Boystown Season Four Read online

Page 19

  “You deserve better,” Bella said, sitting up in bed.

  “Thank you.”

  “And I need to get back to work,” Bella said, as Marco kissed her back. “Your father is waiting for you downstairs, I’m sure.”

  “Tell him I’ll be down soon.”

  “Of course,” Bella said, getting out of bed and pulling her clothes on. Once dressed, she left the room.

  Marco got out of bed, hopped into the shower, cleaned up, pulled on a t-shirt and shorts, and headed downstairs to find his father.

  Carlo Ciancio was waiting for Marco in the mansion’s art gallery, which was recently renovated in anticipation of the return of his late wife’s art collection.

  “There you are,” Marco said, entering the gallery. “This room looks fantastic, Father.”

  “I agree,” Carlo stated. “I’d forgotten how wonderful it was to have all these reminders of your mother around. They give me great comfort. Thank you for all your efforts to get all this artwork back.”

  “My pleasure, Father. But it wasn’t just an act of nostalgia. I needed to get those birth and adoption records, too.”

  “Your mother had many secrets. I loved her, but I seem to be learning more about her now that she’s gone.”

  “The affair with Mancini really affected her. She told him about the one son to hurt him, knowing that he would spend the rest of his life trying to locate him. She never mentioned the second son to him because she wanted the guarantee that at least one son would live his entire life free of knowing his connection to such an awful man.”

  “Mancini really played with her mind.”

  “She loved him very much -- and you, too, of course -- but to him, she was just one of many women he had on the side.”

  “Although David and Tyler are not related to me by blood, they are your half-brothers and I would like to reach out to them out of respect to your mother.”

  “Reach out how, Father?”

  “I’m not sure yet. They are not technically Ciancios and yet I feel like they are part of our family and you should be connected to them. Family is important, regardless of parentage.”

  “I understand.”

  ‘Thank you again for restoring the collection; it’s wonderful.”

  “Well, there are still two paintings missing. The one David and Tyler have and one other.”

  “David and Tyler should keep that one; they deserve something of their mother’s.”

  “I agree. But I am working to locate the final painting and hope to have it soon.”

  “Good,” Carlo said. “Now let’s go eat.” Carlo turned around and left the room.

  Marco stared at the one remaining piece of empty wall space where the missing painting would go once it was recovered. “The sooner I find it, the sooner I can finish off the Mancinis.”

  As Marco joined his father in the dining room, Cole O’Brien and Jesse Morgan were exiting the Boystown Athletic Club after a long workout. They left the building and walked north toward their apartment.

  “Shit, I’m beat,” Jesse said. “You were like a crazy man in there.”

  “Gotta work it hard for my upcoming photo shoot,” Cole said. “If your body was about to be plastered all over billboards across the country, you’d be pushing it, too.”

  Jesse smiled. “True. Glad it’s you and not me, bro.”

  “I think it’s exciting. I cannot believe how generous Gino has been to me.”

  “He sure has,” Jesse agreed. “But you totally deserve it.”

  “David’s been very supportive, too.”

  “Good. How’s he doing?”

  “He’s good. His parents confirmed everything that Marco and the documents said. They’re all having a big meeting later on, their whole family.”

  “Well, at least now that they know it’s all true, they can start to live with it better.” Jesse and Cole rounded the corner toward home. “Speaking of meetings, I have an idea I want to run by you. It’s about Logan.”

  “How’s he doing?”

  “Not well,” Jesse stated. “Still very depressed and drinking all the time. I’m covering a lot at work for him because he’s just so out of it.”

  “So what’s your idea?”

  “I was thinking about getting a group of our main friends together to take him to dinner. And then they could all offer their support while encouraging him to get some professional help, too.”

  “Like an intervention?”

  “Not that extreme. He’d just get up and run away if it were like that. But I thought if it were more of a social setting like dinner, he may receive it better.”

  “It’s totally worth a shot, right?”

  “I’d invite Keith, Emmett, Max, and you -- just a small core group of friends.”

  “Let’s do it. I’ll help any way I can.”

  “Thanks, bro. I’ll set it up as soon as I can get everyone together.” They paused at the gate of their apartment building. “So, are you still gonna talk to me when you’re famous and shit?” Cole smiled and they went inside.

  Across the street from Cole and Jesse’s place, Emmett Mancini was getting dressed after having just showered while Max Taylor was lying on the nearby bed chatting with his boyfriend.

  “You have a pretty busy day ahead,” Max said.

  “Tell me about it,” Emmett replied. “Meeting after meeting. I can’t believe our wedding is only a few weeks way. There’s still so much to do.”

  “Just let me know what you need me to do, babe. I’ll help in any and every way I can.”

  “Thankfully, Gino and Justin have been great. They have handled most of the planning. But Justin wants to meet with me this morning; I’m sure it’s about the wedding. He said he has an idea.”

  “Uh oh,” Max said, jokingly. “You always have to beware when Justin has an idea.”

  Emmett laughed. “You know what? Honestly, he has been incredibly kind and helpful. I really do think he’s changed for the better. I’m sure Gino has a lot to do with it. And all that’s happened since the fire.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Max said. “I guess I’m a little more cynical than you. But if you think he’s truly changed, that’s a great thing.”

  “Now I need to work on Derek,” Emmett said with a wink.

  Max smiled. “My fiancé: the great apologist, who always sees the best in people.”

  “Derek and I have always been really close; you know that. He’s just not been himself lately; he’s become angry and vindictive. Hell, someone tried to kill him...twice. I need to do what I can to help him.”

  Max got out of bed and wrapped his arms around Emmett. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

  Emmett smiled. “I think I do.” Emmett kissed Max. “I love you, too. And I cannot wait to officially be your husband.”

  “Only a matter of weeks,” Max said, kissing Emmett.

  “Well, as much as I’d love to stand here kissing the man of my dreams, I need to get going.”

  “And I need to get cleaned up and get over to the restaurant.”

  “Cool,” Emmett said, adjusting his hair in the mirror on the wall. “I’ll see you later then.”

  “You bet,” Max said, watching Emmett as he left the bedroom. He grabbed his towel and headed into the bathroom.

  Emmett walked into the kitchen, where Derek was sitting at the counter wearing only his gym shorts and flip flops while drinking a protein shake.

  “Good morning,” Derek said.

  “Good workout this morning?” Emmett asked, getting a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.

  “Yup,” Derek replied. “Worked out a lot of tension.”

  “That’s good,” Emmett said. “You have been pretty uptight lately.”

  “I have a lot on my plate at the moment.” Derek took a drink of his shake. “So you’re really going through with this double wedding with Justin?”

  “I am,” Emmett stated. “I think it’s a great idea and it will bring us all
closer together.”

  “Closer with Justin...? And those two bastard brothers of ours...?”

  “Derek, what is the matter with you? David and Tyler are great guys. It’s not their fault that Dad bounced from woman to woman and bed to bed.”

  “Great guys? Hardly.”

  “Look, you lost Joyelle all on your own. Tyler had nothing to do with it.”

  “Gee, thanks for pointing that out again,” Derek said. “Do you like making me feel worse?”

  “I’m trying to get you to see that your anger with Tyler should be directed at yourself. Derek, you made some big decisions, which had big consequences -- and I’m sorry some of those consequences really suck.”

  “I lost my twins...I lost Joyelle...and I lost Cole. There’s not much else I can lose.”

  “You still have your family. You have me. And Max. And Justin, if you’d only let him get closer to you.”

  “Consolation prizes?”

  “Well, I’ve never really thought of myself as Rice-A-Roni, the ultimate game show parting gift. But if that’s how you want to put it...”

  Derek smiled. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “You know, you and I always did our best not to be like Dad. We left the company behind us for that exact reason. And now, I feel like you’re more focused on the company than on people.”

  “The company is all I have left.”

  “That’s not true, Derek. You have a lot of people around you who care about you, if you’d let them and stop being such a jerk. Yes, Joyelle divorced you, but that doesn’t mean the two of you can’t remain friends. And maybe Cole is with David for the time being. That could change; it’s not written in stone yet. But one thing’s for sure -- if you keep acting like an ass, no one is going to want to be with you.”

  “I’ll find a way to break David and Cole up; you’ll see.”

  “Do you hear yourself? How about finding a way to show Cole you really love him instead? Then you can let him decide who’s best for him. In the meantime, there are other people out there, you know? What about Dustin? You were his date at the birthday party.”

  “I’m not interested in him in that way. I want Cole back.”

  “Well, you’re not going to get him back behaving like you have been.”

  “I’ll make it happen, one way or another.”

  “You always vowed you’d never turn into our father. Well, you know what? I’ve never heard you sounding more like him than you do right now.” Emmett picked up his water bottle and left the room.

  “Dammit!” Derek said, pounding his fist onto the counter.

  A few blocks away, Mateo and Hugo were returning to their apartment after finishing a one-on-one game of basketball. Both hot and sweaty, they pulled off their shirts once they were inside their home.

  “Schooled you again,” Hugo said, smiling.

  “Pure luck,” Mateo replied.

  “Maybe next time you should play against someone your own age, like Uncle Michael,” Hugo suggested.

  “Don’t get cocky,” Mateo said as a knock came to the door. Mateo opened the door and greeted Rachel Carson. “Hey there.”

  Rachel looked at Mateo’s sweaty body and made an exaggerated facial expression. “Am I early?”

  “No,” Mateo said. “I’m running late. I’m sorry. We just got back from playing basketball. Let me shower and change quickly and we’ll be on our way. Hugo will keep you company.” Mateo disappeared into his bedroom.

  “Can I get you anything?” Hugo asked, walking into the kitchen area.

  “No, thanks,” Rachel said, taking a seat at the kitchen counter. “Who won?”

  “Who do you think?” Hugo asked as he opened the cabinet and took out a glass, which he filled with water. He used his t-shirt to wipe the sweat off his chest and then placed it on the counter.

  “Maybe you need to let your father win from time to time?”

  “Are you kidding? He’s the most competitive person I know.”

  “Not with his son, I’m sure,” Rachel said.

  “If you think that’s true, you don’t know him very well.” Hugo took a sip of his water and then walked closer to Rachel. He leaned forward on the counter across from her.

  “Well, I’m learning more about him every day.”

  “Where you guys headed today?”

  Rachel shrugged. “Not sure. Your father’s in charge.”

  “Of course, he is. At least you already have learned that lesson.”

  “I’m quick that way,” Rachel said, smiling. “And what about you? Why isn’t there a young lady in your life?”

  “Haven’t met the right one yet, I guess,” Hugo said, taking another drink from his water. “Maybe Jensen can introduce me to some of his friends.”

  “Jensen’s only good for introducing you to boys. I wouldn’t rely on him for much of anything.”

  “That’s right; you two don’t get along.”

  “He’s a good friend of yours, I understand,” Rachel said. “I wouldn’t put too much faith in him; he’ll just disappoint you.”

  “I can handle my own friendships, thank you,” Hugo said firmly.

  “Fair enough,” Rachel said.

  “I think my dad really likes you.”

  Rachel put her hand on Hugo’s. “That’s sweet of you to say.”

  “Be careful.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Let’s just say he doesn’t tend to keep any one woman around for a long period of time.”

  “Well, maybe I can change that.”

  “Good luck,” Hugo said as Mateo, attractively dressed, entered the room.

  “Okay,” Mateo said. “That was pretty quick, right?”

  “Like lightning,” Rachel said.

  “You two have fun,” Hugo stated. “I’m going to clean up.”

  “Nice talking to you,” Rachel said as Hugo left the kitchen.

  “Shall we?” Mateo asked, gesturing toward the front door.

  “Absolutely,” Rachel replied, getting up from the stool and following Mateo to the front door.

  While Rachel and Mateo left for their outing, Mateo’s brother Michael and Keith Colgan were in Michael’s living room, standing in the midst of several garbage bags overflowing with clothes and other items.

  “Man, it’s amazing how much stuff a single guy can accumulate over time,” Michael said, moving one of the large bags toward the front door.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d said you were a hoarder,” Keith said. “Where did all this stuff come from?”

  “It must multiply on its own,” Michael replied.

  “I didn’t realize that getting ready for me to move in here would be so much work,” Keith stated. “Are you sure you’re okay with it?”

  “It was my idea, wasn’t it? Besides, it’s good for me to clean out all this stuff. It’s been a long time and it feels like a fresh start.”

  “It is,” Keith said, kissing Michael. “For us.”

  Michael folded his arms around Keith. “Mmm. Sure is. You know, you seem so much calmer and relaxed lately.”

  “I am. I’m so happy with you and excited to finally move in here. Things are good.”

  “You were really worried about Emmett, weren’t you?”

  “Well, of course,” Keith replied. “He’s my friend and he was pretty sick.”

  “He’s more than just your friend. He’s your ex and you still love you should. You two were together for a long time. It’s only natural.”

  “I love you, Michael,” Keith stated. “You’re the man in my life now.”

  Michael kissed Keith. “I don’t doubt it. But Emmett’s a great guy and we are both glad he’s doing better. My point is that it’s just nice to see you so happy and relaxed.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be even calmer once we restore some order around here,” Keith said, jokingly, as he looked around the room.

  “I’m on it,” Michael said, refocusing on organizing the living room.
  A bit later, Max was at the restaurant with Dustin Alexander going over some designs and fabrics. Dustin was holding up a few samples under the newly installed ceiling lights.

  “See how this one shimmers a little? I think it would be better than the other one,” Dustin explained.

  “Then let’s go with it.”

  “And I thought this one would be good for the booths,” Dustin said, picking up another piece of fabric from the table. “Feel it; it’s pretty sturdy.”

  “Looks good to me,” Max said.

  Dustin put the samples back down on the table and looked directly at Max. “What is with you today? You seem so -- I don’t know -- nervous or something. What, do you think I’m going to jump on you right here in the restaurant? Trust me, you’re not that irresistible.”

  “Can we just concentrate on work, please?” Max asked.

  “I thought that’s what I was doing,” Dustin said. “Max, do you want to sit down and finally talk about us? All we seem to do is avoid the topic, rather than just addressing it.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. We’re friends and we work together. That’s all there is to it.”

  Dustin smiled. “Wow, you really can oversimplify things, can’t you?”

  “Look, Dustin, I’m getting married in a few weeks. That’s all that matters to me. Being with the man I love.”

  “I would never get in your way; you know that. If you can control your feelings for me, more power to you.”

  “I don’t have ‘feelings’ for you,” Max said. “Now, can we please focus on work?”

  “Of course,” Dustin said, looking back through the fabrics in front of him.

  A moment later, Jensen Stone and Hugo entered the restaurant. Upon seeing Jensen, Max greeted them.

  “Hey,” Max said, walking over to Jensen and Hugo while Dustin remained at the table. “What are you doing here?”

  “You remember Hugo, don’t you?” Jensen asked.

  “Of course,” Max replied. “We met at the birthday party. Good to see you again.”

  “And that’s Dustin,” Jensen said, nodding in Dustin’s direction.

  “How are you, Hugo?” Dustin asked as he looked up from the fabric samples.