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Boystown Season Four Page 25

  Emmett laughed. “No. We’re done with fires.”

  “I missed that one,” Chadwick added. “But I’m in for a regular gig at the new place.”

  “I’ll have Dustin work out all the details and get you both contracts when we all get back from the wedding.”

  Justin returned with Max and Gino, who both hugged Chadwick and then Amy.

  “Do you mind announcing us?” Gino asked Chadwick.

  “My pleasure,” he replied. He took his microphone and walked over to the large fireplace in the room. “Ladies and gentlemen, may I please have your attention?” Chadwick paused a moment as guests filled the room and focused their attention on him. “Our hosts would like to say a few words. But since I have the microphone, I think I’ll go first.” Chadwick smiled widely and then continued. “I just want to say what an honor it is to be here today to celebrate the engagements and upcoming marriages of these two amazing couples. Their love and dedication to each other serves as an inspiration to us all. And for me personally, they have been amazing friends and I love them dearly. Singing at their wedding in a few days will truly be one of the greatest honors of my life.”

  The room erupted with applause as Chadwick handed the microphone to Gino.

  “Rather than bore you all with four speeches, we decided that I would speak on behalf of the four of us.”

  “He drew the short straw,” Amy yelled out, receiving a great deal of laughter from those in the room.

  “Exactly,” Gino said, smiling. “I’ll be brief. First, we want to thank the amazing Chadwick Stadt and the lovely Amy Armstrong for being with us today. And we are so excited that they will both be at our wedding as well.”

  The guests applauded to recognize Amy and Chadwick.

  “We love you both. And we love all of you, our friends and our family. The four of us wouldn’t be where we are today without the love and support of each and every one of you. Thank you for your unwavering love, support, understanding, and compassion. We look forward to celebrating with all of you at the wedding in California. But tonight is not over. So, grab another drink, have some more to eat, and get ready to hear Amy belt out a few songs for us. Again, thank you and enjoy the rest of the evening.”

  The guests clapped as Gino concluded, and Justin kissed him.

  Hugo and Jensen were standing off to the side of the two couples and, before Gino could return the microphone to Chadwick, Jensen stepped forward and grabbed it. He quickly addressed the audience.

  “Ladies and gentleman,” Jensen said. “If I could have your attention for just one minute more, I would really appreciate it.”

  The crowd quieted to listen to Jensen.

  “Most of you don’t know me but my name is Jensen Stone. I first met Emmett only a few months ago and to say we didn’t meet under the best of circumstances is an understatement. Basically, he caught me breaking into his restaurant. You see, I was homeless and had been hiding and living in the basement of his restaurant while they were remodeling it. I had been living on the streets for months doing anything to make money just so I could survive. Emmett could have had me arrested, but he didn’t.” Jensen’s voice trembled as he started to cry. “Instead, he showed me love and compassion that I had never experienced before. He took me in, introduced me to Max, and they let me live in their home and work in their restaurant. They have been the parents I wished I had had all of my life. Because of them, I am a better person. I am healthy, I am happy, I am employed, and I am safe. Words cannot express the love and gratitude that I have for these two men. Without them, I may not have even been alive today. They are amazing people -- as you all know already -- and I just want to say thank you...from the bottom of my heart.” Tears streaming down his face, Jensen turned to hug Emmett and then Max; both of them were also visibly moved by Jensen’s words.

  As Jensen was embracing Max and Emmett, Rachel walked up behind Hugo. She slipped a small plastic card into his pocket and whispered into his ear. “The Drake Hotel is right around the corner from here. That’s my room card key. Sneak out and meet me there at nine.”

  “What?” Hugo asked quietly.

  “We have some unfinished business,” Rachel added and then left the room.

  Hugo redirected his attention back to Jensen and the engaged couples.

  The party continued on well into the evening. Looking out over the city, Marco was on the phone.

  “Good work,” Marco said. “And it’ll arrive at the mansion in time for the wedding?” Marco paused for a reply to his question. “Excellent. Then the collection will be complete and I can unleash my mother’s final secret. Well done.” Marco ended his call as Keith came stumbling around the corner. “Whoa. Looks like you’ve had enough to drink.”

  “Whatever,” Keith replied, slurring his words.

  Emmett emerged through the large glass doors and walked over to Keith. He put his arm around Keith to steady him. “Careful.”

  “He’s all yours,” Marco said, going back inside the penthouse.

  “I used to be...all yours,” Keith said.

  Emmett turned Keith away from the terrace railing. “I should probably get you a cab.”

  “I’m fine,” Keith insisted.

  Emmett smiled. “Hardly. Don’t forget we used to date. I know when you’ve been over served.”

  “I loved you, you know. Why’d you have to leave me?”

  “Leave you? That’s not quite how it happened. And you’re in no condition for a meaningful discussion right now anyway.”

  “I killed his father,” Keith said, stumbling a bit. “I killed his father.”

  Emmett struggled to hold Keith up. “What? You killed whose father?”

  “Michael’s. That’s why we broke up. He found out I killed him.”

  “That’s crazy. You didn’t kill anyone.”

  “I did. I killed him and I almost killed you. I’m a terrible person.”

  “Now I know you’re wasted. When did you ever ‘almost’ kill me? That’s nuts.”

  “It’s true. I did. I poisoned you. I made you sick. That’s why you were so sick.”

  “Come on, Keith. That’s ridiculous.”

  “It’s true. It was me.”

  A few blocks away, Hugo exited the elevator of the Drake Hotel and made his way down the hallway toward the room with the same number on the card key. When he found the door, he softly knocked upon it. When no one answered, he put the card into the door lock and let himself into the room.

  The suite was very dimly lit. The lights of the city provided some light through the window and a small lamp on the desk added some additional light to the room. As Hugo walked further into the suite, the door closed behind him.

  “Hello?” he asked.

  There was no answer as he continued to slowly take steps into the room. As he turned to his left, he saw the large bed. The sheets were pulled down and Rachel, dressed only in a bra and panties, was reclining on top of them.

  “I’ve been waiting for you,” she said softly as he stood at the foot of the bed.

  “Rachel,” Hugo said, nervously.

  She crawled to the foot of the bed and pushed herself up onto her knees. Running her hands up Hugo’s shirt, she said, “It’s time to have what you know you want.” She kissed Hugo deeply and he eventually put his hands on each side of her face. The kiss grew more passionate and aggressive with each moment.

  Rachel pulled Hugo’s jacket off and then ripped open his shirt, revealing his muscled, lightly hairy chest. She ran her fingers over it and kissed it, gently biting his nipples. Hugo wrapped his big arms around her and opened her bra in the back. She let it slip from her so that her large breasts pressed against his chest. Taking her breasts in his hands, he massaged them and then started to kiss and suck on them.

  Rachel leaned back onto the bed and pulled Hugo down onto her. He continued his fascination with her breasts as her fingers massaged his back. She felt every muscle in his firm, young body.

  Gradually, she w
orked her fingers under his pants and underwear to feel his smooth, warm ass. She rolled on top of him, pulling his entire body onto the bed. She straddled his legs as she opened his belt and pants. He kicked off his shoes and socks as she pulled his pants and underwear off of him. His dick was already swelling as she took it into her mouth.

  “Oh, my God,” he whispered as he watched his hard cock enter her mouth. She worked her lips and tongue up and down his cock, nearly gagging on it each time it hit the back of her throat.

  He ran his feet up the sides of her legs, eventually hooking his toes onto her panties. He tugged them off her as pre-cum lubed her mouth. She continued to suck him until he put his hand on her face and pulled it up to his. He kissed her and rolled over on top of her. As his tongue entered her mouth, his hands removed her panties all the way. He massaged her vagina, causing her to moan loudly.

  “You like that, baby?” he asked as his fingers probed her even deeper. She reached down to stroke his dick with one hand and pulled his face to hers with the other. They kissed deeply as Hugo repositioned himself to enter her.

  With a firm thrust, he penetrated her. Putting all his weight on top of her, he pushed himself in deeper. While she ran her hands over his back, he found the perfect rhythm, working his cock in and out of her, hitting her spot every time. He started to sweat as he continued to fuck her.

  Her hands clutched his ass as he touched his forehead to hers. Looking into her eyes, he asked, “Are you ready, baby?” She responded by kissing him and he quickly erupted inside of her. Groaning loudly, Hugo pumped his cum into her. She held him tight as he let every drop fill her. Then he fell down onto her, kissing her neck and her ears.

  Rolling onto his back, he wrapped one arm around her. Rachel kissed his chest a few times and he ran his hand over her breasts, down her stomach, and over her vagina.

  “You okay, baby?”

  “Mmm,” Rachel moaned. “You were amazing.”

  “Better than my father?”

  Rachel smiled. “Much.”

  “Maybe you’re with the wrong Martinez?”

  “I’m thinking so,” Rachel said, kissing Hugo again.

  “I like the sound of that,” Hugo said. “Be right back, baby.” He hopped out of bed and headed into the bathroom.

  When he closed the door, Rachel’s phone beeped, signaling she had a text message. She picked the phone up from the night table, read the message, and then pressed a button to make a phone call.

  On the far south side of Chicago in a small motel room, the cell phone that Rachel was calling rang. A shirtless man emerged from the bathroom and walked over to answer the call. African American with hair that had obviously been dyed blonde, the man put the phone to his ear.

  “What’s up?”

  “Everything’s going according to plan on my end,” Rachel whispered into the phone.

  “I’m all set here, too. By the time we’re done with them, they’ll never know what hit them.”

  The man ended the call and tossed the phone onto the motel room bed. He walked over to the bureau and stared at himself in the mirror. He looked at the scars that covered the side of his face, his shoulders, his chest, and his back. Although they looked better than they had when he was first burned in the fire that he had caused so many months earlier, they were still unattractive, a constant reminder of the people who had caused him such suffering. He momentarily looked down at the phone on the bed, thinking of the scheme that Rachel and he had put into place. As he looked back into the mirror and thought about the revenge he was about to enact, Ben Donovan smiled widely. Old bonds are often the strongest.

  Episode #40

  The moon cast an eerie glow over the beautiful city beneath it. A chill penetrated the May night air as the lights of the city sparkled on the surface of the Chicago River. Just north of the river stood the Drake Hotel, one of Chicago’s most famous landmarks.

  Inside the hotel room, Hugo Martinez made love to Rachel Carson for the second time that evening. Driven by passion, Hugo appeared to be in a sexual frenzy as he plowed deep into Rachel, who clung to him like a woman who had been deprived of sex her entire life. Every movement of his sent thrills through her body. He kissed her deeply, his tongue exploring the inside of her mouth as his dick penetrated her.

  Her hands wiped the sweat from his back and her toes dug into his legs. She moaned with pleasure as he kissed her neck and pressed his hard chest against her large breasts. He changed his position to get further inside of her and the pace of his thrusts quickened. She braced herself and he exploded inside of her, sending a large load into her in spite of the fact that he had just filled her moments earlier. Kissing her once again, Hugo pulled out of her and rolled onto his side.

  “Fuck,” he said with a sigh.

  “That was incredible,” she whispered.

  “You liked that, baby?”

  Rachel smiled. “So much.”

  “Maybe we should be using protection?”

  “Leave that to me,” Rachel said, kissing him. “I have everything under control.”

  “Great,” Hugo said, putting his arm around her.

  “Your father can never find out about us.”

  “It’ll be our secret, for now. We may have to tell him if things continue between us.”

  “Is that what you want, Hugo? For things to continue?”

  “Shit, I’m obviously attracted to you. We get along well and you said I’m better than he is.”

  “What about Jensen? You two seem to spend a lot of time together. I think he has a crush on you.”

  “He’s a sweetheart, but we’re really just friends. That’s all.”

  “You think he’d say the same thing?”

  “I’m not sure. We do enjoy spending time together.”

  “For now let’s lay low, okay? We don’t want to upset him or anyone else.”

  “You really want to continue to see my father when you know it’s me you want?”

  “I do want you, Hugo. We just need to be discreet for now. There are people out there who want to hurt me.”

  “Hurt you? Why?” Hugo asked, kissing her. “You’re a wonderful woman.”

  “Not everyone would agree with you. When you’re as successful as I am, people want to bring you down.”

  “Who wants to hurt you? I’ll keep you safe.” Hugo paused a moment. “Is it my father or Jensen?”

  “No, no,” Rachel said, wrapping her leg around Hugo. “It’s Keith.”

  “Keith?” Hugo asked. “I didn’t even know you two knew each other.”

  “Keith and I share an unfortunate history. Actually, the two of you do as well.”

  “Keith and me? I barely know him.”

  “That doesn’t mean you’re not connected,” Rachel said, running her hand over Hugo’s chest.

  “Okay, now you’re really confusing me.”

  Rachel kissed Hugo and ran her fingers over his penis. “Can I trust you?”

  “Of course,” Hugo said. “Look where I am right now. We better be able to trust each other.”

  “I mean, if I tell you something, can I trust that you will tell no one? Not even your father?”

  Hugo kissed Rachel. “You have my word.”

  “Thank you,” Rachel said with a sigh. “Keith used to date my brother, Nick.”

  “The one who passed away?”

  “He didn’t ‘pass away.’ He was killed by your Uncle Michael in a shootout caused by Keith and his friends.”

  “Uncle Michael?”

  “Yes. That’s one of the reasons Keith and I don’t get along. But it’s not the only one. You see, before Nick died, he provided me with some information about Keith, information about something he did many years ago, something bad.”

  “How bad?”

  “Very bad,” Rachel replied. “Sweetie, there’s no easy way to tell you this.”

  “Just say it.”

  “Keith killed your grandfather.”


bsp; “He was the driver of the car that killed your grandfather so many years ago.”

  Hugo sat up in bed. “Oh, my God. Does my dad know?”

  “No. And he can’t. You promised to keep this to yourself.”

  “But that bastard is a killer and he’s on the loose.”

  “Your Uncle Michael knows, too. The thing is, it happened so long ago. Keith was a minor at the time and there’s no real evidence to support a conviction. Anyway, too much time has passed now, so there’s no longer any legal action that can be taken against him.”

  “So that’s why Uncle Michael dumped him?”

  “Yes,” Rachel said.

  “Did you tell my uncle?”

  “No, of course not,” Rachel said. “I would never do anything to intentionally cause someone harm. Your uncle overheard Keith and I talking about it. You see, Keith was threatening me, constantly vowing to hurt me if I ever told anyone.”

  “He threatened you?”

  “Yes, all the time.” Rachel put her head against Hugo’s chest. “I live in constant fear of him. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I think he’s watching me. Hugo, he really scares me. And I can’t tell your father about it. It will only upset him and put myself at more risk. I just can’t live a happy life with Keith around.”

  “That son-of-a-bitch,” Hugo said. “Baby, I don’t want you to worry anymore. You have me now. I will keep you safe.”

  “I don’t want you to get involved,” Rachel said. “It’s too dangerous. Keith is a loose cannon, especially now that he’s single. There’s no telling what he’d do to me or to you. And I care about you too much to let you protect me.”

  “Rachel, I’m going to take care of everything. You’re safe with me from now on. I’ll take care of Keith. He ran down my grandfather and killed him. He won’t have the chance to do anything to you. He has to pay for what he has done already.”

  “Hugo, you’re so sweet to me,” Rachel said, kissing his chest and stomach.

  “Whether we are on the down-low or not, I will take care of you in every way,” Hugo said, pushing her head down toward his dick. “Including right here in bed with me where you belong.”