen replied. “I’m sure you have lots of questions.”

  “Emmett has told me a lot about you already. He’s very fond of you.”

  “He’s been great,” Jensen replied.

  “He told me a bit about your past as well as your living and economic situation.”

  “That all sounds so formal,” Jensen said, smiling. “Emmett and I discussed a lot of possibilities. I just want to make sure you’re okay with them.”

  “He told me you discussed living with us for a while. And you working here in the restaurant as well.”

  “Both were his ideas, not mine. I don’t want to intrude or be a burden.”

  “I’ll be honest. I was skeptical about you. But I trust Emmett’s judgment so I’m okay with you staying with us for a while. And working here as well, if you want to.”

  “That’d be great,” Jensen replied. “I’d really appreciate it.”

  “No more stripping, though. As a worker here, that’s not appropriate anymore. We are trying to build a business as well as a reputation within the community.”

  “I understand.”

  “Then welcome aboard,” Max said, extending his hand to Jensen, who shook it. “Just don’t let me down.”

  “I won’t. I’m very grateful.”

  “We’ll get you trained quickly. The fundraiser we’re holding here is right around the corner.”

  “Sounds exciting,” Jensen said, as Dustin Alexander entered the restaurant.

  “Dustin,” Max said. “Come on in. We were just finishing up.”

  “I’ll get out of your way,” Jensen said. “Thanks again.”

  “There’s no rush,” Dustin stated.

  “Your timing is perfect,” Max said. “We just finished. Come on and sit down.”

  “I’ll see you both later,” Jensen said, leaving the restaurant.

  Dustin sat down at the table in the seat Jensen vacated. “Thanks for meeting with me.”

  “Not a problem,” Max said. “I was glad to hear you are interested in working for us.”

  “Very much so,” Dustin added. “This is going to be a fantastic new addition to the ‘hood.”

  Max smiled. “We think so, too.”

  “And you and Emmett seem like a great couple. It’d be my pleasure to work for you.”

  “Thank you,” Max said with a smile.

  “I look forward to getting to know you better,” Dustin said, his handsome eyes focused on Max.

  While Max and Dustin continued their interview, Gino and Justin were lying in the bed in Gino’s room at the Park Hyatt Hotel. Both naked, Gino had his arm around Justin, who was running his fingers over Gino’s chest.

  “You were amazing today,” Justin said.

  “Are you talking about the meeting? Or just now in bed?” Gino asked, jokingly.

  Justin smiled. “Both, actually.”

  “Well, thank you. I’m glad you’re pleased.”

  “That deal would never have happened today, except for you. You have no idea how grateful I am for that.”

  “I want this feud to stop. All the fighting and nonsense.”

  “How did you convince them to agree?”

  “I have my ways,” Gino said with a smile. “I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be.”

  “I know you can.”

  “I want us to be together, Justin. Minimizing the fighting between the families should help us.”

  “But what if they come after you now? You have put yourself in a strange place with your own family because of me.”

  “I can handle them, as I did today. They won’t be a problem.”

  Justin kissed Gino’s chest. “I hope you’re right. For your own sake.”

  “Don’t worry so much,” Gino said. “Let’s just enjoy our afternoon together.”

  Justin rolled on top of Gino. “Mmm, I like the sound of that.” Justin leaned forward and kissed Gino, who ran his hands up Justin’s chest.

  “I’m not giving up on us,” Gino whispered. “Not until I hear you say, ‘I do.’” Gino kissed Justin deeply.

  While Gino and Justin made love again, Marco and Carlo were having wine in the lounge of the hotel overlooking Chicago’s water tower and Jane Byrne Plaza. They were seated near the window, watching pedestrians pass through the park several stories below them.

  “I can’t believe his behavior this afternoon, Father,” Marco said. “He betrayed us.”

  “No, Marco,” Carlo said. “He just reined us in.”

  “But he defied you.”

  “No,” Carlo declared. “He reminded me of what kind of man he is. He wants peace for this family and is willing to do anything to get it.”

  “Even threaten us with prison.”

  Carlo looked from the window to Marco. “Would you have done anything different to get something you wanted?” Marco didn’t reply. “He made me proud today. He stood up to us, which took more guts than standing up to them.”

  “But we lost what we wanted, Father. All because of him.”

  “No, we just delayed what we wanted. And not because of him, because of them.” Carlo sipped his wine. “We got eight percent of Mancini Global. That’s more than we had yesterday. It’s a start. And we’ll get our hands on more over time. Don’t lose focus, Marco. They are the enemy, not your brother.”

  “Yes, Father,” Marco agreed. “One by one, we’ll bring them all down.”

  “In time.”

  “I intend to cut the head off the Mancini dragon,” Marco said. “Derek goes down first.”

  “Now that sounds like a plan,” Carlo said, raising his glass and touching it to Marco’s. “To Derek Mancini. And his quick demise.”

  Carlo and Marco toasted while Max was meeting with Logan, Keith, and Michael at the restaurant. They were seated around a table at the center of the restaurant and a few workers were on the far side of the restaurant fixing some wiring in the ceiling.

  “Is there any news about Jesse?” Max asked.

  Michael shook his head. “I’m afraid not.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay having this meeting now?” Keith asked.

  “Absolutely,” Max said. “We need to proceed and it’s good to have other things to focus on.”

  “This whole fundraiser was Jesse’s idea,” Logan added. “We need to make it happen. It’s what Jesse wanted.”

  “Fair enough,” Michael said. “Then we are happy to help.”

  “Where’s Emmett?” Keith asked.

  “He’s upstairs resting,” Max explained. “He isn’t feeling well.”

  “I’ll go up and check on him before we leave,” Keith said.

  “I made a checklist of things to run through to make sure that we are all on the same page,” Logan said. “And to bring Keith and Michael up to date. We really appreciate your help.”

  “Our pleasure,” Michael added. “The police department is going to make a donation and several of my team will be attending with their spouses.”

  “Fantastic,” Logan said. “We are just about booked, which is awesome.” Logan looked down at his list. “The decorations are set. Although we are so close to St. Patrick’s Day, we are sticking with the ‘classic Hollywood’ theme to go along with the restaurant’s design.” Logan looked at Max. “The place looks amazing, by the way. I can’t believe you pulled it together so beautifully and so quickly

  “Thank you,” Max said. “Ironically, it’s Ben who kept the workers on schedule.”

  “And you’ve heard nothing from him?” Michael asked.

  “Not a word since I fired him,” Max said.

  “We have worked some green into the color scheme of the decorations, just for a hint of the holiday,” Logan said. “So that’s all set.” Logan pointed to the front of the club space. “The silent auction will be set up over there. Jesse took care of that and we have some pretty fantastic donations.”

  “And entertainment?” Keith asked.

  “Quite a coup, actually,” Max said with a smile.

  “We have booked Whiskey and Cherries as well as Amy Armstrong.”

  “Love them,” Keith said. “Great job.”

  “And...our surprise guest is Steve Grand.”

  “No way,” Michael said. “He rocks.”

  “I know,” Logan said. “When we reached out to him, he accepted right away. Such a nice guy. It’s really exciting.”

  “Wow,” Keith said. “You guys have left no stone unturned.”

  “It should be a memorable night.”

  “And the food?” Michael asked.

  “My chef will have that taken care of,” Max said.

  “Then there’s not much left for us to help with,” Keith added.

  Michael’s phone rang loudly and he pulled it from his pocket. “Excuse me,” he said to the others as he rose from his seat and walked a few steps away.

  “Actually, I do have a short list of things we could use your help with,” Logan said to Keith, handing him a sheet of paper. “They’re small but they’re important.”

  Michael returned to the table. “That was Jacqueline. She said she remembered something and wants to meet me at the station.”

  Logan stood up from his chair. “I’m going with you.”

  “Me, too,” Max said.

  Keith stood up from his chair. “You guys go ahead. I’ll stay here and check in on Emmett.”

  “He’d like that,” Max said.

  “Let’s go then,” Michael said. Max and Logan followed Michael out of the restaurant. Keith watched them go. Then he pulled the brown bottle from his pocket and headed upstairs.