Boystown Season Three Read online

Page 11

“I love you,” Cole said, kissing Derek.

  “I love you, too.” Derek pushed his feet between Cole’s legs to spread them again and began kissing him passionately. Cole grabbed Derek’s ass and pulled him closer to him as Derek worked his way back inside Cole.

  While Derek fucked Cole again, Michael Martinez and Keith Colgan were cooking in Michael’s kitchen. Michael sautéed some onions and peppers on the stove while Keith prepared a salad.

  “Can’t you question them all again?”

  Michael smiled. “You’re cute. No, I can’t keep hauling people back into the department to question them over and over about the explosion because my boyfriend wants me to. There are procedures in place. Besides, I have already questioned everyone who was there, including Gino and Marco. And now Justin, too. There’s no new information.”

  “But I know Marco is behind it. Justin said so,” Keith replied, tossing some tomatoes into the salad bowl.

  “I know that’s what Justin said, but he has nothing to back that up. And Justin has a bone to pick with that family anyway, so he’s hardly an unbiased source.”

  “Can’t you just question Marco again? For me?”

  Michael turned from the stove and kissed Keith. “It’s sweet that you care so much about your friends, but I’m doing all I can.”

  “I care more about you. You could have been killed in that explosion.”

  “But I wasn’t,” Michael said, adding some tomato sauce to the pan. “I would like to question that Rachel, though. Now that we know she was at the party. Any idea where she might be?”

  “Rachel? She could be anywhere.”

  “And you haven’t heard from her at all?’

  Keith hesitated a moment. “No. Not since December.”

  “You okay? You get jittery every time I mention her.”

  “I’m fine,” Keith said, refocusing on the salad. “Her name just brings up a lot of bad memories; that’s all.”

  “I’m sorry,” Michael said. “I won’t bring her up again. But if you do hear from her, you’ll tell me, right?

  “Of course.”

  “I have a question for you. My father’s birthday is tomorrow and I always visit his grave on his birthday. Would you like to come with me, Stormy?”

  “Sure,” Keith said, planting a kiss on Michael’s cheek. “Thank you for asking me.”

  “Well, you’re my other half now. It’s time you meet him. If we can find his grave marker under all this snow.”

  “It’ll be my pleasure.” Keith finished tossing the salad. “Okay, this is ready to go. What else can I help you with?”

  Michael wrapped his arms around Keith and pulled him tightly toward him. “Just this.” Michael kissed Keith.

  Michael and Keith finished preparing their dinner while Emmett and Max were wrapped up with each other under a blanket on the sofa in their new living room. Boxes from their recent move stood in the corner of the room and the walls were still bare. The glow from their television lit the room as the movie Mommie Dearest played.

  “I never get tired of this,” Max said as he kissed Emmett on the forehead.

  “The movie? Or me?”

  Max laughed. “Both.”

  Emmett looked around the room. “We still have a lot of unpacking to do.”

  “Not tonight,” Max said. “Tonight is about cuddling with my fiancé in a snowstorm.”

  “With Joan Crawford,” Emmett added.

  “Between the two of us, we know this movie line for line.”

  “Of course,” Emmett said. “Can’t be gay if you don’t.”

  Max laughed. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Did hearing about Derek’s visit with your father make you regret not going with him?”

  “Not at all,” Emmett replied. “Seeing my father would only bring back all the pain of Justin outing me to him and him throwing me out. I don’t need to relive that.”

  “You sure don’t.”

  “If Derek has a need to make up with our dad, that’s his business. It’s only motivated by his interest in the company anyway. My father and I have said all we ever need to say to one another.”

  “Okay,” Max said. “I guess I just wanted you to know that I’d support you if you wanted to go see him. I support whatever you decide.”

  Emmett kissed Max. “I know. And I love you for that. But I’m good.”


  The two shifted their focus back to their television. They watched as Joan Crawford drove her daughter home from boarding school.

  Emmett said Christina’s line, “There’s a liquor store to the right.”

  Then Max recited Joan’s line, “I should have known you’d know where to find the boys and the booze.”

  They both laughed and then looked at each other.

  “Oh, my God,” Emmett said.

  Max smiled. “That’s it!”

  “The boys and the booze,” they said simultaneously.

  “I think we have our name,” Emmett said, kissing and hugging Max.

  While Emmett and Max celebrated their new club’s name and finished watching their movie, Jacqueline stood in front of the hotel room mirror, examining her naked body. Her pregnancy was finally beginning to show a bit and she ran her hands over the small baby bump in her abdomen. While most people wouldn’t be able to notice it, especially when she was fully dressed, Jacqueline was well aware of her changing physique.

  Startling her as he entered, Ben came into the hotel room abruptly but stopped when he saw her standing in front of him. He pulled off his winter coat, hat, and scarf, tossing them onto the nearby table.

  “Babe, you look beautiful.” Jacqueline didn’t reply; she maintained her focus on the mirror. Ben pulled off his shirt and walked over behind her so they both were visible in the mirror. He wrapped his arm around her, placing his hand on her abdomen. “How’s my little one doing?”

  “Just fine,” Jacqueline said frankly. “How long are we going to be staying at this hotel?”

  “Not much longer,” Ben replied. “I think I have finally found an apartment for us. It’s close to Jesse’s place and the restaurant. And even Max.”

  “How convenient.”

  Ben began to kiss the back of Jacqueline’s neck. “Do you know how much I love you?”

  Jacqueline stepped away from Ben and picked up her night gown from the bed. “You have an odd way of showing it.”

  “Come on, Jacqueline. I’m trying to help us move forward together and get past what happened on New Year’s Eve. You have to try to as well.” Ben kicked off his boots.

  “That’s like asking me to move a mountain. You were sleeping with my son.”

  Ben pulled off his pants. “It wasn’t my fault. You know that.”

  Jacqueline turned away from Ben, who walked up behind her and hugged her. “Let go of me.” Ben ignored his wife’s request and ran his hand down her stomach, his mouth kissing her shoulders. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Ben ran his leg along Jacqueline’s as his dick grew hard inside his underwear. As it pressed up against Jacqueline’s ass, she spun around to face him. He leaned in to kiss her, but she turned her face away from him and stepped to the side.

  “We are not doing this,” Jacqueline said. “Not tonight. Not ever again.”

  “I love you,” Ben declared, walking toward his wife. He pulled his underwear off, revealing himself to her. Jacqueline kept stepping backwards until she was up against the wall. Ben put his hands against the wall on each side of her and kissed her neck again.

  “We are not doing this,” Jacqueline repeated. Ben’s right hand worked its way down the side of her body, eventually fingering between her legs, and his lips kissed her ears and her jaw line. As his mouth approached hers, she turned it away from him. His left hand grabbed her face and turned it back to him so that he could finally kiss her. Their kiss lasted a moment and then Jacqueline quickly stepped out from against the wall.

p; “We are not doing this,” she said once more as Ben turned and walked to her. She stepped backwards against the bed, losing her balance and falling onto it in a seated position. Ben quickly dropped to his knees between her legs and kissed the inside of her thighs.

  Jacqueline looked down at her husband. “We are...not...” Her hands gripped the bed sheets as Ben kissed his way up to her stomach and then her breasts. Ben’s dick pressed between her legs and his mouth on her right nipple, Jacqueline finished her thought, “...doing...this.”

  Ben looked into Jacqueline’s eyes, his muscled body weighing her down. She ran her hands over his tattooed arms as he kissed her deeply. Their tongues embraced for a moment until she turned her head to the side.

  “I hate you,” she said.

  “No, baby,” he replied with a smile as he worked himself into her. “You love me. And you want me more than you ever have.”

  “I...” she said, digging her fingers into his back and wrapping her hips around him. “Hate...” He plunged deeper inside her as her hands ran down his back to his firm butt. “Oh, Shawn.”

  Giving in to her husband, Jacqueline kissed his neck and his chest. He pushed himself up on the bed, adjusting his position to get deeper inside her. His new angle allowed his cock to penetrate more effectively and Jacqueline squirmed beneath him.

  Ben smiled at her as he prepared to fill her. He thrust deeper and harder as she ran her feet up and down the back of his legs. She kissed him deeply, running her hands over his head and neck. Finally, he released inside of her. “I love you, baby.”

  Jacqueline didn’t reply; she just lay quietly on the bed. Soon, Ben got up and slapped her gently on the butt. Then he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Staring at the bathroom door, Jacqueline remained on the bed for a moment. After a moment, she jumped up and grabbed her phone from the night table. She quickly texted her son: “Be careful. Ben is monitoring your phone.”

  As the snow continued to coat Chicago in white, Tyler Bennett and Joyelle were walking from the nurse’s station on the fifth floor of St. Joseph Hospital to the elevators.

  “This is crazy,” Tyler said, pushing the button to call the elevator. “If we get one more broken wrist tonight...”

  Joyelle smiled. “Everyone is slipping on the ice.”

  “Everyone should be staying inside,” Tyler said as the elevator doors opened in front of them.

  “If I weren’t here, that’s where I’d be -- inside at home,” Joyelle replied as she stepped into the elevator. “I don’t do well outside in blizzards.”

  Tyler laughed and followed her into the elevator. “Apparently, neither do these people we’re treating tonight.”

  Joyelle pressed the button for the first floor and the elevator doors closed. “Well, at least we’re on duty together. We have each other to ‘vent’ to.”

  “Exactly,” Tyler agreed as the lights in the elevator began to flicker. “Oh, shit.”

  “This isn’t good,” Joyelle said as the elevator halted abruptly, causing both of them to lose their balance momentarily.

  “You okay?” Tyler asked as the light in the elevator went out.

  “Fine,” Joyelle said. “Storm must have knocked out the power.”

  “The hospital has generators,” Tyler said. “We’ll be okay.” The light in the elevator turned back on, more dimly than before. “See? That’s better.”

  Joyelle hit the emergency button on the elevator panel but nothing happened. “Well, that’s helpful,” she said sarcastically.

  “We just have to sit tight for a bit. They are probably resetting the system.”

  Joyelle sat down on the floor. “Might as well get comfortable, right?”

  “Sure,” Tyler said, sitting on the floor as well. “So enough about our patients. How are you doing?”

  “I’m okay,” Joyelle said, folding her arms to try to keep herself warm. “Chilly in here.”

  “Have the doctors said anything else?”

  “Anything else? About my memory, you mean?” Tyler nodded. “Nothing. Physically, I’m fine. Just have to be patient, as you and I have discussed.”

  “Joyelle, do you remember our talks about your wedding ring?”

  Joyelle looked down at her hand. “My wedding ring? No. Why were we discussing that?”

  “It’s hard to explain,” Tyler said. “What about Cole? Do you remember anything we discussed about Cole?”

  “My neighbor? No. What were we saying about him?”

  “You remember that he took that bullet for your husband, right?”

  “Yes. That I do remember. He saved Derek’s life.”

  “Do you know that he saved yours as well?”

  “Mine? What are you talking about?” Joyelle rubbed her arms more to keep warm.

  Tyler moved himself next to Joyelle and put his arm around her. “Here, let me see if I can help with that.”

  “What do you mean that Cole saved me?”

  “At the explosion. He jumped onto you to protect you and your children.”

  “My God,” Joyelle said. “Why didn’t anyone tell me that?”

  “I was sure they had,” Tyler said. “I guess it was like karma, since I am told that you saved him a while ago when he got mugged.”

  “It’s hardly the same thing,” Joyelle declared. “I happened upon him after he was attacked. It sounds like he put himself directly in harm’s way to try to protect me.”

  Tyler nodded. “He did.”

  After a moment of silence in the elevator, Joyelle spoke again. “Wow, what else aren’t people telling me that I should know?”

  “Everyone is respecting what the doctors said. You can’t force the memories; they have to return on their own.”

  “Just makes me wonder,” Joyelle said, putting her head on Tyler’s shoulder. “About all the things I’m missing.”

  “It’ll get better, Joyelle,” Tyler said, tightening his arm around her. Suddenly, there was a violent jolt as the elevator began operating again. The light came back on fully and the elevator was in motion. Tyler smiled. “See? They are getting better already.”

  As Joyelle and Tyler took care of more patients who fell victim to the Chicago snowstorm, Justin was standing on his balcony in sunny California. Wearing his sunglasses and enjoying the warm breeze, he spoke into his cell phone.

  “Call Rachel Carson.” Justin waited while the call connected. After a few rings, Rachel’s voicemail answered the call and Justin left a message. “It’s Justin. We need to talk. Call me.”

  He ended the call and paced back and forth on the balcony. Then he spoke into his phone again. “Call Gino Ciancio.” Justin waited for the call to connect, but it, too, eventually went to voicemail. Justin ended the call without leaving a message.

  Before he could put the phone down, it rang. He immediately answered it, assuming it was either Rachel or Gino calling him back. “Hello?” Justin paused as he listened to the voice on the other side of the call. “My father? I’ll be right there.” Justin shoved his phone into his pocket and slowly made his way to the door of his home.

  When Justin called Gino, his cell phone lit up brightly. It was lying on the table next to Gino’s bed, unnoticed by Gino whose attention was focused on his house staff member, Bella. Naked, Gino stood on one end of the bed as Bella wrapped her mouth around him. Gino maintained his balance by leaning forward and placing his hands on his brother Marco’s shoulders.

  Marco was situated behind Bella, fucking her deep and hard. He looked up at his brother and then back down at Bella who pushed against him as she sucked Gino. Marco adjusted his position, raising his left leg alongside Belle’s curvy body. Each time Marco pushed into her, her breasts bounced and her throat took Gino deeper.

  Gino grabbed Bella’s arms, lifting her up against him. Her fingers explored his hard chest as he kissed her deeply. Running his hands through her wavy, black hair, Gino kissed her mouth and then her large breasts.

  Marco pulled himself out of Bella a
nd stood up on the bed beside his brother. Bella turned slightly so she could suck both brothers simultaneously. The brothers put their arms around each other’s shoulders as they watched themselves bounce in and out of Bella’s mouth.

  Digging his hand into Gino’s shoulder, Marco erupted, spewing into Bella’s mouth. Smiling as she looked up at the twins, Bella anticipated Gino. Looking up at the ceiling, Gino released, filling Bella’s mouth.

  Marco hopped down off the bed, tapping Bella’s ass as he did. Bella smiled and stood up from the bed. She picked her clothes up from the floor and started to pull them on.

  “Hot as always,” Gino told her as he got off the bed and searched the floor for his pants.

  “Just like when we were kids,” Marco added.

  “I love you boys,” Bella said. “But I better get out of here before your father starts looking for me. It’s almost dinner time.” Bella blew each twin a kiss and then left the room.

  “Thanks, Bella,” Gino said. “I’m going to hop in the shower.” He turned to his brother. “And then you and I are going to have a talk.”

  “Sounds ominous,” Marco joked.

  Gino went into the bathroom to clean up while Marco pulled on his shirt. Bella knocked on the bedroom door and stuck her head back into the room.

  “Can you tell Gino that he has a call from Rome waiting on his room line?”

  “Sure,” Marco replied as Bella winked at him and closed the door when she left.

  Marco checked to make sure that Gino’s bathroom door was still closed. He could hear the shower running within. He walked over to the house phone on the table, pressed a button, and answered the call.

  “This is Gino,” Marco lied.

  “Gino,” a woman’s voice said. “It’s your Aunt Concetta. How are you, my dear?”

  “Aunt Connie, it’s good to hear from you. I’m great. How are you? It’s been way too long.”

  “It has,” she said. “But I need to see you. It’s important.”

  “Is something wrong?” Marco asked. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, dear. Thank you. I just need to deliver something to you in person. In about a week.”