Boystown Season Four Read online

Page 11

  “We’ll see,” Dustin said, trying to smile. “Just having a date to take to the birthday party would be great.”

  “Maybe you’ll meet a great, eligible guy at the party?”

  “Maybe,” Dustin stated. “Actually, I do have an idea of someone who could go with me.”

  “Great,” Max said. “Now, since you’re here, I want to show you a few things on these plans.”

  Max pointed out some items on the blueprints to Dustin as Jensen snuck away without them ever knowing he was there.

  In his office downtown, Derek was finishing a meeting with his attorney Vince Provenzano. Derek was standing at the window looking out over the city and Vince sat at the nearby table putting some documents back into his briefcase.

  “I appreciate your help, Vince,” Derek said.

  “That’s what I’m here for. I’m just sorry there isn’t more I can do to help more quickly.”

  “Well, Emmett doesn’t remember anything about those papers, so that doesn’t help. And his signature has been verified which doesn’t help, either.”

  “If only we had a witness or someone who could talk more about it to explain what happened.”

  “Yes -- but unless you can pull one out of a hat, I don’t think that’s going to happen,” Derek said, returning to his desk.

  “I won’t give up,” Vince said.

  “Thank you.”

  “Good to see you back at work, my friend. Glad you’re doing better.”

  “Thanks, Vince,” Derek said.

  “I’ll be in touch.” Vince picked up his briefcase and walked to the door as Michael Martinez was entering the office.

  “Pardon me,” Michael said.

  “No problem,” Vince said, leaving the office.

  “Michael, come on in,” Derek said as Michael entered the room and closed the door behind him. “Is there some news?”

  “Actually, yes,” Michael stated, sitting down in the chair across from Derek.

  “Finally,” Derek said. “What’s up?”

  “A gun was found in your neighbor’s yard.”


  “Your neighbors’ children found it when they were playing outside. The nanny turned it over to us immediately and we are currently running tests on it as well as the bullets that were recovered from your surgery.”

  “Is the gun registered to anyone?”

  “I can’t say at this point,” Michael said. “As soon as the ballistics reports come back, I’ll let you know. I just wanted to keep you posted.”

  “I appreciate that. It’s been over a month so it’s nice to finally have some news.”

  “We’re doing all we can, you know that.”

  “I also know that the person who tried to kill me -- twice -- is still out there at this moment.”

  “Not for long,” Michael stated.

  “I’m glad to hear it. Thank you.” Michael smiled at Derek and left his office.

  Getting ready for the birthday party, Jesse was in his underwear in Logan’s bedroom as Logan pulled on his shirt.

  “Mmm, babe,” Jesse said. “You look hot.”

  “Hardly,” Logan said quietly as he buttoned his shirt.

  “Don’t button that yet,” Jesse said, walking over to Logan and wrapping his arms around him. “We have time before the party starts.” Jesse kissed Logan, who tried to pull away from him. Jesse ran his hands over Logan’s chest and opened Logan’s shirt more.

  “Jesse, don’t,” Logan said.

  “I want you,” Jesse whispered, gently kissing Logan’s neck. “It’s been too long.”

  “Jesse, please.”

  “I love you, Logan,” Jesse said. “Let me show you how much.”

  Logan pulled himself out of Jesse’s grip and stepped away from him. “How can you even stand to look at me?”

  “Logan, you’re the sexiest man I know. You totally turn me on.”

  “You don’t have to say shit like that anymore,” Logan stated, buttoning his shirt. “I know how I look.”

  “You look incredible,” Jesse said. “Don’t push me away.”

  “If you insist on going to this party, you should get dressed,” Logan said. “I’ll wait for you in the living room.”

  Logan left the room and Jesse punched the bedroom wall. “Dammit.”

  At the same time, Cole walked into David’s bathroom while he was in the shower. Slipping quietly into the shower, Cole wrapped his arms around David’s wet body and kissed the back of his neck. David turned his head and kissed Cole, whose fingers probed his hard, wet nipples.

  Without saying a word, Cole pressed his hard cock between David’s cheeks as David tilted his head back so Cole could kiss his neck. With his muscled arms folded tightly around his lover, Cole pushed the throbbing head of his dick into David, who extended his arms and pressed against the shower wall for support.

  Cole’s thrusts were slow but powerful and David let out a few soft moans as he tightened himself around his boyfriend’s cock. Stroking David’s hard dick with his right hand, Cole nibbled on his back as he continued to push into him.

  David adjusted his stance slightly, allowing Cole to get even deeper. Then he turned his head once again and kissed Cole. Letting out one more moan, David spewed his load onto the floor of the shower, as he leaned forward and braced himself.

  Within a moment, Cole let out a loud groan and filled David. He continued to thrust into him, packing his cum deep inside. He slipped out as David turned around to face him.

  “Happy birthday,” Cole said, the warm shower water running over both of them.

  “Thank you,” David said, smiling and kissing Cole. “Just being with you is the best present ever.”

  Cole laughed. “Well, that may be, but you’ll still be getting some birthday surprises from me as well.”

  “Let’s skip the party and stay right here.”

  “I think your guests would be a bit disappointed. C’mon, let’s get dressed,” Cole said, stepping out of the shower.

  David turned off the shower, stepped out, and dried off with a towel.

  David and Tyler’s place quickly filled as guests arrived at their joint birthday party. With bartenders located at either end of the condominium and a large dining room table covered with food, guests circulated through the space greeting friends and enjoying cocktails and a variety of appetizers. A table of gifts stood in the corner of the room and Brian Felder of the Whiskey and Cherries trio sat at the piano in the main room providing soft, live music for all the guests.

  Dressed beautifully, Joyelle Mancini pulled Tyler off to the side of the living room and gave him a kiss.

  “Have I told you yet tonight how handsome you look?” Joyelle asked, wiping away some lipstick that she left on Tyler’s mouth.

  “Thank you,” Tyler said. “You look amazing yourself. And just being with you makes this birthday the most special one ever.”

  Joyelle smiled. “You’re a gift in my life, Tyler. Thank you...for everything.”

  Tyler kissed her. “I’m always here for you, Joyelle.”

  Max and Emmett approached the couple.

  “Happy birthday, Tyler,” Emmett said, hugging Tyler and then kissing Joyelle. “You look great.”

  “Thank you,” Joyelle replied as she kissed Max. “Good to see you both.”

  “The place looks great, too,” Max added. “We are so glad that David and you like living here.”

  “We love it,” Tyler said. “And love our landlords, too.”

  Max laughed. “How about some drinks?”

  “You go ahead,” Joyelle said. “We’ll get some in a bit.”

  “Sure. See you in a bit,” Emmett said as Max and he walked toward the front of the condo.

  When they reached the top of the stairs leading down to the building’s lobby area, Max paused to stare at them.

  “You’re thinking about Logan, aren’t you?” Emmett asked.

  “These stairs,” he recalled thoughtfully. “The las
t time we were all at a party here together was when Todd had his housewarming party.”

  “And Logan fell and broke his arm.”

  “There was a time that I couldn’t get images of that night out of my head no matter how hard I tried. For weeks, I would wake up in the middle of the night dreaming of him falling or finding him in a pool of blood. Seems like a lifetime ago now.”

  Emmett put his arm around Max. “You were worried about him then and you’re worried about him now, aren’t you?”

  “Ever since the fire, he’s been like a recluse and I’ve seen him like that before. It’s not good.”

  “Well, Jesse said that he is bringing Logan tonight so that’ll be good.”

  “If he follows through. And, of course, I have to watch what I say around Jesse.”

  “You two need to spend more time together. With Jacqueline out of town, it’s up to you to mend those fences. I’m here to help in any way I can.”

  Max kissed Emmett. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”

  “Good question,” Jensen said, jokingly, as he walked up behind them.

  Emmett turned around to face Jensen. “You came. I’m glad you decided to.” He hugged Jensen.

  “I figured I could stay home alone and mope or come here and maybe meet someone.”

  Max hugged Jensen. “Don’t try so hard, it’ll happen.”

  “Well, we can’t all be as lucky as you two.”

  “It’s more than luck,” Max said. “We worked to get where we are.”

  “Speaking of work, I don’t see Dustin here,” Jensen said. “Is he coming?”

  “I think so,” Max said.

  Emmett smiled widely. “Are you interested in Dustin?”

  “Me?” Jensen asked. “No, he’s not really my type.” Jensen looked directly at Max. “Although he certainly is a handsome guy.”

  “Yes, he is,” Max agreed. “Excuse us while we get some drinks.”

  “No problem,” Jensen said. “I’m going to mingle.”

  Max and Emmett headed to the front bar while Jensen walked in the direction of the food table. He perused the food as he approached the table and then reached over pick up a mini-cupcake.

  “Good choice,” Rachel Carson stated as she watched Jensen from the other end of the table. Marco and she were drinking champagne. “A little nicer than what you used to eat at the food pantry, huh?”

  “You just can’t shut up, can you?”

  “Uh, I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of meeting,” Marco said, stepping over to Jensen and extending his hand. “I’m Marco Ciancio.”

  “I know,” Jensen said. “You’re the genius who’s dumb enough to be marrying this one. She’s a real catch. Congrats to you both.” Jensen walked away before Marco could respond to him.

  “How do you know that piece of work?” Marco asked as he popped a small appetizer into his mouth.

  “Long story,” Rachel said. “It doesn’t matter anyway.”

  “He needs to learn some respect.”

  “He’s trash. Why waste the effort?” Rachel asked, sipping her champagne.

  Entering the dining room, Justin and Gino walked over to Rachel and Marco.

  “Here comes the happy couple,” Marco said.

  “Hey there,” Gino said.

  “I understand congratulations are in order,” Rachel added. “Congratulations to you both.”

  “Thank you,” Gino replied.

  “Glad to see you’re marrying up,” Rachel told Justin.

  “I guess we both are,” he replied.

  “Soon all four of us will be related by marriage,” Rachel continued.

  “One big happy family,” Justin declared.

  “It’s probably best if we all just try to get along,” Gino said. “And move forward from the past.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Marco said, smiling.

  “I have no problem with that,” Rachel said. “After all, we’re all getting what we want.”

  “Even if it’s not what we deserve,” Justin added.

  “Why don’t we go get a drink?” Gino asked Justin.

  “Good idea.”

  “See you two around,” Gino said, putting his arm around Justin and walking away from the table.

  “I don’t know what your brother sees in that tramp,” Justin told Gino.

  “I guess the same thing you did when you were with her...opportunity.”

  “I’m sorry,” Justin said. “I shouldn’t talk.”

  Gino smiled. “It’s all good. Let’s just forget about her, okay?”

  “Easy enough,” Justin replied.

  From across the room, Emmett spotted Justin and rushed over to him with Max in tow.

  “Justin,” Emmett said, hugging his brother. “I heard about the engagement. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.”

  Max hugged Gino. “Welcome to the family. Have you guys set a date yet?”

  “Actually,” Justin said. “We were thinking about a very short engagement and maybe a Memorial Day weekend ceremony.”

  “We thought we’d get ours out of the way so we don’t steal your thunder,” Gino stated, smiling.

  “You don’t need to rush on our account,” Emmett said. “We don’t even have a date yet anyway.”

  “We’re waiting for the restaurant and club to re-open,” Max added.

  “So happy for you both,” Emmett said. “Does Derek know?”

  “Maybe through the grapevine. I haven’t told him myself yet. I will when I see him.”

  “I’m hoping this marriage will put some of the Mancini-Ciancio nonsense to rest,” Emmett declared.

  “Amen,” Gino said. Then he turned to Justin. “There’s Joyelle. Now might be a good time to talk to her. For me.”

  “Good idea,” Justin said. “Excuse me, everyone.”

  Justin worked his way through the crowd. As he passed the piano, he tapped Brian on the shoulder and complimented his outstanding playing. Then he continued over to Joyelle, who was standing near the entrance stairway with Tyler.

  “Hello,” Justin said quietly. “Good to see you.”

  “Justin,” Joyelle said hesitantly.

  “Tyler, I’m wondering if you would excuse us for a moment so I could talk to Joyelle privately. It’ll only take a moment.

  “You okay with that?” Tyler asked Joyelle, who nodded in approval. “Okay. I’ll go see how my birthday buddy is doing. Be back in a bit.”

  Joyelle watched Tyler walk away and then looked at Justin. “What is it, Justin?”

  “I just wanted a moment to apologize to you. For everything.”

  “Everything? Your entire existence?”

  “I know I have been an ass in the past. And that I caused both Derek and you a lot of grief.”

  “And Emmett, too.

  “And Emmett, too,” Justin agreed. “I want to own that behavior and tell you how sorry I am for it. I have been very unhappy and I took it out on a lot of people around me, rather than trying to change my behavior. I’m working on that now. Gino is helping me.”

  “He’s a good guy. You’re very lucky.”

  “I know. I still cannot believe he agreed to marry me.”

  “Maybe hell has frozen over after all.”

  Justin smiled. “I just wanted to apologize to you and tell you the same thing that I told Derek and Emmett. Please give me a chance to make the past up to you. With all that has gone on lately -- not just the fire, but other things, too -- I am a changed man.”

  “You know what they say about actions and words.”

  “All I’m asking is for the chance to prove myself.”

  “Fine with me,” Joyelle said. “Honestly, once my divorce is final and I’m no longer a Mancini, I’m not sure how much interaction you and I will have anyway.”

  “Regardless, I appreciate the chance to prove myself. And I am sorry for all that went down between Derek and you. It’s none of my business, but I know that, deep down, he loves you very much. I�
�m sorry it ended as it did.”

  “It is what it is -- and I really don’t want to talk about it.”

  “I understand.”

  Just as Justin completed his comment, Mateo Martinez came up the staircase followed by a younger version of him. Dressed in a tight-fighting shirt open partially to reveal his chest and well-fitting jeans, Mateo appeared ready to party.

  “Dr. Martinez,” Joyelle said. “I’m glad you could make it.”

  “Joyelle, please call me Mateo,” he replied. “Thank you so much for the invitation. Since we are new to the city, we don’t get many.”

  “Our pleasure,” Joyelle said. “You remember my brother-in-law Justin.”

  “Good to see you outside of the hospital,” Justin joked.

  “Same. And I’d like you both to meet my son Hugo.”

  Hugo smiled and reached out to shake Joyelle’s hand. Just as tall as his father, Hugo looked like a younger version of Mateo -- equally dark and handsome, with the muscled body of a quarterback. He, too, was dressed for a party, with tight-fighting clothes that accentuated all the right parts of his body.

  “Good to meet you both,” Hugo said, shaking Joyelle’s hand and then Justin’s hand as well.

  “It’s great to finally meet you,” Joyelle said. “Your father has told me all about you. Notre Dame football quarterback next year? Pretty impressive. Even a Wolverine like me has to admit that.”

  “Thank you,” Hugo said humbly.

  “It’s going to be great,” Mateo added proudly. “Is my brother here yet?”

  “I don’t think so,” Joyelle explained. “Keith is around here somewhere though. He arrived solo.”

  “Okay, we’ll meander through and find him somewhere, I’m sure.”

  “Thanks for coming,” Joyelle said.

  Hugo followed Mateo through the crowd as they searched for Keith. In the process, they came upon Cole and David.

  “Happy birthday,” Mateo said, giving David a soft hug.

  David smiled. “Thanks, Mateo. I’m glad you came. And this must be Hugo.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Hugo said.

  “Hugo, this is David Young, he’s a physical therapist at the hospital. And this is Cole O’Brien, a Notre Dame alum, by the way.”