Boystown Season Four Read online

Page 22

  “Not me,” Michael said. “It wouldn’t be fair to be my date. I’m in no mood to meet anyone new yet. What about you?”

  “Who would I ask?”

  “How about Dustin? He seems cool.”

  “I thought about it. God knows he’s hot enough. But it would just be a rebound at this point. That’s not fair to him. Maybe after some time has passed.”

  “Well, how about something more radical?” Michael asked as a smirk came across his face.


  “Sure,” Michael said. “Why don’t we go together?”

  David smiled. “Oh, my God. I love it.”

  “If nothing else, it’ll give the gays something to talk about,” Michael joked.

  “We’ll cause a scandal,” David said, laughing. “Let’s do it.” David and Michael lifted their coffee cups, touched them together in a toast, and drank from them.

  Downtown, Derek Mancini was working in his office when a knock came at the door. He looked up from his desk as his secretary stuck her head in.

  “Cole O’Brien is here,” she said.

  “Great, send him in, please,” Derek said, standing up and walking around to the front of the desk. His secretary left the office and Cole entered. “Hey Cole, I was glad to hear you wanted to see me.”

  “Thanks,” Cole said, closing the door behind him.

  Derek opened his arms for a hug and Cole complied.

  “Great to see you,” Derek said, taking a seat and gesturing for Cole to do so as well.

  “You may not think so when you hear what I have to say.”

  “Okay. Go ahead.”

  “I need you to talk to David for me.”

  “David? What about?”


  “I didn’t think there was an ‘us’ anymore.”

  “That’s the point,” Cole said.

  “Now I’m totally confused.”

  “David found out about the day you came over to my place when you were drunk -- while he was out of town. He thinks we slept together and I cheated on him.”

  Derek grinned widely. “Oh, really?”

  “Wipe that smile off your face. You and I both know nothing happened that day. Hell, you were so drunk you couldn’t have gotten it up even if you wanted to.”

  “You’d be surprised...”

  “And then he saw me sitting at your table that night at Boystown Bistro when I was really having dinner with my friends. So he accused me of cheating and lying -- and he broke up with me.”

  “That’s a bad thing?”

  “Stop it,” Cole demanded. “Stop thinking about yourself. You need to talk to him and tell him the truth.”

  “You want him back that badly?”

  “It’s not about wanting him back or not; it’s about him understanding that I didn’t cheat and I didn’t lie. That’s not who I am.”

  “I know,” Derek declared. “That sounds more like me, actually.”

  “Then you’ll talk to him?”

  Derek nodded. “I will -- not that he’ll believe me, either. He and I aren’t on the best of terms. But I’ll try, for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “On one condition, though.”

  “What’s that?” Cole asked, rolling his eyes.

  “That you’ll agree to have dinner with me.”

  “Just as friends?”

  “Just as friends,” Derek said.

  “Deal,” Cole said. “In fact, I’d like that. It’s kind of funny actually; it’ll be the first time we can hang out in public together and not worry about who sees us or what people are thinking.”

  “I guess you’re right.”

  “Well, I look forward to it,” Cole said. “And thank you for talking to David.”

  “Will I see you at the engagement party?”

  “You will.”

  “Great. We can pick a date for dinner then.”

  Cole smiled and stood up from his chair. “See you then. And thanks again.” Cole left the office as Derek sat watching him.

  Further north along Lake Shore Drive, in Lakeview, Jesse Morgan was just waking up in Logan Pryce’s bed. He stretched out his arms and legs as the sunshine radiated down on him through the window. After a moment, Logan stepped into the bedroom as he dried himself off from the shower.

  “Well, hello,” Logan said, smiling as he ran the towel over his hair.

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s after noon,” Logan replied.

  Jesse panicked and sat up in bed. “Holy shit!”

  “Relax, relax,” Logan said.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

  “Because you needed to sleep, obviously.” Logan sat down on the edge of the bed. “I know you’ve been carrying the load for both of us lately and it’s exhausting you. You needed the rest, so I called the office and said we were working from home today.”

  “You seem like you’re in a great mood today.”

  “I am,” Logan said, smiling. “I want to thank you, Jesse. For everything. You’ve been amazing while I’ve been completely useless.”

  “You’ve been through a very traumatic event.”

  “Yes. And I was foolish for thinking that I could handle it on my own. I owe you -- and everyone -- an apology. That dinner you organized last week was really great. But instead of me listening to what everyone had to say, I got defensive and angry.”

  “You felt ambushed,” Jesse said, moving closer to Logan on the bed. “It’s understandable.”

  “I want you to know how much I love you and how much I appreciate all you have done for me.”

  “I’d do anything for you,” Jesse said. “Especially after all the stupid things I did that almost tore us apart.”

  “I went to see the shrink yesterday.”

  “What? You did?” Jesse wrapped his arms about Logan. “That’s wonderful. How did it go?”

  “Honestly, it was awkward and uncomfortable, but it was good. I really do think he’s going to be able to help me.”

  “That’s fantastic. That’s all any of us ever wanted for you -- to get help and to get better.”

  “He put me on an anti-depressant as well. Just for the short term, he said.”

  “That’s cool; it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Half of Boystown is on them,” Jesse said with a wide smile.

  “I think things are going to be okay.”

  “I’m so happy,” Jesse said. “I have missed you -- and been so worried about you.”

  Logan kissed Jesse. “Well, there’s no need to worry about me anymore.” He kissed Jesse again, this time harder and more passionately.

  “I love you,” Jesse whispered as he rolled over on top of Logan. He kicked the sheets off his body and wrapped his legs around Logan. His dick growing hard almost immediately, he pressed it against Logan’s leg and worked his tongue into Logan’s mouth.

  Gently and lovingly, Jesse kissed the scarred area of Logan’s cheek and neck, then he continued down to the burned area of his shoulder and torso. Logan adjusted his position beneath Jesse, spreading his legs and wrapping them around Jesse’s. Massaging Jesse’s ass with his fingers, he pushed his erect cock into Jesse’s mouth. Jesse sucked it, slowly at first and then more aggressively. Logan’s body twitched a bit as his penis stiffened inside Jesse’s mouth.

  Reaching over to the night table, Logan pulled the lube bottle from one of the drawers. Then he flipped over on top of Jesse and kissed him deeply. He put his hands behind Jesse’s knees and pushed them back to reveal his butt. He kissed Jesse’s balls and then ran his tongue up his long shaft. Holding the lube bottle up, Logan looked at Jesse, who nodded in approval, giving Logan the permission he sought.

  He wasted no time applying lube to Jesse’s hole and pushing his swollen cock into it. Jesse let out a moan as Logan pushed deeper into him. Digging his fingers into Logan’s back, he ran his feet up and down the sides of Logan’s body. Logan’s lubed hands stroked Jesse’s dick as he continued to thrust into
his boyfriend.

  With a loud groan, Logan blew his load into Jesse, who leaned forward and kissed Logan as he received his cum. Logan packed his sticky mess into Jesse while continuing to stroke his hard, black penis. Finally, Jesse shot ropes of cum over his stomach and chest. Logan pulled himself out of Jesse and pressed his chest against the cum on his body. They kissed each other deeply and Jesse wrapped his arms around Logan. They lay in the bed quietly.

  While Jesse and Logan held each other close, Michael knelt down at his father’s grave holding a small bouquet of flowers, which he placed at the foot of the marker. He ran his fingers over the letters that spelled out his father’s name.

  “I’m so sorry,” Michael whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks. “I know who did this to you. I love you...but I’m in love with him. I don’t know what to do; I just don’t know what to do.”

  As Michael spent time in the cemetery reflecting on his life, Tyler Bennett entered Boystown Blend. He scanned the room and, upon seeing Derek seated at a table near the far window, headed in his direction. Derek rose to greet Tyler; they shook hands and both men sat down at the table.

  “Thanks for meeting me,” Derek said. “Would you like a coffee or something?”

  “I’m okay for now,” Tyler said. “I don’t have a lot of time.”

  “Of course,” Derek replied. “This won’t take long. I just wanted to talk to you, away from the rest of our brothers.”

  “Our brothers,” Tyler repeated with a smile. “I still can’t quite get my head around that.”

  Derek laughed. “It’s taking me some practice as well.” Derek took a sip of his latte. “You and I haven’t been on the best of terms lately, mostly because of me. I wanted to reiterate what I said the last time we were all together. I really am making a concerted effort to be a better person, and I want to again apologize to you for my behavior.”

  “I understand.”

  “What happened between Joyelle and me was because of my actions, not yours. I have owned my behavior and accepted that Joyelle and I are no longer together. You seem to make her happy and I hope you continue to do so.”

  “I love her,” Tyler stated.

  “I know you do. And she deserves someone like you who is devoted to her and your relationship, and your child. If it isn’t me, I’m glad it’s my brother.”

  “Thank you for saying that,” Tyler said. “You have my word that I will do whatever I can to love and support Joyelle. We both know how incredible she is.”

  “That’s the truth.”

  “And Derek, I wish you the best, too. I hope you find someone who will make you happy -- whoever that may be.”

  “We’ll see,” Derek said. “Do you think David and you will take Mancini as your last name?”

  “We haven’t really discussed it; things have happened so quickly. All my life I’ve been a Bennett; it would be hard to get used to calling myself anything else. On the other hand, I’m having a hard time forgiving my parents for not telling me the truth about my adoption.”

  “I’m sure they had their reasons.”

  “Well, I’ll never know. They’re deceased so they will never have the chance to explain themselves or answer my questions.”

  “Tyler, you’re about to become a parent yourself. I’m sure that will help you understand that parents have reasons for their actions. Maybe then you’ll be able to let your parents off the hook.”

  “Maybe,” Tyler said. “We’ll see. Look, I have to get back to the hospital. But thanks for the talk and the support.”

  Derek stood up. “Thank you for meeting me; I appreciate it.”

  “No problem. I hope it’s the start of us growing closer,” Tyler said, standing up.

  Tyler reached out his hand to shake Derek’s. Instead, Derek pulled him into a soft hug. Tyler reluctantly wrapped his arms around Derek and then pulled away.

  “Take care,” Tyler said and then he left the coffee shop.

  Derek sat back down and finished his coffee. “One new brother down, one to go...”

  Wrapped in warm coats to fend off the cool, cloudy May weather, Hugo Martinez and Jensen Stone walked along Chicago’s river walk. The Chicago River splashed along the sides of the walk as they continued along its shore toward Lake Michigan. Hugo put his hands into his pockets as the wind caressed his face.

  “Geez,” Hugo said. “Is it May or February?”

  “It’s Chicago; it’s hard to tell sometimes,” Jensen joked. “I told you: if you don’t like the weather here, wait fifteen minutes and it will change.”

  “But it’s nearly Memorial Day.”

  “Doesn’t matter. That weekend can be hit or miss here. Sometimes it’s hot and humid; sometimes it’s freezing with snow flurries. Crazy, but true.”

  “Isn’t I.M.L. weekend here over Memorial Day?”

  “Yes,” Jensen stated. “International Male Leather. It’s an international party right here in Chicago. It’s a huge event. It can be a lot of fun, especially for people watching.”

  “I’m not sure it’s my thing,” Hugo confessed.

  “Well, you have to experience it at least once. It’s like nothing else on the planet.”

  “Will you take me?”

  “I would,” Jensen said, “but I’ll be in California for Emmett’s wedding. It’s that weekend, and Max and he are flying me out as their guest.”

  “That’s cool.”

  “Want to come with me? I’m sure we can get you a plane ticket and you can stay with me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course,” Jensen said. “It’ll be fun. We can do I.M.L. together next year.”

  “Let me talk to my dad and see what he says,” Hugo said.

  “Is he still with Rachel?”

  Hugo nodded. “They seem to get along great. I know you don’t like her, but I think she’s cool.”

  “If you knew her like I did...”

  “Jensen, you can’t say something like that and then not tell me what you mean.”

  “It’s not something I can talk about, Hugo. If I could, I would. But it would hurt people I care a lot about so, for now anyway, you just have to take my word for it. She’s bad news.”

  “Well, I just don’t see it. She’s been cool to me. And she’s fucking hot.”

  Jensen stopped walking and looked at Hugo. “You’re attracted to her?”

  “I didn’t say that,” Hugo clarified. “I can acknowledge that someone is sexy without being attracted to them, right?”

  “I guess so.”

  “I mean...look at you. I think you’re hot as fuck, but I’m not attracted to you,” Hugo teased Jensen.

  “Shut up,” Jensen said, somewhat annoyed.

  “Hey,” Hugo said, turning Jensen toward him. “I’m kidding.” He leaned forward and kissed Jensen.

  Jensen smiled. “I know.”

  Hugo put his arm over Jensen’s shoulder and they continued to walk. “So how did your interviews go?”

  “Actually, they both went great. The Northwestern guy said I should know if I’m in very soon. The DePaul guy just said he’d be in touch.”

  “They’d be fools not to accept you.”

  “Well, if it weren’t for Emmett’s connections, I wouldn’t even be considered for either school. I’m way late in the application process.”

  “It’s all about connections.”

  “I wish he had a connection at Notre Dame. I’d rather be going to school where you are.”

  “We’ll figure it all out, Jensen. I don’t want you to worry about it. It’s only a short drive away.”

  “I know.”

  “So you really think you can get me into Rebound tonight?”

  “Sure,” Jensen said. “I used to dance there, remember? I know everyone, all the bouncers. They’ll let us in.”

  “Sweet,” Hugo said. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “It’ll be fun,” Jensen said as they continued along the river walk. The cold water from the rive
r continued to splash onto the pavement as they walked.

  Rebound nightclub was busy that night, as it was most nights. Flashing lights filled the interior as music videos appeared on the large screens on the walls. Strippers, modeling the sexiest underwear trends, danced on each of the bars as people pushed their way through the crowded rooms to get drinks and find their friends.

  Emmett Mancini and Max Taylor followed Hugo and Jensen through the crowd into the side room. Strippers dancing on the bars yelled out to Jensen, who waved to acknowledge them as he passed.

  “Wait here,” Jensen told Max and Emmett. “We’ll get drinks.”

  Hugo followed Jensen toward the service area as Max and Emmett situated themselves at an open space along the bar.

  “They shouldn’t be in here,” Max said.

  “They’re having fun,” Emmett stated. “Besides, the bouncer let them in because he knows Jensen from when he worked here.”

  “It reflects badly on our restaurant if they get caught.”

  “Relax, would you? Isn’t it better that they’re here where we can watch them than being someplace else where we can’t?”

  “I suppose,” Max said.

  “Jensen invited Hugo to the wedding with him. I think they really like each other.”

  “That’s cool. Is Mateo okay with him joining us?”

  “He’s going to ask him, I guess. I’m sure he’ll be okay with it. It’s a wedding. And they’ll be staying on Gino’s property with us.”

  Jensen and Hugo returned carrying drinks. Hugo handed one to Max and Jensen handed one to Emmett.

  “Thanks,” Emmett said.

  “They’re on the house,” Jensen said, raising his glass in the air. “Can’t beat that.”

  “Cheers,” Hugo said as the four men touched their glasses together. “Congrats on your wedding.”

  “Thank you,” Max stated, taking a swig of his drink.

  “This place is great,” Hugo said.

  Jensen smiled. “I knew you’d like it.”

  “Just wait,” Emmett joked. “Our place will put this one out of business once it’s open.”

  “Of course,” Jensen added. “Everyone will be coming in to see me.”