Boystown Season Four Read online

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  “What the hell are you talking about? These are birth certificates and adoption papers,” Tyler said, holding his documents high in the air.

  “They can’t be true,” David said.

  “But they are,” Marco insisted. “You two are brothers and you are both Mancinis.”

  “You son of a bitch!” Tyler said as he punched Marco, knocking him backwards onto the floor.

  Inside the guest room down the hall, Michael was speaking directly to Justin as Gino stood behind him listening.

  “We ran ballistics tests on the bullets that were removed from your brother during surgery and on the gun that was found in the yard behind Derek’s condominium. The gun is registered to you.”

  “What?” Justin asked. “That’s impossible. I haven’t used that gun since the day at the warehouse. You were there that day. It hasn’t been loaded since.”

  Michael continued, ignoring Justin. “Two bullets are missing from your gun and the testing shows that the bullets removed from Derek’s body were fired from your gun.”

  ‘That’s ridiculous.”

  “Michael, Justin was with me at the party the night of the fire. You know that.”

  “The only fingerprints on the gun, besides the nanny’s, are yours. You had motive and opportunity.”

  “This is absurd,” Justin said, looking at Gino.

  “I’m sorry,” Michael said, removing a pair of handcuffs from his belt. “Justin Mancini, I am placing you under arrest for the attempted murder of Derek Mancini. You have the right to remain silent...”

  “You can’t do this. I didn’t do it,” Justin said. As he turned around to face Gino, Michael handcuffed him. “Gino, you’ve got to do something.”

  “I’ll call our attorney,” Gino said, pulling out his cell phone as Michael continued to read Justin his rights.

  “I didn’t do this, Michael. I didn’t shoot my brother,” Justin declared desperately with his hands cuffed behind his back. Life is too short not to embrace every opportunity for a celebration.

  Episode #36

  Sometimes a person’s facial expression reveals his innermost emotions. Without the person even knowing it, his face may show pain, surprise, excitement, embarrassment, or even anger.

  As Jensen Stone looked up into Hugo Martinez’s eyes, his facial expression showed his excitement and nerves. Leaning forward, Hugo ran his fingers up Jensen’s arms to his shoulders and then moved his lips toward Jensen’s.

  Just as they were about to kiss, Justin Mancini, his hands cuffed behind his back, emerged into the hallway under the supervision of Michael Martinez; Gino Ciancio followed him. Their presence in the hallway prevented the kiss from happening by attracting the attention of both Jensen and Hugo.

  “What’s going on?” Jensen asked.

  Justin made no vocal reply, his face said it all.

  “Let’s go out the back way so we don’t attract too much attention,” Michael said.

  “Thank you,” Gino replied as he followed Michael and Justin down the hall and out the back door.

  “What just happened?” Hugo asked.

  “It looks like they’re arresting Justin,” Jensen replied. “We have to tell Emmett.”

  Jensen and Hugo rushed into the main room of the condominium in time to witness the chaos breaking out among the guests.

  “You son of a bitch,” Tyler Bennett yelled as he jumped on top of Marco Ciancio, whom he had punched onto the floor moments earlier.

  “Stop,” David Young said as he tried to pull Tyler off Marco. “Tyler, don’t.”

  Mateo Martinez leapt forward to intervene and help David.

  “Come on, Tyler,” Mateo said, lifting Tyler off Marco. “Not here.”

  “I’m not finished with you,” Tyler told Marco as he straightened his shirt.

  Rachel Carson helped Marco up from the floor. “Are you okay?”

  “He’s insane,” Marco replied, brushing himself off.

  Dustin Alexander ran over to Mateo and grabbed his arm. “Doctor, come with me. Joyelle fell down the stairs.”

  “What?” Tyler asked, overhearing Dustin.

  “Where?” Mateo asked, following Dustin to the staircase.

  Tyler followed them.

  When they reached the top of the stairs, they saw Derek Mancini at the foot of the staircase hovering over Joyelle’s unconscious body.

  “What did you do to her?” Tyler asked, bounding down the stairs.

  “He didn’t do anything,” Dustin said. “She just fell.”

  “Bullshit,” Tyler stated, kneeling next to Joyelle.

  “Her head is bleeding a bit,” Derek said.

  “Call an ambulance,” Mateo told Dustin. “Hurry.”

  Dustin did as Mateo instructed.

  “Here are some towels,” said Emmett Mancini as he walked down the stairs and handed two small hand towels to Mateo.

  “Give us some room,” Mateo told Derek.

  “Is she going to be okay?” Derek asked, stepping back from Joyelle’s body.

  Dustin put his hands on Derek’s shoulders. “They’ll take care of her.”

  Keith came down the stairs. “Has anyone seen Michael? Someone said they saw him.”

  “No,” Emmett said.

  “Open the door so we’re ready when the paramedics get here,” Tyler told Keith.

  Keith opened the door and looked outside. He saw Michael get into his police car and drive away. Gino remained standing on the sidewalk.

  “Michael...?” Keith asked. “What is going on?”

  “He just arrested Justin,” Gino stated as he walked back into the building.

  “What for?” Emmett asked.

  “They think he shot Derek.”

  “What?” Derek said. “Are you kidding me?”

  “Please, guys,” Mateo said. “Get out of the way. We need some room here.”

  “Please tell Marco I’m headed to the police station,” Gino said.

  “I’m going with you,” Keith stated.

  “I’ll let Marco know,” Emmett said.

  “Come on,” Gino told Keith and they left the building.

  “Tell us what the hell happened,” Tyler demanded of Derek. “How did she fall?”

  “We were just talking at the top of the stairs and she lost her balance,” Derek explained. “It’s as simple as that.”

  “Why don’t I believe you?”

  “Tyler, not now,” Mateo said, wiping the blood from Joyelle’s forehead. “Let’s just all remain quiet until the ambulance gets here.”

  Derek looked up at the top of the stairs, where Cole O’Brien was standing.

  David walked up behind Cole and put his arm around his boyfriend.

  “She’ll be okay,” David whispered. “Tyler and Mateo will make sure of that.”

  Cole smiled. “I know. What about you? What about those papers that Marco gave you two?”

  “We can talk about them later. Let’s keep the guests calm and make sure Joyelle gets out of here safely when the paramedics arrive.”

  “Of course,” Cole said. David and he left the stairway and walked back into the main room.

  Emmett came up the stairs and joined them. “Where’s Marco?” he asked.

  “Not sure,” David said. “After Tyler jumped on him, who knows where he went.”

  “I’ll look around,” Emmett said, walking off into the crowd. As he did, he passed Brian Felder at the piano.

  “Is she okay?” Brian asked.

  “She will be. Tyler and Mateo are with her and the ambulance is on the way. Thanks for being here tonight, my friend. You’re awesome -- and your music is helping to keep people calm now.”

  “That’s what I’m here for,” Brian replied, smiling.

  “See you in a bit. I have to find Marco.”

  “I think he headed toward the back,” Brian stated.

  “Okay, I’ll check,” Emmett said, walking deeper into the room.

  While making his way through the guests, Emm
ett passed Max Taylor in the dining room. He was talking with Logan Pryce, who was noticeably drunk.

  “Maybe you should have some water,” Max told Logan.

  “I’m fine,” Logan insisted.

  “No, you’re not. You’re in one of those dark places you go when you have too much to drink.”

  “I’m not your responsibility anymore, remember?”

  “Logan, despite everything that has happened between us, I will always love you. You need to take better care of yourself.”

  “I told you I’m fine,” Logan said. “What difference does it make?”

  Jesse Morgan saw the two men talking and walked over.

  “What’s going on?” Jesse asked.

  “This one is harassing me, as usual,” Logan said, slurring his words.

  “I’m not, I was just--”

  “I’ll take it from here, Max,” Jesse said. “Thank you, though.” He turned to Logan. “We should probably go home, babe. The party’s over anyway.”

  “Not yet,” Logan said. “I want one more drink.”

  “Babe, we should go,” Jesse persisted.

  “No,” Logan said. “I want one more drink. Why don’t you both get off my case?” Logan walked away toward the nearby bartender.

  Jesse looked at Max. “I’m not sure what more I can do.”

  “I know. I was you once, remember? It’s tough.”

  “I feel so bad for him,” Jesse said. “Ever since the fire, he’s been in a terrible state of depression.”

  “We’ve all noticed,” Max said. “One thing is clear, though. You love him very much. That’s obvious to all of us, too.”

  “I do love him.”

  “That’s what will get you two through this. He needs your love and support,” Max said, putting his hand on Jesse’s shoulder. “Let me know if I can do anything to help.” And with that comment, Max left the area in search of Emmett.

  As he waded through the remaining guests, Dustin approached him.

  “Hey,” Dustin said. “The ambulance just arrived. They’re taking Joyelle to the hospital and I’m going to drive Derek there. Tyler is riding in the ambulance with her.”

  “You realize this is your fault, right?”

  “My fault? What are you talking about?”

  “If you hadn’t brought Derek here as your date, none of this would have happened.”

  “That’s not fair. I can’t control other people’s behaviors. And I told you -- I didn’t realize there would be so much animosity toward Derek here.”

  “You knew one of the birthday boys is dating Joyelle. That alone should have told you not to bring him.”

  “Max, you’re the one who encouraged me to get out and date. That’s all I’m doing. I’m sorry if my choice doesn’t please you. It’s really none of your business.”

  “None of my -- I’m your boss, remember?”

  “Yes, and I appreciate and love my job. But that’s business and tonight is personal. You don’t get to dictate my personal life. Besides, you had your chance.”


  “Or do you think that just because you can’t have me that no one else can, either?”

  “That’s ridiculous. I just want you to be careful and not disrespect my friends.”

  “Come on, Max. We both know that’s not what this is about.”

  “Hey, guys,” Emmett said, walking over to Max and Dustin. “I can’t find Marco anywhere. He must have left.”

  “I need to take Derek to the hospital. Excuse me,” Dustin said, walking away.

  “What was that all about?” Emmett asked.

  “Nothing,” Max replied. “Just work stuff.”

  “Michael arrested Justin for shooting Derek.”


  “I need to get to the police station. Gino’s already on his way. Do you want to come?”

  “Of course,” Max said. “Let’s go.”

  Max and Emmett headed toward the back of the condo where they passed Hugo and Jensen, who were standing in a corner talking.

  “Is this how parties with this group usually go?” Hugo asked. “Ambulances, arrests, and attacks?”

  Jensen smiled. “I’m relatively new to the group, but it does have its fair share of excitement.”

  “Well, I try to live drama-free.”

  “See how long that lasts now that you’re in Boystown.”

  “I have you to protect me, right?”

  “Of course, although I don’t think you need much protecting.”

  “It looks like the party is breaking up.”

  “It is,” Jensen said. “Hey, want to take a walk or something? It’s a nice night outside.”

  “Sure, I’d like that.”

  “Great,” Jensen said, taking Hugo’s hand and walking toward the front of the condo.

  After the last of the guests had left the party, Cole and David stood alone in the living room together in front of the fireplace above which hung the painting that had contained David’s birth and adoption documentation.

  “Thank you,” David said, kissing Cole. “For getting me through this crazy night.”

  “Not a problem,” Cole stated. “But are you okay? Those papers really threw you.”

  David sat down on the sofa and Cole did the same. Then David picked up from the coffee table the envelope that Marco had given him and placed it in Cole’s lap. “Look at them,” he said, putting his arm around Cole, who carefully opened the envelope and perused the paperwork inside.

  “Can this all be real?” Cole asked after examining the documents for a moment. “When we first met, you told me you were adopted.”

  “I was,” David said. “My parents and I never discussed my birth parents. I had no interest in knowing who they were since they had given me up anyway. The Youngs are my parents regardless of blood.”

  “But if these are legit, that means...”

  “I’m a Mancini and a Ciancio. Both. And a twin of Tyler.”

  “Derek’s brother,” Cole said. “And Emmett’s and Justin’s.”

  “And Marco’s and Gino’s, too,” David added. “Shit, how could this be?”

  “It’s a lot to take in. Maybe your parents can verify some of this information?”

  “I’m not sure they’d even know if this were true or not,” David said. “But I can surely ask.”

  “Well, I’m sure the Mancinis will have their attorneys on this in no time. Do you realize what would happen if this were true? You’d be an heir to Mancini Global and Ciancio International.”

  “Why would Marco want to make all this information public? It doesn’t make any sense, especially if it’s not true.”

  “I would talk to Gino,” Cole said. “You can trust him.”

  “Good idea,” David said, kissing Cole. “See why I need you so much?”

  Cole smiled. “We’ll figure this all out together.” He put his head on David’s shoulder and closed his eyes.

  At the police station, Emmett paced the waiting area until Gino walked into the room. Max was seated in one of the waiting room chairs.

  “There you are,” Emmett said.

  “Is there any news about my brother?”

  “Our attorney is on his way over. Sam is the best criminal attorney in Illinois.”

  “Vince’s cousin?” Emmett asked. “I have heard that. Where’s Justin?”

  “He’s in a holding cell. Sam’s going to try to get a bail hearing set up immediately.”

  “Can we talk to him? Is he okay?” Emmet asked.

  “He’s fine -- frustrated and angry, of course,” Gino said. “You know your brother.”

  “Yes, I do. He’s a lot of things, but a murderer isn’t one of them. How could Michael possibly think he tried to kill Derek? Our own brother.”

  “Emmett, you need to understand that Michael has to act on the evidence. As much as he is your friend, Michael is also a police commander. He did what he had to do.”

  “Regardless, we need to get Justin out
of this place.”

  “We will,” Gino said. “Sam will be here any minute and I am prepared to pay the bail no matter how high it is.”

  As Max sat quietly in his chair, his attention was not on the conversation occurring between Emmett and Gino. Rather, his mind had wandered back to the gym sauna. He recalled Dustin massaging his shoulders and chest, the kisses on the back of his neck, and his hand around his penis. He remembered the thrill of Dustin’s touch and the eruption that it caused. Then he jolted from his daydream by a sound in the police station waiting room.

  Emmett hugged Gino. “Thank you, for everything, Gino. You’ve really helped turn things around for Justin. He’s very lucky.”

  “We both are. And soon you and I will be family, Emmett.”

  “Emmett and a whole lot of other people,” Max added. “The family seems to be growing like a weed.”

  “What do you mean?” Gino asked.

  “David and Tyler. Marco said they’re twin brothers, and Mancinis.”


  “You didn’t know?” Max asked.

  “What did he say?”

  “He presented them with birth certificates and adoption records right in front of the entire room of guests.”

  “Dammit,” Gino said. “He promised he’d use discretion.”

  “Then you did know about this?”

  “Yes,” Gino said. “We just found out and I was trying to help my brother come up with the best way of delivering the information.”

  “Discretion and Marco? That’s like oil and water,” Max said.

  Gino nodded. “That may be. But right now I can’t think about all that. We need to focus on getting Justin out of here.”

  “Let us know how we can help,” Emmett said. “Whatever we can do.”

  While they awaited more news in the police station lobby, Keith was with Michael in his office at the station.

  “How could you do that? At the party nonetheless,” Keith said.

  “Stormy, I have to do my job.”

  “But they’re our friends. They are like family. To humiliate Justin like that and arrest him with all those people around...”