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Boystown Season Four Page 23

  “Oh, is that right?” Hugo asked before planting a kiss on Jensen.

  The stripper on the bar behind Max and Emmett walked over and leaned in to talk to Jensen. “Hey you,” he said. “Get up here with me.”

  Jensen laughed. “Those days are over. I’m retired.”

  “Come on,” the stripper insisted, “for old time’s sake.”

  Jensen shook his head. “My new bosses are here. They won’t like it.”

  “Well, your old bosses are here, too, and they’d love it. Just like your old clients.”

  “Go on,” Hugo said, encouraging Jensen, who looked at Emmett.

  “Don’t look at me,” Emmett said. “You’re not on our clock at the moment.”

  “Get up here,” the stripper said, pulling Jensen up onto the bar. Hugo cheered him on.

  As if he had never stopped being a dancer, Jensen pulled off his shirt and began dancing right next to the other stripper. Shaking his hips and slowly pulling down his pants, Jensen began to strip. Smiling, Hugo continued to clap and cheer him on. Soon the other strippers gathered around Jensen on the bar as if he were the star of an elaborate show.

  The crowd flocked into the room from other areas of the bar to see Jensen, who worked the crowd, bringing it into a state of frenzy. Both Emmett and Max observed the crowd around them as they supported Jensen’s every move with cheers and cash. And throughout his entire dance, Jensen’s sole focus was Hugo.

  Dustin Alexander and David worked their way to the front of the crowd, cheering on Jensen and trying to get to Max and Emmett. They eventually did and Dustin’s presence immediately turned Max’s head.

  “Dustin,” Max said, nearly choking on his drink. “What are you doing here?”

  “I dragged David out for a night on the town. I thought it was high time he got over his breakup with Cole and rejoined the living.”

  “Hey guys,” David said, hugging Emmett. Then he pointed to Jensen. “He’s bringing the house down.”

  “I’ll say,” Dustin said. “He’s got this crowd going wild. Just think of the crowd he could bring into our club once it’s open.”

  “We’re not that kind of club,” Max said.

  “Well, maybe we should reconsider. He’s a celebrity to these people.”

  David looked around. “He really does seem to have a following.”

  Emmett put his arm around Hugo. “Well, the only ‘following’ he cares about is this one.”

  Hugo smiled. “I don’t mind; it’s sort of hot having all of Boystown swooning over your boyfriend.”

  “We can talk about it another time,” Max stated.

  “Of course,” Dustin said. “Well, excuse us. We’re going to find a quieter spot in here where we can talk.”

  “Good to see you,” David said, as he followed Dustin out of the area.

  “I would never have thought of those two together,” Max said.

  “They’re just friends, I’m sure,” Emmett stated. “Cole and David just broke up. Dustin’s just being a good friend.”

  “I guess.”

  “Hey guys,” Derek said, after pushing his way through the crowd to Emmett and Max.

  “You made it,” Emmett said, hugging his brother. “I didn’t think you’d come out.”

  Derek laughed. “No pun intended, right? Hell, the condo was empty with you all here so I thought I’d join you.”

  “Great,” Max said. “Let me get you a drink.”

  “You just missed Dustin and David. They’re here, too.”

  “David is here?” Derek asked. “Where?”

  “They headed back that way,” Emmett said, pointing toward the other room.

  “Excuse me. I need to talk to David for a moment,” Derek said, walking away. “I’ll be back.”

  Jensen continued to work the crowd as Derek made his way through it in search of David and Dustin. Upon seeing them at a bar table in the corner, Derek approached them.

  “Hey guys,” Derek said. “Sorry to interrupt you.”

  “Not at all,” Dustin stated. “How are you?”

  “I’m good, thanks. David, I’m wondering if I can chat with you privately for a moment.”

  “What about?” David asked.

  “I’ll go get the three of us drinks so you two can talk,” Dustin said, standing up and walking away to the bar.

  “What’s up?” David asked as Derek sat on Dustin’s barstool.

  “I wanted to take a moment to tell you two things, actually. First is just a follow-up to our big meeting the other day. I want you to know that I am sorry for the way I have treated you in the past. I was angry with my life situation and myself, and I sometimes took it out on you. That wasn’t right and I hope you will accept my apology.”

  “Derek, as we all know, actions speak louder than words. I am certainly open to accepting your apology and trying to build some sort of relationship with you, especially now that we know we’re brothers. But it’s going to take more than words from you.”

  “I understand. I promise that you will see a change,” Derek said. He paused and then continued speaking. “The second topic is Cole.”

  “What about him? He and I are done.”

  “I know,” Derek said, “but I want to explain something first. Cole did not cheat on you with me or anyone else. He’s not that kind of person.”

  “People saw you leaving his apartment in his clothes.”

  “Yes, that’s true. I had just learned my divorce was finalized and that Joyelle was pregnant with Tyler’s baby.”

  “Wait, what? Tyler’s baby?”

  “It’s true. So I went out and got really, really drunk. I went over to Cole’s and he took care of me. That’s all. I passed out on his sofa and he let me sleep off the alcohol. I had spilled some booze on my shirt, so he washed it for me and gave me a t-shirt to wear home. That’s all. End of story. Nothing happened between us. At all. He was dating you and was committed to you.”

  “And what about you two having dinner?”

  “That’s not what happened. I was having dinner with Dustin at the same place Cole was eating with his friends. When Dustin went the bathroom, Cole came over to talk for just a moment. I swear to you -- he wasn’t with me. He was there with his friends, just as he told you.”


  “So you broke up with him with false information. Now, don’t get me wrong -- I wasn’t happy when you two were dating. Cole and I have a history and I wanted us to build on that. But I also don’t want you breaking up with him without the facts. That’s why I’m here; I wanted to clarify things so you’d have all the accurate information.”

  “Thank you for that,” David said. “Now I feel like an ass.”

  “No need to -- you made an honest mistake. But you should probably talk to Cole in person now that you know. Maybe you two can get back together, not that I’m rooting for that.”

  “Thank you, Derek. You didn’t need to share any of this with me -- maybe you are making an effort after all.”

  “Remember what you said about actions? I’m trying.”

  “I can see that,” David replied. “Keep it up.”

  “And if things don’t work out with Cole, Dustin is a great guy, too. Maybe things will work out with him.”

  “Dustin? We’re just friends. That’s all, for now anyway.”

  Dustin returned to the table carrying three drinks, which he placed onto the table. “Here we go.”

  “And I will talk to Cole about all of this,” David said to Derek.

  “Good,” Derek stated.

  “Everything good?”

  “Everything is very good,” Derek said, smiling. “Now let’s have drinks.” The three men picked up their glasses as the crowd at the front of the bar continued to cheer on Jensen.

  Not far from Rebound, Tyler was in his bedroom with Joyelle, who was already lying in bed. Wearing only his underwear, Tyler got into bed and kissed Joyelle.

  “How are you feeling, babe?”

“Just tired,” Joyelle said. “Long day at the hospital.”

  “I know,” Tyler stated as he wrapped his arm around Joyelle. “Mind if we talk about something before we fall asleep?”

  “Of course,” Joyelle said, cuddling against Tyler.

  “I talked with Derek today. He wanted to apologize to me for treating me so badly in the past. He was actually pretty open and seemed sincere.”

  “That’s the Derek I fell in love with. He does have a great side to him; I’m glad you’re getting to see it now.”

  “He said something, though, that struck me.”

  “What was that?”

  “Joyelle, he thinks the baby is mine.”

  “It might be,” Joyelle said.

  “But he doesn’t realize there’s a possibility it could be his.”

  “I know,” Joyelle said. “When I was in the hospital and he was coming at me, I blurted out that the baby was yours, just to get him off my back.”

  “Doesn’t he have a right to know it could be his?”

  “I thought I’d wait for the paternity test. If the baby is yours, then there’s no need to clarify anything with him at all, right?”

  Tyler kissed Joyelle’s forehead. “Babe, I want nothing more than for that baby to be mine. I feel in my heart that it is. But I do think he has a right to know the truth.”

  “I suppose you’re right.”

  “And I think it needs to come from you.”

  “Tyler, I don’t want to see or talk to him.”

  “He’ll be at the engagement party tomorrow night anyway. Why not tell him then? You can do it on your own or I can be there with you.”

  “Okay,” Joyelle said with a sigh. “Why do you have to be such a good guy?”

  Tyler smiled. “A curse, I guess.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” Tyler said, as he rolled over on top of Joyelle and kissed her.

  As Tyler and Joyelle made love, Max and Emmett were asleep in their bed in Derek’s guest room. Emmett was sleeping soundly, but Max was tossing and turning a bit due to a dream he was experiencing.

  He was reliving his night with Dustin: going into Dustin’s apartment, tearing off his clothes, fucking him hard. He recalled how much Dustin turned him on and how great it felt to be inside of him. As he re-experienced his climax with Dustin, he awoke from his dream.

  Sitting up in bed as he was jolted out of his dream, Max looked next to him to be sure Emmett was still asleep; he was. Max then looked down at his cock, which stood hard and erect against his stomach. He ran his fingers through his hair.

  Then he rolled over and wrapped his arms around Emmett. From behind, he worked his swollen dick between Emmett’s warm cheeks. Kissing the back of Emmett’s neck and shoulders, he slowly pushed himself into Emmett, who woke up and moaned with pleasure.

  Emmett turned his head to the side so Max could kiss his lips. Max reached around and grabbed Emmett’s dick, stroking it. He pushed deeper into Emmett, who pressed his back against Max’s hard chest and nipples.

  Emmett’s dick quickly swelled in Max’s firm grip while Max nibbled on his neck and shoulders. He braced himself for Max’s climax. Grunting loudly, Max made a final thrust into Emmett, releasing his load inside of him. Emmett took every last drop and then, once Max pulled out, rolled onto his back. Max kissed Emmett as he shot his cum over onto his stomach.

  “I love you so much,” Max said.

  “I love you, too, babe. And in a matter of days we’ll officially be married.”

  “I can’t wait,” Max said, wrapping himself around Emmett.

  “Me neither,” Emmett said, closing his eyes again.

  They fell back to sleep in each other’s arms.

  The engagement party at Gino and Justin’s penthouse was hardly the “simple” affair that Gino had described. Instead, it was a fantastic gala with massive flower arrangements standing in every room, an unparalleled buffet of food in the dining room, several bars situated throughout the penthouse, and even live performers in the great room which had been turned into a ballroom for the occasion. Gino was a Ciancio, after all -- and Ciancios did everything with style and class.

  Dressed in beautiful, dark suits, Gino, Justin, Max, and Emmett welcomed guests as they arrived to the party. The penthouse was filled with people, all of whom were there to celebrate the engagements of the two couples. Even the outdoor terrace overlooking the city and lake was filled with people. Photographers circulated taking photos of all the guests and documenting the entire event on film.

  In the great room, singer Chadwick Stadt stood in one corner playing his guitar and singing to entertain all those in attendance. His soothing voice filled the room and his trademark hair and smile caught the attention of each guest in the room. Some people danced while others stood quietly chatting with friends. Logan and Jesse were enjoying Chadwick’s performance when Max approached them.

  “Hey guys,” Max said, hugging Logan and then Jesse. “Thanks for coming.”

  “Of course,” Logan said. “We wouldn’t miss it. So happy for you and Emmett.”

  “Thank you,” Max replied. “You look great.”

  “Thanks,” Logan said. “I’m doing better.”

  “That’s obvious. I’m so glad. We all are.”

  “I owe it all to this one,” Logan said, putting his arm around Jesse. “And all my friends, too.”

  “We’re just glad to have the Logan we all love back,” Jesse said.

  “Logan, would you mind getting me a glass of champagne?” Max asked. “I’d like to chat with Jesse alone for a moment.”

  “Sure,” Logan said. “Be right back.” He left the room.

  “Is he really doing as well as he says?”

  “Actually, yes,” Jesse said, smiling. “He’s been seeing his shrink and he’s on some antidepressants. Everything seems to be helping him a lot.”

  “I’m glad,” Max said. “For him and for you. You’re very good for him.”

  “Thank you for saying that.”

  “Well, it’s true. And I think I’ve known that all along. I was just too stubborn to admit it.”

  “Like father, like son.”

  “Jesse, it means a great deal to me that we’ve been getting along better. I’m sorry it took Logan’s situation to make that happen, but I am glad.”

  Jesse smiled. “Me, too.”

  “I have a question for you.”


  “I know we still have a lot of work to do, you and me. And I am completely willing to put in the effort that it will take.”

  “Me, too.”

  “And I was wondering if you’d like to be my best man at my wedding?”

  “Really?” Jesse asked, startled.

  “You can say ‘no’ if you want to. I’ll understand.”

  “I’m just surprised, that’s all. But I’d love to. It’d be an honor.”

  Max hugged Jesse. “Thank you. That means the world to me and to Emmett, too. He really wants us to be a family.”

  “One step at a time,” Jesse stated. “But I’d love to be your best man.”

  As Logan searched for champagne for Max, he passed Emmett, who was talking to Keith.

  “Go easy on that,” Emmett said, nodding toward the drink in Keith’s hand. “You’re well on your way already.”

  “I won’t stay long anyway.”

  “How are you doing?”

  “Since my break-up? Terrible. How else would I be doing?”

  “Maybe you’d feel better if you talked about it. None of us knows why you two broke up and we are concerned about you.”

  “The reason doesn’t matter. It’s all my fault and there’s nothing I can do to fix it.”

  “It can’t be that bad,” Emmett said.

  “If you only knew...”

  “I’m here and I’m all ears. Let me help you.”

  “Not today. Today is about you and Max. And I really do wish you the best. He’s a better partner f
or you than I could ever have been.”

  “It’s not about comparing you two,” Emmett explained. “You’re two very different people.”

  “You sure are,” Michael said as he approached Emmett and Keith. “Congratulations, Emmett. To you and to Max.”

  “Thank you, Michael,” Emmett said.

  “How are you?” Michael asked directly to Keith.

  “I’ve been better.”

  “Excuse me,” Emmett said.

  “Of course,” Michael said as Emmett walked away.

  “Can we talk a minute?” Keith asked.


  “I miss you.”

  “If I’m being honest, I miss you, too,” Michael admitted. “But not enough to overlook what you did. We could have had it all but you just shit on me instead, like you did once to Emmett.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “What’s not fair is you keeping the truth about you and my father from me for so long.”

  “I told you -- I didn’t know I had killed your father until that day you brought me to his grave, when I realized he had a different last name.”

  “And then you still kept the truth from me. Do you know how that makes me feel?”

  “Have you told anyone else? Mateo? Hugo?”

  “No,” Michael stated. “I’m not sure what good it would do at this point. You were just a kid and it was many years ago.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You destroyed our relationship and you deprived my siblings and me of a life with our father. I think enough damage has been done without causing more.”

  “Can you ever forgive me?”

  “Maybe in time, but don’t count on it.”

  David walked over to Keith and Michael. “Everything okay here?”

  “No,” Michael said. “I don’t have a drink and that’s not okay.”

  “Then let’s get you one,” David said. “Excuse us.”

  David and Michael made their way out of the room together.

  “You okay?” David asked Michael.

  “I’m fine,” Michael said.

  “You still love him.”

  “I do. But that’s not enough of a reason to get back together after what he did. He has a pattern of behavior like that and I can’t have it in my life.”