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Boystown Season Five Page 4

  “Are you two okay? Have you seen Tyler?” David asked before even noticing Emmett beneath the wing. “Oh God. Is he okay?”

  Derek put his hand on David’s shoulder. “Take a breath. Calm down.”

  “You can help us lift this,” Max added.

  “Have you seen any of the others?” Derek asked.

  “Only the pilot,” David declared frantically. “He’s dead.”

  “Help us with Emmett and then we’ll find the others,” Max said, as he pointed toward the center of the wing remnant.

  David positioned himself where Max indicated and, together, the three men strained to lift the wing from Emmett’s body. The metal was heavy but the men managed to lift and move it several feet to the side, uncovering Emmett.

  Max immediately dropped to his knees beside Emmett, who slowly opened his eyes.

  “Hey, guys,” Emmett whispered as he tried to smile.

  “Don’t scare us like that,” Derek added, kneeling next to his brother. “You okay?”

  “I will be. I’m the tough one, remember?”

  “Thank God,” David said. “You guys stay with him. I have to look for Tyler.”

  David rushed off before Max finished saying, “Come get us if you need help.”

  “How are the others?” Emmett asked as he struggled to sit up.

  “Easy, brother,” Derek replied. “You could have broken bones or something.”

  Emmett groaned as he sat up. “Ugh, no. I’m okay.”

  Derek pulled off what was left of his shirt and wiped blood from his brother’s face. “Well, you have a pretty nice gash on your forehead.”

  “But you’re still the best-looking guy around,” Max said with a smile as he embraced his fiancé.

  “Only because Cole is back in Chicago,” Derek added.

  Emmett smiled widely. “Oh? Are we finally acknowledging something?”

  “He must be worried sick about all of us,” Derek stated. “We should never have trusted a Ciancio jet.”

  “Don’t start,” Emmett quipped.

  Max stood up. “Let’s find the others and get the hell out of here.”

  “The only good thing about all this smoke is that it should help us be rescued more quickly. It makes us easier to find.”

  “It may still take them a while,” Derek said. “We should be prepared for that. And that lightning in the distance doesn’t please me, either.”

  “Well, staying here isn’t going to do any good. The others may need our help,” Max said. “Let’s go.”

  As Max, Derek, and Emmett made their way through the smoke in search of others, Gino and Justin did the same. Stumbling through the smoke, the engaged couple headed in what they thought was the direction of the main plane wreckage.

  “We’re never going to find anyone in this smoke,” Justin said.

  “I still don’t understand what happened. Our jets are the safest in the sky. Father always insisted on that.”

  “Stop blaming yourself, babe. I’m sure it was just a horrible accident,” Justin stated as he tripped over something.

  Stumbling forward slightly, Justin paused to look down at his feet. He gasped loudly when he saw it was a body.

  “Oh, shit,” he cried, jumping backwards.

  Gino took a closer look. The body was face down and he gently lifted and turned it over. Placing the body carefully on its back, Gino immediately recognized a member of the flight crew.

  “Jesus,” Justin whispered.

  Gino checked for a pulse or any sign of life. Then he looked up at Justin through tear-filled eyes. “He’s dead.”

  Justin shook his head. “How many more are we going to find like this?”

  Gino removed his shirt and placed it over the crew member’s head and body. “It’s Gabe Gallo. He’s worked for my father for a very long time.” Gino wiped his eyes. “His poor family...”

  Justin helped Gino up. “I’m sorry, babe.”

  “We have to remember this spot for the rescue crew,” Gino said. “To return Gabe to his family.” Then Gino heard a weak voice calling out to him.


  Gino turned in various directions to determine where the voice was coming from.

  The strained voice called out again, slightly louder. “Gino...”

  “Over here,” Justin said, pointing to his right.

  Gino followed Justin toward a small patch of evergreens. Pushing tree branches out of their way, Gino and Justin forced themselves into the clearing in front of them.

  Upon entering the area, they stopped at the sight of Carlo Ciancio, lying on the ground, impaled on a large, broken tree branch. Carlo gasped for breath as he reached out toward Gino.

  “My son...”

  Gino stepped over to his father and dropped to his knees. He examined the sharp limb extending through Carlo’s abdomen.

  “Father,” Gino whispered, his eyes filling with tears once again. “You have to hold on. Help will be here soon.”

  “My handsome son,” Carlo whispered and then coughed up some blood.

  “Here,” Justin said, removing his shirt and handing it to Gino, who wiped his father’s face with it. Justin then stepped around to the other side of Carlo’s body. “Maybe we can stop some of the bleeding.”

  Carlo gingerly turned his head toward Justin. “You love my son...”

  “I do,” Justin replied, forcing a smile.

  “I was wrong about you.” Carlo turned back to Gino. “I love you so much, my son. You deserve...happiness...”

  Gino tried futilely to hold back his tears. “You’re going to be okay, Father.”

  Carlo closed his eyes for a moment and coughed again. “Not this time, my son. Not this time.”

  “Carlo, you have to hang on,” Justin urged.

  “Help me,” Carlo moaned. He tried to unbutton his shirt, but was having difficulty moving his arms.

  “Father, what is it?”

  Carlo groaned as he tried to open his shirt.

  Gino leaned forward and tore open Carlo’s shirt, revealing something hanging around his neck.

  Carlo pulled the necklace off and clumsily put it into Gino’s hand.

  Gino examined the item attached to the chain. “What is it?”

  “Keep it safe. Marco will know what to do.”

  Gino looked confused. “Marco?”

  Carlo reached up to touch Gino’s face. “I am so...proud of you...”

  Gino took his father’s hand. “Father, you have to fight.”

  Carlo closed his eyes again. “Tell Marco I love him. And David and Tyler, too.” Carlo paused, opening his eyes slightly. “They are Ciancios now.” Carlo turned to Justin. “Take care of my boy. He’s my best...accomplishment...”

  “I will,” Justin promised, looking from Carlo to Gino.

  “Father, please try...”

  Carlo whispered. “It’s...time...”

  Gino’s tears flowed from his eyes. “Father, no.”

  Carlo’s eyes closed. “Marco...will know...” With those words, Carlo was gone.

  “No, no,” Gino cried, putting face against his father’s. “Please, no.”

  Bowing his head, Justin reached over and put his hand on Gino’s shoulder.

  “Father,” Gino moaned as he wrapped his arms around his father’s lifeless body.

  Justin walked around Carlo’s body and embraced Gino from behind. “I’m sorry, Gino.” Justin cried. “I’m so sorry.”

  “What am I going to do without him?” Gino asked, still holding his father.

  “You’ll be okay,” Justin whispered. “We all will.”

  Gino closed his eyes and cradled his father in his arms.

  “Stay here with him,” Justin said softly. “I’ll find the others. Take all the time you need.”

  “Thank you,” Gino mumbled.

  Justin kissed Gino’s forehead. “I love you.” Justin walked away in search of the other passengers and Gino sobbed softly over his father’s body.

  Max, Emmett, and Derek arrived back at the main wreckage site. The body of the plane was still smoldering, sending thick smoke high into the air. Lightning continued to illuminate the sky in the distance.

  “Sit here,” Max told Emmett. “You need to rest.”

  “I’m fine,” Emmett insisted.

  “I thought we might find the others here,” Derek declared, scanning the area.

  “Regardless, we’re better off here. Search teams will follow the smoke to us.”

  “Do either of you have your phones?” Emmett asked. “Mine’s gone.”

  Max shook his head. “Mine’s dead.”

  “And I can’t find mine,” Derek added.

  “We need to find the others, somehow,” Emmett stated.

  “Why don’t you two stay here and I’ll keep looking?” Derek asked.

  Emmett rolled his eyes. “You guys, I’m fine. Seriously. I’ll stay here and you two go look.”

  Behind them, Justin emerged through some bushes.

  “Guys,” Justin said, somewhat out of breath.

  Emmett rushed to his brother and hugged him. “Justin!”

  “You’re okay,” Derek said, relieved.

  Justin nodded, trying to catch his breath. “Carlo’s dead.”

  “What?” Max asked.

  “Gino is with him,” Justin explained. “He’s devastated.”

  “Oh, no,” Emmett gasped.

  “Have you seen anyone else?” Derek asked. “Tyler? Marco? David went looking for them.”

  “No,” Justin replied.

  “Shit,” Derek mumbled. “Damn the Ciancios.”

  Justin glared at his brother. “Really?”

  “Derek, stop it,” Emmett ordered.

  “We are going to search for the others,” Max said. “Come help us.”

  “You go,” Justin said. “I need to check on Gino. I’ll try to get him to come back here.”

  A bolt of lightning shot across the sky, followed by a loud crash of thunder.

  “That doesn’t sound good,” Derek said. “The storm is getting closer.”

  Max looked up at the sky, then toward the others. “We need to find the others before it hits.”

  “Go,” Emmett insisted. “I’ll stay here.”

  “You two head out together,” Justin ordered. “And I’ll check on Gino and then search the area around him.” Max and Derek headed out. Justin turned to his younger brother. “You okay?”

  Emmett nodded. “Go to Gino. He needs you.”

  Justin touched his heart and gave his brother an affectionate wink before heading back to Gino’s location.

  As Max and Derek continued their search for others, Joyelle Mancini was awakened from her sleep by the apartment buzzer. She sat up on the couch and looked toward the front door of David and Tyler’s apartment as the buzzer went off again.

  She wiped her eyes, stood up, slowly made her way to the door, and opened it.

  “Cole,” Joyelle said.

  Cole entered the apartment. “I’m sorry to come by so early in the morning, but I wanted to see how you are doing.”

  “Come in,” Joyelle said as she closed the door behind him.

  Cole hugged Joyelle. “I didn’t want you to be alone, unless you want to be.”

  “You mean because Tyler is in California? That’s very sweet of you, but I’m okay.”

  Cole looked at Joyelle directly. “You don’t know, do you? It’s been on the news all night.”

  “What has? I fell asleep here on the couch and haven’t had the TV on at all.”

  Cole walked Joyelle back to the sofa. “You should probably sit down.”

  Joyelle sat on the couch and said, “Cole, you’re scaring me. What is going on?”

  Cole sat down next to her. “There’s been an accident.”

  “What kind of accident?”

  “The plane that our friends were on went down last night.”

  Joyelle put her hand to her mouth. “No.” Joyelle’s eyes welled up with tears. “No,” she repeated. “Are they okay?”

  “I don’t know anything. I haven’t been able to reach Derek or anyone. Have you heard from Tyler?”

  Joyelle leaned forward to pick up her cell phone from the coffee table. She looked at it and said, “Nothing. Oh, God.”

  “Michael’s reaching out to his contacts in California to see if he can get any updates for us.”


  Cole put his hand on Joyelle’s leg. “I’m afraid there’s more news, too.”

  “Bad news?”

  “Logan tried to kill himself last night.”

  Joyelle’s eyes flooded with tears. “No...”

  “He’s going to be okay. Jesse saved his life. He got off the plane before it departed because he said he had a bad feeling about Logan. Luckily, he got there in time.”

  “Thank God,” Joyelle said. “That’s some good news, at least.”

  “I was going to head back to the hospital to check on them and see if Michael has any news,” Cole explained. “Would you like to come with me?”

  “This is very sweet of you.” Joyelle smiled at Cole. “We’ve been through a lot of crazy stuff together, you and me. And I just want to say that I’m glad we were able to come through it all as friends.”

  “You saved my life that day on the sidewalk a long time ago,” Cole recalled. “Not the most traditional way for a friendship to start, but a good one nonetheless.”

  “I never held you responsible for what happened with Derek and me. He’s the one who lied to me for all those years, not you.”

  “I’m sure it wasn’t easy for him, either. He was suffering through an internal struggle between being the man society wanted him to be and being true to himself. It’s something I can understand very well...”

  Joyelle hugged Cole. “I’m sorry. How are you doing with all of this news? I know how much you love Derek.”

  Cole smiled. “We both do. I’m doing okay, I guess. Just worried.”

  “Me, too,” Joyelle stated. “Let me wash up quick and change clothes. Give me a few minutes. Then we can go to the hospital.”


  Joyelle kissed Cole on the cheek and disappeared into the bathroom. Then Cole took out his phone and texted Jesse.

  While speaking with Mateo, Jesse received Cole’s text message. He read the text, “Headed back to the hospital. Do you need anything?” and put the phone back into his pocket as Mateo continued talking.

  “I was able to reach Patrick Provenzano earlier and he has agreed to personally work with Logan as a professional favor to me.”

  “Thank you so much,” Jesse said. “Logan may not be grateful for that now, but he will be in the long run. Especially if Patrick is the miracle worker you say he is.”

  “Well, Logan is the one who will have to put the time and effort in. We are going to have to discuss it with him today and introduce him to Patrick.” Mateo paused.

  “What is it?”

  “There’s something else I need to tell you,” Mateo said cautiously. “Your mother is here.”

  “My mother?”

  “She just arrived. She and her baby were transferred here for additional care.”

  “Her baby?”

  Mateo nodded. “She delivered a daughter prematurely last night in St. Louis.”

  Jesse smiled. “I have a sister.”

  Mateo put his hand on Jesse’s shoulder. “I’m afraid it’s not good. She is a very sick little girl. They transferred her here because our NICU doctors are the best around. But I need you to help your mother be realistic about the gravity of the situation. She is understandably upset.”


  “The baby has several brain bleeds of the most severe degree. They are very serious and survival without extraordinary measures is highly unlikely. And there are respiratory issues as well as other issues normally associated with premature babies.”


  “Even the best-case scen
arios aren’t promising, Jesse.”

  “It’s that serious?”

  “I’m afraid so. Our doctors have explained this to your mother already. There are laws and standards that guide our practices on these issues. If certain measures are taken to keep the baby alive, we cannot stop them later, so decisions about the level of treatment need to be made quickly.”

  “That’s an impossible decision for any mother to make.”

  “We have an ethics team here. Dr. Provenzano and his team can talk with your mom, answer her questions, provide her with support, and help her make the best decision for her child. But she needs to talk with them soon. That’s where I need your help. You need to convince her to at least talk with the team.”

  “I’ll try. Can I see her?”

  “Of course,” Mateo said. “I’ll walk you to her room.”

  As Jesse and Mateo headed down the hallway, Michael Martinez walked toward them from the elevators.

  “I’m glad I bumped into you,” Michael said. “How’s Dustin?”

  “The same,” Mateo replied as Jesse and he continued down the hallway.

  Michael walked with them. “Well, when do you think that’s going to change?”

  Mateo laughed. “You flatter me, brother. I’m not God. I have no idea when Dustin’s condition will improve. We hope soon, of course.”

  “I have several questions to ask him.”

  “I know you want to arrest him,” Mateo told his brother. “But he’s under my authority while he’s here in the hospital and I won’t have his care compromised.”

  “I know, I know,” Michael said. “This doesn’t have to turn into a pissing contest. I just want to know when I may be able to talk to him.”

  “Guys, guys,” Jesse interjected. “Can you discuss this later? I’d like to see my mother.”

  “I’m sorry,” Michael said. He looked at his brother. “I’ll wait for you in your office.”

  “Good idea,” Mateo agreed as he proceeded toward Jacqueline’s room. Upon reaching it with Jesse, he paused prior to opening the door. “She’s slightly sedated to help her relax and stay calm. I’m going to ask that you keep this visit somewhat short, so that she can rest. You know she has some tough decisions ahead of her.”

  “I understand. Thank you,” Jesse said, as Mateo slowly opened the door and escorted him into the room.