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Boystown Season Four Page 8

  “See?” Derek said, adding, “You did shoot me once before, remember?”

  Justin rolled his eyes and laughed. “You should be worried about the fact that you were able to provide so many suspect names to Michael. And people always think I’m the ‘bad guy’ in the family.”

  “What I’m worried about is getting out of here, helping Michael catch the person who did this to me, and returning to work. We have a lot of work to do.”

  “Oh, maybe that’s it. You thought by giving Michael my name you could get me out of the company or something?”

  “Now who’s being ridiculous?” Derek asked, sitting up further in his bed.

  Justin stopped his pacing, grabbed the chair near the window, pulled it closer to Derek’s bed, and sat down. “Derek, please. We can’t do this. I have been at this hospital non-stop for so many days that I can’t tell you what day of the week it is or which end is up. I sat here next to your bed, hour after hour while you were unconscious and I prayed -- yes, me -- I prayed that you’d be okay and that we’d have another chance. In one night, I thought I lost both of my brothers -- and a man who loves me very much -- and I was devastated. I swore that I would be a better brother -- a better person -- if the three of you would be okay. And you are. You, Emmett, and Gino are all going to be okay. So, please, let me show you the kind of brother and the kind of man that I know I can be. Let’s not fight like this anymore. Please.”

  Derek closed his eyes and nodded. “Fair enough. I guess old habits die hard.”

  “Let’s focus on getting you on your feet again and finding your real attacker, okay? And if we become better brothers and friends in the process, so much the better.”

  Rachel Carson and Marco Ciancio entered the room and stood just inside the doorway.

  “How touching,” Marco said. “Like a fucked-up Hallmark card.”

  “What are you two doing here?” Derek asked. He turned to his brother. “I thought you said you hired a security guard.”

  “Clearly, they haven’t arrived yet,” Justin said.

  “I appreciate you adding me to the suspect list,” Marco said to Derek. “You have no idea how much I enjoyed speaking with Officer Martinez this morning. Or is it Commander now? I understand that he’s being promoted.”

  “Why didn’t he just lock you up already and stop wasting time?” Derek asked.

  “Because I am innocent, of course,” Marco said.

  Derek laughed. “Right! Just like you were ‘innocent’ of the bombing that killed my children?”

  “Unfortunately for you, he has asked me to stay in Chicago for a while,” Marco said. “So I guess you’re stuck with me until I am cleared to return home.”

  “Which brings us to the reason for our visit,” Rachel said.

  “Yes, why are you here?” Justin asked.

  “When we looked in through the window, we thought you might be having a Mancini Global management meeting,” Marco said. “And we didn’t want to miss it.”

  “You are not part of MG’s management,” Justin said. “Not with eight percent of the company.”

  “He may not be,” Rachel said. “But I am.”

  Justin laughed. “You? You aren’t anything but trash. No wonder you’re with Marco now.”

  Rachel unfolded the papers in her hands and presented them to Justin. “I’d watch the name calling if I were you, you son of a bitch, because I may soon be your boss.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Derek asked. “What are those papers?”

  “Oh, my God,” Justin said, reviewing the papers in his hand. “These can’t be real.”

  “Notarized and all,” Rachel said. “They are as real as you and I.”

  Justin handed the papers to Derek. “There is no way that Emmett would do this. No way.”

  “Together, we now have nearly a one-third share of Mancini Global,” Marco declared. “And that’s just the beginning.”

  “Once we persuade your other brother to work with us, we will control the company,” Rachel added.

  “You’ve found him?” Justin asked.

  “No brother of ours will ever side with you,” Derek said.

  “Really?” Rachel asked. “Because it looks like Emmett already did.”

  “See you at the office,” Marco said as Rachel and he headed for the door.

  “You can keep that copy,” Rachel added. “Frame it, if you want.” And then they left the room.

  “Fuck,” Derek said, crumbling the paper in his hand. “Get the doctor. I have to get out of here.”

  “Calm down, Derek. You’re not ready yet.”

  “Did you know anything about this?”

  “Of course not,” Justin said. “As far as I knew, you still had control of Emmett’s part of the company. He hasn’t been himself lately, you know that. I’ll talk to him.”

  “Fast,” Derek said. “We have to fix this before the Ciancios do any more damage to our company. And to our family.”

  A few floors below Derek’s room, David and Tyler arrived at the hospital after their morning workout. Joyelle Mancini was at the nurses’ station and, upon seeing them, rushed over to them.

  “Tyler,” Joyelle said, approaching the men.

  “Good morning, sexy,” Tyler whispered discreetly.

  “Hi, Joyelle,” David added.

  “Are you two just getting here?”

  “Yes,” Tyler said. “Slept in a bit today. Hope you got some rest at your mother’s, too.”

  “Then you don’t know,” Joyelle said. David and Tyler both gave her looks to acknowledge that they had no idea what she was talking about. “Someone tried to kill Derek again last night.”

  “What?” David asked.

  “Here in the hospital? Is he okay?”

  “Yes, thank God,” Joyelle said. “Apparently someone posing as a staff member snuck into his room last night and tried to poison him. The night nurse saw something and startled the attacker away. She found the syringe on the floor and immediately pulled his tubes so he’s okay.”

  “Where was security?” Tyler asked.

  “I don’t know,” Joyelle said. “But Justin has hired a private security guard to watch Derek until his release.”

  “Probably a good idea,” David said. “I need to head up and talk to Logan about his physical therapy.”

  “I think Derek may need some, too,” Joyelle added.

  David looked at Joyelle. “Do you really think I’m the best person to be helping him with that?”

  “You did once before,” Joyelle stated.

  “A lot has happened since then. I can give him a referral.”

  From down the corridor, Michael approached Joyelle, David, and Tyler. “Good morning.”

  “Hello, Michael,” Tyler said.

  “Do you know anything more about the person who was in Derek’s room last night?” Joyelle asked.

  “I’m afraid not,” Michael said. Then he looked at David and Tyler. “But I would like to talk to each of you. Separately.”

  “I have to see a patient,” David said.

  “Okay, then I’ll start with Tyler and talk to you when you’re done.”

  “What is this about?” Tyler asked.

  “The attempts on Derek’s life.”

  As Michael interrogated Tyler about Derek, Cole O’Brien entered the restaurant at the Park Hyatt Hotel. He stopped at the hostess’s stand and the hostess escorted him to the table where Carlo and Gino were seated. They stood as Cole approached the table. When the hostess left the area, Carlo reached out to shake Cole’s hand.

  “Cole,” Carlo said with a smile. “I’m glad you could join us.”

  “Thank you for inviting me,” Cole said, shaking Carlo’s hand and then Gino’s. The three men then took their seats. “I’m glad to see you out of the hospital, Gino.”

  “Thank you. I was released yesterday. We took the liberty of ordering you some champagne,” Gino said, nodding toward the glass of bubbly at Cole’s place.
r />   “Great. Thank you.”

  “You’re probably wondering why we invited you to dine with us today,” Carlo said. “Well, it’s a celebration.”

  “What are we celebrating?” Cole asked, taking a sip of his champagne.

  “You,” Gino said, smiling.

  “You saved my son’s life. You risked your own life to save his and we are eternally grateful,” Carlo said. “Do you know what it’s like to be told your son is dead and find out that he’s really alive? It’s like a miracle and a second chance.” He raised his glass toward Cole and Gino did the same. “To you, Cole.”

  “Thank you,” Cole replied, taking another sip from his glass of champagne. “But anyone in my situation would have done what I did.”

  “I’m not so sure that’s true,” Gino said with a smile. “I owe you my life.”

  “So, tell me something, Cole,” Carlo said, leaning forward in his seat. “Is there anything I can do for you to show my gratitude for saving my son’s life?”

  “Thank you, but that really isn’t necessary,” Cole said, lifting his menu from the table.

  “There must be something,” Carlo continued.

  “Well,” Cole said, hesitating. “There is one thing I need. A job.”

  Gino looked at this father and then back at Cole. “We thought you were working for Mancini Global now. Has something changed?”

  Cole smiled. “It’s a long story, but, no, I’m not working for them anymore. They wanted to transfer me to California and, no offense, but Chicago is home for me.”

  “That’s understandable,” Gino said, drinking more of his champagne.

  “And I can’t really go back to the job I had before that,” Cole continued. “Sort of burned that bridge when I quit to go to Mancini.”

  “I see,” Carlo said. “Well, I think we can be of help. Don’t you, Gino?”

  “Absolutely,” Gino agreed. “In fact, I have an idea. Can you give me a few days to make some calls and check some things out?”

  “Of course,” Cole said. “I’d appreciate any help that you can offer me. So would my roommate Jesse -- otherwise, he’ll be paying the rent all by himself.”

  Carlo laughed. “Well, we wouldn’t want that. Consider it done, young man. Gino will follow-up with you in a few days.”

  “Great. Thank you both so much.”

  The restaurant hostess approached the table with an envelope in her hand. “Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt. This was just delivered for Marco Ciancio.”

  Gino reached out and took the envelope from her. “Thank you. He’s my brother. I’ll get it to him.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Ciancio,” she said and then walked away.

  Carlo raised his glass again. “Welcome to Ciancio International, Cole.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “Well, let’s order,” Gino said, looking at his menu.

  At the same time, David approached Logan’s hospital room where Jesse greeted him just outside the door.

  “Hi, Jesse,” David said. “How’s he doing?”

  “Not too well,” Jesse replied. “Ever since they removed his bandages and he saw himself in the mirror, he’s wanted to be alone and has been very quiet in there.”

  “That’s understandable,” David said. “But we have to show him that he has lots of support. Let’s go inside so I can discuss his physical therapy.”

  “Sure,” Jesse said, following David into the room, where Logan stood silently gazing out the window over Lincoln Park.

  “Hello, Logan,” David said as he entered the room.

  Logan turned around from the window to face David and Jesse. “Hey.”

  “Your doctor has prescribed some physical therapy for you so I’m here to discuss it with you.”

  “What’s the use?”

  “It’ll help you, Logan,” Jesse said. “David’s here to help.”

  “I’m fine,” Logan stated, looking out the window again.

  “Come on, Logan,” David said. “This is important. It’ll help strengthen your arm a bit and your core, too.”


  Jesse walked closer to Logan. “Babe, everything is going to be fine, you’ll see. You just need to work with David a bit.”

  “I promise not to waste your time,” David added. “I’m usually pretty successful with my clients.”

  “It’s not you,” Logan said. “I know you’re good. I just don’t see the point.”

  “David will help you be one hundred percent again.”

  “Jesse, you and I both know that I’ll never be one hundred percent.”

  “Things will get better every day, Logan,” David stated. “You’ll see.”

  “One day at a time,” Jesse said. “And you get to go home tomorrow, too.”

  “I’d like to be left alone, please,” Logan declared.


  “Please,” Logan said.

  “Okay,” David said. “We’ll go, but we’ll be back soon. We are your friends and we are going to help with your recovery.”

  “Thanks,” Logan sighed.

  Jesse followed David from the room into the hallway. “I’m really worried about him.”

  “Now I am, too,” David added.

  Jacqueline Morgan walked down the hall toward the two men.

  “I thought I might find you here,” Jacqueline said, giving her son a kiss. “How are you, David?”

  “Great, thanks,” David replied.

  “And how’s Logan doing?”

  “Not well,” Jesse said. “He’s been really quiet and depressed since he saw his burns for the first time.”

  “I’m sorry,” Jacqueline replied. “You need to be here for him. Give him lots of love and support.”

  “I know, but he’s pushing people away.”

  “Then push back,” Jesse’s mother stated. “You two have been through too much to let this come between you.”

  “Your mom’s right,” David said. “We all have to do all we can to keep him upbeat and progressing.”

  “Absolutely,” Jacqueline said. “David, would you excuse us for a moment?”

  “Oh, sure,” David said. “I need to go back downstairs and talk to Michael anyway. Excuse me.”

  “What’s up?” Jesse asked as David walked away down the hall.

  “I wanted to check in to see how Logan is. And to say goodbye.”

  “Goodbye? Why?”

  “I’m headed back home to St. Louis today.”


  “We’ve all been through a lot recently and now that Ben is dead, I need to get home and back to my life.”

  “Don’t you want to stay a bit longer? I like it when you’re close by.”

  Jacqueline smiled. “Thank you. But it’s time for me to get back to my life and get ready for the arrival of your new brother or sister. Besides, you have more than enough on your plate to keep you busy. You don’t need to worry about entertaining me.”

  “I like having you here, but I guess I understand.”

  “It’s not forever. I’ll be back to visit, especially as my due date approaches.” Jacqueline paused a moment. “I do have one favor to ask.”

  “Sure,” Jesse said.

  “Max. Try to get along with him. Make the effort.”

  “Mom, you know I--”

  “Please try. For me.”

  Jesse sighed. “Okay. I’ll try. But I’m not promising any miracles.”

  Jacqueline smiled. “Thank you. Come on, walk me out.” Jesse put his arm around his mother and they headed toward the elevator.

  As Jesse walked his mother out of the hospital, Jensen and Emmett walked into Boystown Blend together. They placed their order at the counter and, when their coffees were done, they paid the barista and sat down at a table near the window.

  “It’s nice seeing you healthier,” Jensen said. “You seem more like yourself.”

  “Thank you,” Emmett said, sipping his coffee. “I don’t know what was wrong wi
th me, but I do feel better.”

  “I can tell,” Jensen added. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything,” Emmett said.

  “You really love Max, don’t you?”

  “More than I can even put into words. He’s my life.”

  “Wow,” Jensen said quietly. “He must do and say all the right things.”

  “Actually, it’s the things that he doesn’t do or say that make the difference. He never judges, he never assumes, he never doubts my love for him. He is always there for me, loving me unconditionally, no matter what. Even when I’m not myself like the past few weeks.”

  “That’s amazing.”

  “I am very lucky,” Emmett said. “Why do you ask?”

  “I don’t know. Just envious, I guess. I doubt I’ll ever find that kind of love.”

  Emmett smiled. “You will. Give it time. I bet it’ll happen when you least expect it.”

  “I don’t really have many friends, just guys who know me from stripping.”

  “Well, all of my friends are your friends now, too. And you’ll meet your Mr. Right someday. I promise. It took Max and me a long time to get where we are. Hell, I was almost married to Keith instead. But life has a way of working out the way it’s supposed to.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “In the meantime, there’s something else I’d like to talk to you about: school.”

  “What about it?”

  “I want you to start college.”

  Jensen laughed. “College?”

  “Yes. A college degree is really important and you’re a bright person. It’ll open doors for you.”

  “I don’t really think I’m a college kind of guy.”

  “I do. I’d like you to try it.”

  “I don’t even know how to start.”

  “I can help you,” Emmett said. “I have some contacts at DePaul and Northwestern. I am going to call them, with your permission, of course.”

  “I don’t know, Emmett...”

  “And least let me look into it. Can’t hurt, right?” Emmett paused to take a sip of his drink. “You know how much I care about you, Jensen. I think you should give this a try.”