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Boystown Season Three Page 24

  “It’ll just be good to know that he’s out of our lives, so you can focus on the people who are in your life. Like Logan and Jacqueline. And Max.”

  “Aw, Cole,” Jesse said. “Why do you have to bring him up?”

  “He’s your father, Jesse. You’ve got to acknowledge that sooner or later...for your own sake.”

  “Fuck that.”

  “I don’t mean that you two have to be buddies or have any kind of relationship. But you yourself have to accept it as fact. It’s like you’re in denial.”

  “I really don’t want to talk about this right now.”

  Cole reached over and put his hand on Jesse’s arm. “Jesse, you’re my brother. I can help you through this. So when you are ready to talk more, I’m here.”

  “Thank you,” Jesse replied. “And how are things with Derek?”

  “We’re done.”

  “Just like that? All these months and months of saying you’re going to be together and now you say you’re done?”

  “He’s fucking with me, with my head. Just like you said he would. He wants Joyelle, not me. And now he’s screwed up my professional life, too. I hate him.”

  Jesse laughed. “You don’t hate him. You’re upset with him, but you still love him. I know you, Cole.”

  “No,” Cole insisted. “This time I’m serious. I am moving on and doing what’s best for me from now on. I wish I never met Derek Mancini.”

  “Damn, I almost believe you.”

  “Believe me, because I’m completely serious. I’m not going to let him ruin my life anymore. He’s done enough damage. I don’t care what happens to him now.”

  “Does this mean a certain David has a chance?”

  Cole smiled. “He certainly does. And when are you going to see Logan next?”

  “We’re going to hang out tomorrow.”

  “That’s great. I hope you can get back on track. So much has happened.”

  “I’m optimistic.”

  “We both could use a little happiness and stability in our lives now.”

  “Agreed. All we need to do is get the toxic men out of our lives for good,” Jesse said.

  “Yes, permanently,” Cole added, drinking his beer.

  Down the block from Jesse and Cole’s apartment, Tyler Bennett and David Young were leaving the Boystown Athletic Club after their workout. As they exited the gym, they walked north on Broadway passing many of Boystown’s restaurants and businesses.

  “I’m excited for you,” Tyler said to David.

  “I am, too,” David said. “Cole really seemed upbeat when he called me. Like something had really changed.”

  “Maybe he’s finally over the asshole?”

  “Derek? I’m not sure. But I guess I’ll find out tonight.”

  “He’s better off with you,” Tyler said.

  “Well, thank you,” David said, smiling. “And what’s new with Joyelle?”

  “Not sure. I know she met with her attorney about divorcing Derek, so that’s a step in the right direction. Like I said, I don’t want to pressure her.”

  “But you’re still spending time together, right?”

  “Absolutely,” Tyler said. “I just wish we could get Derek out of the picture for good.”

  “Believe me -- no one would like Derek out of the picture more than me. But it sounds like maybe Joyelle is trying to do that with the divorce.”

  “Divorces take time. And Derek will stall it, I’m sure.”

  “Well, not much else we can do but wait and see.”

  “Maybe not,” Tyler said. “You never know, though.”

  Tyler and David continued on their walk home, enjoying the unseasonably warm Chicago weather.

  As Tyler and David walked, they passed right by The Boys and the Booze. Inside, Max Taylor was meeting with Dustin Alexander. Jensen Stone and several other staff members were seated in the club area in a training session reviewing the menu and wine list.

  “Thanks again for this amazing opportunity,” Dustin told Max. “I never imagined you’d be making me a manager.”

  “You have the experience and know-how. I’m glad to have found you,” Max said. “You know how rough the opening of a restaurant and club can be. We need the best people we can find. And with you in charge of our team, I know they are in good hands.”

  “Thank you,” Dustin repeated. “Today’s training session seems to be going well. These guys you’ve hired are sharp. And the extra staff we’re bringing in just for the fundraiser seem great, too.”

  “I tried to get people with prior experience; it makes a difference,” Max said.

  “Sure does.” Dustin then added, “It’s such a pleasure to be working with you.”

  Emmett Mancini emerged from the back stairwell and walked over to Max and Dustin. He looked really pale and disheveled, his hair pasted to his sweaty forehead.

  “Hey, guys,” Emmett said.

  “Hey, babe, Max replied. “What are you doing out of bed? You need to rest.”

  “Stop telling me what to do,” Emmett replied nastily. “I can take care of myself.”

  Jensen looked over from the table where he was seated.

  “Whoa,” Max said. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Stop trying to control everything and everyone,” Emmett added.

  “You do look like you could use some rest,” Dustin said softly to Emmett.

  “I don’t need advice from the help, either,” Emmett declared as he turned around and went back upstairs.

  “I’m sorry about that,” Max said. “That’s not like him at all.”

  “He’s just not feeling well,” Dustin replied. “I’m sure that’s all it is.”

  Jensen discreetly got up from the table and followed Emmett up the stairs. When he reached the top, he found Emmett in the kitchen.

  “Hey,” Jensen said as he watched Emmett make himself a protein shake.

  “What do you want?”

  “Nothing,” Jensen replied. “Just seeing if you need anything.”

  “What I need is for people to get off my back.”

  “Okay, okay,” Jensen said, raising his hands in the air as if he were surrendering. “I’ll go back down.” Jensen left the kitchen. Emmett watched him leave and then threw the tub of protein powder onto the floor, sending powder high into the air.

  At the Park Hyatt Hotel just off Michigan Avenue, Carlo, Marco, and Gino Ciancio were having breakfast near a window overlooking the crowded street below.

  “We received an invitation from the Mancinis this morning,” Gino said, after taking a sip of his champagne.

  “What kind of invitation?” Carlo asked.

  “They are holding a fundraiser for cancer research and have invited us to join them as their guests. In addition, they have offered to donate a portion of the proceeds to Mother’s cancer foundation. Isn’t that great?”

  “An olive branch or a white flag,” Marco said.

  “Maybe,” Gino agreed. “But it’s a nice gesture.”

  “I would agree with that,” Carlo said. “It doesn’t change anything as far as I’m concerned but your mother’s foundation does amazing work. You two should attend. I plan to return home this afternoon.”

  “Very well, Father,” Marco said. “I’ll go.”

  “As will I,” Gino added.

  “Always good to keep your enemies close,” Marco stated; Gino rolled his eyes.

  “Excuse me a moment,” Carlo said, getting up from the table and walking to the restroom.

  “Now that he’s gone,” Gino began, “have you heard anything back from Strauss yet about the collection auction?”

  “Yes,” Marco said. “He called me to tell me that he needed a bit more time, but that he’s working on it. There were so many pieces in the collection that it’s taking longer to put together the report than he thought.”

  “Okay. But as soon as you get the report, I want to see it.”

  “Of course,” Marco replied. “You�
�ll be the first to know.”

  “Good,” Gino said. “By the way, there’s a press conference this afternoon. The Chicago mayor is formally announcing the move of Mancini Global’s headquarters here to Chicago.”

  “I’m sure Derek is very proud,” Marco said. “He should enjoy his moment in the spotlight. It won’t last.”

  “You’re impossible,” Gino said, getting up from the table. “Tell Father I’ll see him before he leaves.” Gino walked away from the table.

  Marco watched his brother leave and then pulled out his cell phone. He dialed a number and spoke, “It’s me. I have a job for you.”

  The warm Spring breeze blew softly through Maggie Daley Park as Logan Pryce and Jesse slowly followed the park’s winding path.

  “Thanks for meeting me,” Jesse said.

  “Of course,” Logan replied. “I thought this might be a nice place for us to start over together.”

  “Is that what we’re doing? Starting over?”

  “I think that’s what we’re here to decide,” Logan said as a group of young children rushed past them.

  “Let me start,” Jesse offered. “I want to apologize for everything, especially New Year’s Eve. I’m sure that must’ve hurt you very badly -- and Mom, too.”

  “It did,” Logan admitted. “But I didn’t handle it well, either. I went back to drinking and tried to shut you out of my life.”

  “Understandably. I’m sure I would have done something similar. Catching your boyfriend in bed with his mother’s husband would drive anyone to drink.”

  Logan laughed. “It was horrible. But I know why you did it.”

  “I couldn’t think of any other way to show my mother how bad Ben is. But, looking back, there were certainly other options. Cole tried to warn me about it all along, but I wouldn’t listen.”

  “You do have a thick skull sometimes,” Logan stated.

  Jesse stopped walking and turned Logan to face him. “But I do love you. I still do. Very much.”

  “I love you, too, Jesse.”

  “Thank you for saying that. I appreciate your forgiveness.”

  “All is forgiven. When that maniac took you away, I realized that I hadn’t handled this well at all. But that’s in the past now. We need to focus on moving forward.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” Jesse said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out the ring that he had once given to Logan. “I’d like you to wear this again.”

  Logan looked at the ring. “I can’t accept that. Not just yet.”

  “Oh,” Jesse mumbled, disappointed.

  “Not because I don’t want to,” Logan explained. “But because I think we need to talk more about us before we get to that place again. Even with New Year’s Eve behind us, there are some issues we need to address.”

  “You’re talking about Max.”

  “Among other things. Now that we know he’s your father, we need to talk that through,” Logan said. “And you need to accept it, too.”

  “Just because I don’t like it, doesn’t mean I haven’t accepted it.”

  “You’re angry about it.”

  “Wouldn’t you be? The man tried to kill me. Look at my face. These bruises are constant reminders of it.”

  “The bruises will heal; they already are. Now you and Max need to heal, too.”

  “That’s not going to happen,” Jesse declared. “We are never going to get along. But that doesn’t mean you and I can’t be happy and build our relationship back up.”

  “We’ll talk about this more; I promise,” Logan said. “Now I have an appointment with a client and you should get back to the office.”

  Jesse smiled. “You’re right.”

  “I will accept the ring back from you one day, Jesse,” Logan added. “Just not today.”

  “Deal,” Jesse said as he hugged Logan.

  “I’ll see you soon,” Logan said and then he walked away down the path.

  “Damn you, Max,” Jesse mumbled.

  Jesse left the park and walked north toward the Boystown neighborhood, in the direction of St. Joseph Hospital where Joyelle Mancini was seated at a small table alone in the tiny break room on her floor of the medical center. She quietly ate some yogurt as she watched Derek’s press conference on the small television suspended from the ceiling.

  The press conference was being televised from in front of the skyscraper that was about to become the new Mancini Global headquarters. Derek was standing to the right of the mayor of Chicago, who was celebrating the move of the corporation to Chicago. Justin stood to the mayor’s left. After a moment, the mayor turned the podium over to Derek, who also shared upbeat comments about the economic benefits the city would receive from the Mancini Global move.

  After listening to Derek speak a few moments, Joyelle began to cry and threw her yogurt container at the television. The container hit the TV and then fell to the ground, just as Tyler entered the break room.

  “Hey,” Tyler said, seeing Joyelle crying and walking over to hug her. “What’s the matter?”

  “I hate him,” Joyelle cried. “I hate him so much.”

  Tyler looked up and saw Derek on the television. “Oh, Joyelle. I’m sorry.”

  “He ruined my life.”

  “No,” Tyler said, still holding her. “You have a good life and now you have the chance to make it even better without him.” Tyler pulled over another chair and sat beside Joyelle. “Everything is going to be okay.”

  “Thank you,” Joyelle said, wiping her eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get this upset.”

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to ever hide your emotions from me.”

  “You’re so good to me.”

  Tyler smiled. “It’s my pleasure. Tell you what. Let’s finish this shift and then I’m going to make you dinner.

  “Oh, I don’t know…”

  “I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer. I have a ton of food at home. It’ll be fun.”

  Joyelle smiled. “Okay, okay.”

  Tyler turned off the television and picked up the yogurt container. “Great. We could both use a little fun in our lives.” Tyler helped Joyelle up from her chair and the two nurses left the break room to return to work.

  As Tyler and Joyelle tended to their patients, Michael Martinez was meeting with Jacqueline Morgan in the lobby of her hotel.

  “Is there any news?” Jacqueline asked.

  “Nothing, yet,” Michael said. “I’m sorry. We will find him.”

  “Ben’s a smart and dangerous man. I’m worried about my son’s safety.”

  “We’re concerned about your safety as well,” Michael said. “I’ve spoken to hotel security here and they are working closely with us to ensure your safety as long as you stay here in town.”

  “I’m carrying Ben’s child. As long as that’s the case, I know I’ll be okay. But I’m concerned about Jesse. Can you provide him with some extra security as well?”

  “We already have extra patrols on his street and around his office as well. We are doing all we can.”

  “Meaning no disrespect, I’m not sure that’s enough. Ben should have been found by now.”

  “I understand your frustration,” Michael said. “I feel it, too. But we will find him. It’s only a matter of time.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How long do you plan to stay in town?”

  “Just until the fundraiser. Then I’m going home to meet with my attorney about a divorce.”

  “Okay. We’ll be in touch with your local police as well so that they can keep an eye out once you return home.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll get him.”

  Jacqueline stood up from her seat. “Thanks again.”

  “You’re welcome,” Michael said, standing up and shaking her hand.

  As Michael left the hotel to return to his office, Derek was returning to his own office after the press conference. Approaching the entrance to his office building, Der
ek was stopped on the steps by Jesse who called out to him.

  “Derek, wait,” Jesse said, walking up the steps behind Derek.

  “Jesse,” Derek replied. “It’s good to see you. I’m glad you’re okay after what Ben did to you.”

  “Thank you, but this isn’t a friendly visit. I need to talk to you about Cole.”

  “Cole?” Derek asked, looking around to see if anyone else was nearby on the steps. “What about him?”

  “He’s my best friend and I don’t like you fucking him over.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Cole told me what happened. Making him quit his job to work for you and then trying to send him away? Are you out of your fucking mind?”

  “I don’t have to discuss this with you. It’s between Cole and me.”

  Jesse persisted. “You know, ever since you two met in Boston, I have kept my comments to myself as you have manipulated my best friend over and over again. God knows why, but he loves you. And this is how you treat him? What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “It’s really none of your damn business,” Derek replied, turning to enter the building.

  Jesse grabbed his arm and pulled him back violently. “The hell it isn’t.”

  “Watch it, Jesse. You’re making a scene.”

  “Who cares? This is my best friend we’re talking about. He deserves the best.”

  “Look, I--”

  “I’m warning you,” Jesse said, pointing into Derek’s face. “If you don’t make things right with Cole, you’ll answer to me. And if you don’t think I follow through on threats...well, just talk to Ben Donovan!”

  Later that evening, four dinner experiences were occurring simultaneously. The first was at Michael’s home where Keith and he were hosting a small dinner party to formally offer support to the Mancini brothers for the loss of their father.

  Michael and Keith sat at the ends of the beautifully decorated table and Keith, Max, Logan, Justin, Derek, and Emmett sat along the sides.

  “Can we get your autograph, now that you’re a TV star?” Max asked Derek.