Boystown Season Three Read online


  Season Three

  Jake Biondi

  BOYSTOWN Season Three

  Jake Biondi

  Copyright 2015 by Jake Biondi

  Smashwords Edition

  ©2015 Jake Biondi

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  Cover Design by Cover Couture

  photos ©

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Start of Book

  Episode #21

  Some people are at their best when things are at their worst. Chaos had erupted in the Ritz Carleton party room when images of Derek Mancini and Cole O’Brien appeared on the large video screen as Derek and his wife Joyelle were concluding their toast honoring fiancés Emmett Mancini and Max Taylor. The New Year’s Eve engagement party was designed to be a memorable celebration of Emmett and Max’s love and commitment. But Rachel Carson had other ways of making the evening a memorable one.

  Joyelle Mancini had dedicated hours to creating a special video for her toast to Emmett and Max. Carefully gathering photos of the fiancés, Joyelle produced a sweet tribute to the engaged couple that she planned to show to all the party guests after Derek finished his portion of their toast. However, Rachel had managed to switch the DVD so that what the guests ultimately viewed was footage of Derek in Cole’s hospital room. Partygoers as well as Joyelle watched in shock as they witnessed Derek confessing his love for Cole while Cole lay unconscious in his hospital bed after being shot.

  Upon seeing the video, Joyelle ran from the room. Derek rushed after her and several others followed them, leaving the room in a complete state of chaos while Emmett and Max stood on the small stage in front of the room at a loss for what to do.

  Tyler Bennett rushed through the crowd and hopped up onto the stage next to Max. He picked the microphone that Derek had dropped up from the floor and began to address the party guests.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, can I please have your attention?” The crowd eventually quieted and focused its attention on Tyler. “I’m Tyler Bennett, one of the co-hosts of tonight’s party celebrating the engagement of Max and Emmett. I want to thank you all for coming and joining in this special evening.” Tyler turned to Max and Emmett. “Maybe with a little applause we could urge the happy couple to say a few words?” Tyler clapped and soon the rest of the party guests joined in.

  As Max reluctantly took the microphone from Tyler, two hotel security guards entered the room and hastily made their way to the front. When Max was about to speak, one of the guards reached out and took the microphone from Max’s hand.

  “Everyone, can I please have your attention?” The puzzled guests focused their attention on the man. “We have had an incident on the ground level that necessitates us evacuating the hotel. I would ask you all to please remain calm; you are in no danger. Please gather your belongings and my colleagues at the door will escort you safely out of the hotel.” Guests loudly reacted to this announcement and the guard tried to reassure them. “Everyone please remain calm. There is no imminent danger. My colleagues are at the doors ready to escort you safely from the hotel.”

  Guests rushed toward the exit as Keith Colgan pushed against them trying to get to the stage. Tyler, Emmett, and Max hopped down from the stage with the assistance of the security guard and Keith approached them.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  “We have no idea,” Emmett said. “But it sounds like we need to get out of here.”

  “What about Michael, Derek and Joyelle?”

  “They must be outside already,” Max said. “They said the entire building is being evacuated.”

  “We better go,” Emmett added.

  “What about that video?” Keith asked.

  Max looked directly at Keith. “Really?”

  “Now’s not the time, Keith,” Emmett said. “We need to find the others.”

  As Keith followed Max and Emmett out of the party room, Jesse Morgan was on his knees in front of Ben Donovan in a room on the hotel’s fourteenth floor. Having peeled Ben’s costume all the way off of him, Jesse was sucking Ben. Digging his fingers into the wall behind him, Ben tried to resist Jesse’s advances. He fixed his eyes on the ceiling as Jesse continued.

  “I don’t...want...this...” Ben mumbled as Jesse reached up to caress his chest. Ben moaned loudly and then, in one violent motion, he leaned forward, pulled Jesse up from his knees, and threw him against the wall, pinning him there. Holding Jesse’s wrists high above his head against the wall, Ben looked angrily into Jesse’s eyes. Breathing hard, the two stood staring at one another.

  After a moment, Ben threw his body up against Jesse and kissed him hard on the mouth. Jesse struggled to get free as Ben forced his tongue down Jesse’s throat. His hard dick pressed up against Jesse’s hips as Jesse’s cock grew erect beneath his tight briefs. Ben forced his mouth under Jesse’s chin, roughly kissing his neck and shoulders. When Ben loosened his hold on Jesse’s wrists, Jesse lowered his hands to Ben’s back.

  Their mouths found each other and their rage calmed as they wrapped their bodies around each other. Jesse ran his hands down Ben’s back and cupped his hot ass while Ben pulled off Jesse’s briefs. He wrapped one leg around Jesse as his muscled arms pressed against Jesse’s sides. Pressed against each other, Ben and Jesse kissed passionately.

  Smiling oddly, Ben slowly knelt down in front of Jesse, who quickly pushed him backwards against the bed and reached down to grab his underwear off the floor. As he tried to pull it back on, Ben lunged at Jesse and grabbed him around the waist.

  “Let go of me!” Jesse yelled.

  “Oh, no,” Ben said. “Not this time.”

  Ben lifted Jesse off the ground and threw him onto the bed. He attempted to climb on top of Jesse, who used his legs to push Ben backwards. Regaining his balance, Ben leapt forward onto Jesse. When Jesse tried to resist, Ben pinned him down. His legs on Jesse’s chest, Ben used his weight to keep Jesse in place as he reached over to grab the sash from his costume that was lying nearby on the bed.

  “Let me go!” Jesse demanded.

  Ben didn’t respond. Instead, he tied the sash tightly around one of Jesse’s wrists, ran it through the bed’s headboard, and tied the other end to Jesse’s other wrist. Jesse continued to struggle but there was no getting free. With his arms tied above his head and the weight of Ben’s body on top of him, Jesse lost control of the situation.

  Ben looked down into Jesse’s wide eyes. “You denied me this once before.” Ben grabbed Jesse’s ankles and pulled them over his shoulders. “You won’t this time.” Keeping hold of Jesse’s ankles, Ben leaned forward and kissed Jesse’s neck and ears. When Jesse turned his head away, Ben let go of one Jesse’s ankles and firmly grabbed his face, turning it back toward him. He pressed his lips against Jesse’s; the kiss was deep and violent.

  Ben repositioned his hands on Jesse’s thighs, spreading them apart. “Stop, fucker,” Jesse pleaded. Ben ignored him and began to suck Jesse’s cock.

  With Jesse’s dick hard, Ben put his hands on the back of Jesse’s knees and pushed his legs up toward his head. Jesse tried to kick as Ben pressed his hard dick against him. Kissing the insides of Jesse’s calves and thighs, Ben pressed the enlarged head of his penis against Jesse.

  Jesse yelled. “Don’t!”

  “You’re mine,” Ben sneered. “Always have been and always will be.”


  With one powerful thrust,
Ben shoved himself into Jesse, who winced as Ben tore into him. He tried to get his arms free of the sash as Ben pounded him. His thrusts became quicker and deeper. When Ben looked into Jesse’s eyes, he saw Jesse’s rage and smiled. Then he forced another kiss onto Jesse’s lips and released his cum into Jesse.

  Jesse’s eyes filled with tears. “I...”

  Still inside Jesse, Ben grinned and replied, “You love this.”

  When Ben leaned forward to kiss Jesse again, Jesse spit in his face. Ben wiped the saliva from his cheeks and then positioned his hands around Jesse’s throat. He strangled Jesse and watched the boy gasp for breath. Suddenly, he let go of Jesse and kissed him again.

  Just then, the door to the room opened. Both Jesse and Ben turned toward it and saw Logan Pryce and Jacqueline Donovan standing in the doorway.

  “Oh, my God,” Jacqueline gasped as she turned her head away from the bed.

  “Logan,” Jesse said, his eyes still teary.

  “Oh, my God,” Jacqueline repeated as if she were having trouble breathing.

  Logan didn’t say a word. Instead, he put his arm around Jacqueline and turned her away from the bed to escort her from the room.

  “Logan, wait...” Jesse begged.

  “Baby,” Ben said, hopping off the bed.

  “Oh, my God,” Jacqueline said a third time, Logan ushering her back into the hallway.

  A member of the hotel staff approached them. “Excuse me,” he said to them. “But we are evacuating the hotel.”

  “Evacuating? Why?” Logan asked, his arms still holding Jacqueline tightly.

  “There was an incident on the first floor. Evacuating is just a precaution. Please exit that way,” the man said, pointing to the exit sign down the hall.

  Pulling his costume pants on, Ben rushed into the hallway and stopped at the sight of the hotel staff member. Logan and Jacqueline were already headed down the hall to the exit.

  “Sir, we need to evacuate the floor,” the man told Ben. “Please head in that direction.” The man moved on to the next room and knocked on the door. Ben looked down the hallway for Jacqueline and Logan but they were gone.

  He stepped back into the room and looked at Jesse, still tied to the bed. As he walked past one of the cameras that Jesse had carefully set up in the room earlier in the day, he pulled it off the shelf.

  “I’m sure you’re going to want to watch this over and over again,” Ben declared. “I don’t blame you; it was pretty hot.”

  “My mother will want nothing to do with you now.”

  Ben threw the camera at Jesse. “She’s carrying my child. We are tied together forever. Even this little stunt of yours can’t change that.”

  “You’ll never know that kid,” Jesse said. “And more important, he will never know his asshole father.”

  “The same way you never knew your asshole father?” Ben walked closer to the bed. “Think what you want, Jesse. But I assure you -- I will be a part of my child’s life. One way or another.” Ben paused. “Besides, when I explain what happened here, your mother will forgive me. She will never forgive you.”

  “You two are finished,” Jesse said. “Now untie me so we can get out of here.”

  Ben smiled. “Looks like the only two who are finished are you and Logan.” Ben pulled on his costume shirt. He leaned over and put his face near Jesse’s. “Even you have to admit what just happened was pretty damn hot.” Ben kissed Jesse’s chest.

  “You fucker,” Jesse said, struggling to free his arms.

  Ben picked up the camera and its attachment. “And this is just the proof I need to convince your mother I’m innocent in all of this.” Ben turned around and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  “Untie me!” Jesse yelled toward the closed door. “Somebody help me!”

  When Logan and Jacqueline emerged from the hotel, the sidewalk was crowded with people rushing in every direction. Sirens from emergency vehicles echoed off nearby Michigan Avenue buildings and police officers on the sidewalk directed people to cross the street to safety. While Logan and Jacqueline followed some people across the street, Keith, Emmett, and Max hurried over to meet them.

  “There you are,” Keith said. “Are you okay?”

  “We’re fine,” Logan said. “Does anyone know what’s going on?”

  “They said there was an explosion of some kind,” Emmett replied.

  Jacqueline looked up from the ground toward Emmett. “An explosion? Was anyone hurt?”

  Max shook his head. “We have no idea. Everyone is rushing in every direction.”

  “Have you seen any of the others?” Keith asked. “Jesse? Derek? Michael?”

  Logan sighed. “We saw Jesse.”

  Jacqueline put her hands to her face as she started to cry. “I have to get out of here.” Jacqueline rushed down the sidewalk.

  “What’s the matter?” Max asked.

  “I need to go after her,” Logan said, following Jacqueline.

  “What was that all about?” Keith asked.

  “Not sure,” Emmett said, checking his phone again. “Derek isn’t answering my calls or texts. I’m worried about him. He ran out of that room like a crazy person.”

  Max added, “And Joyelle, too.”

  “Well that video was pretty startling,” Keith added. “Derek telling Cole that he loves him? Joyelle looked devastated.”

  “Not now, Keith,” Max said. “We need to find the others. Haven’t you heard from Michael? He ran out right behind them.”

  Keith removed his phone from his pocket and showed it to Max. “Nothing.”

  “Why don’t you ask one of these police officers?” Emmett asked. “They may know where Michael is.”

  “Sure,” Keith replied as he headed toward a nearby cop.

  “What should we do?” Emmett asked Max. “Head home and wait? Follow Logan?” Max put his arm around Emmett. “Max, I’m scared.”

  Max kissed the top of Emmett’s head. “It’ll be okay.” Max tightened his arm around Emmett as they both scanned the crowds of people for a familiar face.

  From the crowd emerged Brian, the Whiskey and Cherries pianist who had performed at the engagement party. “There you are,” he said as he hugged Emmett and then Max. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Is everyone okay?”

  “We don’t know,” Max said. “We haven’t been able to reach some of them.”

  “What about Danielle and Meredith?” Emmett asked.

  “They are fine,” Brian said. “I put them in a cab home, but I wanted to check on you two before I left.”

  “Thank you,” Emmett said, giving Brian another hug. “Go on and head out. I’ll keep you posted on the others; I promise.”

  “Okay, thanks,” Brian said. “What a night.”

  “Thanks again for everything, Brian,” Max added. “You guys were great.”

  Brian smiled back at Max and Emmett before heading through the crowded street in search of a cab. Emmett and Max lost sight of Brian as David Young approached them from a different direction.

  “Emmett!” David yelled as he pushed his way to Emmett and Max. David’s hair was messed up and he was covered in dust and debris.

  “David,” Emmett said. “My God, are you okay? What happened to you?”

  David tried to catch his breath. “I ran through the police line looking for Cole. He went racing out of the hotel after Derek and Joyelle.”

  “Did you find him? How is he?” Max asked.

  “No.” David paused a moment. “Guys, it’s bad. The limo you came in exploded.”


  “I couldn’t get close enough to see what was going on. There’s smoke and shit everywhere. I tried to get to the car, but the police pulled me away.”

  “Did you see anyone? Derek? Justin?”

  David shook his head. “There was too much smoke. And it’s crazy in the area. Police. Firemen.”

  “I knew it was something terrible,” Emmett mumbled.

“Ambulances just arrived,” David added. “And Tyler, too. They let him in because he’s a help with triage.”

  “We’ve got to get in there,” Emmett said, looking at Max.

  “Come with me,” David said. “Maybe because you’re family, they’ll tell you more.” David grabbed Emmett’s hand and pulled him into the crowd; Max followed close behind.

  As the thick smoke in the driveway area of the Ritz Carlton dissipated, policemen scrambled to identify and rescue survivors. Flashing lights and sirens penetrated the area as ambulances worked their way through the crowded street.

  Officer Michael Martinez slowly pushed himself up from the ground, coughing violently from the thick smoke. Blood from the gash on his forehead dripped over his eyes, blurring his view of the debris around him. He wiped the blood from his face and reached out to the cement pylon next to him to stabilize himself and regain his balance. Once standing, he tried to catch his breath and wiped more blood from his face.

  Michael heard the yells from someone nearby. “Help! Somebody help!” He turned to his left, then his right, trying to determine the source of the yelling. Then as the dust cleared a bit, he saw a figure kneeling on the ground near him. He stumbled in that direction, trying to avoid tripping over debris in his path.

  He approached the figure on the ground and he saw that it was Derek Mancini. “Derek?”

  “Michael,” Derek said, waving for Michael to come closer to him. “Hurry. They’re trapped under the car door.” Arriving to Derek’s location, Michael saw that Derek, too, was covered in blood. “Hurry!”

  Michael bent down next to Derek; he saw that the limousine’s huge back door had been blown off the car, pinning two people beneath it. “They’re trapped,” Derek cried as Michael noticed two sets of bloody legs beneath the car.

  “Come on,” Michael directed Derek. “Grab that side!” Michael positioned himself on one side of the car door as Derek reached the other. “We can do this.” Both Michael and Derek worked to get a solid grip on their sides of the door. “On three!”