Boystown Season Three Read online

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  “How could he not? He was at the party. Him not being here to check on me makes no sense.”

  David shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know what to tell you. I’m sure he’ll explain everything once I get you home.”

  “I want to see Derek.”


  “I want to see Derek.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea tonight.”

  “For God’s sake, I tried to save his wife. And he loves me. The whole world knows that now.”

  “Yes...the video.” David paused. “I’m not sure this the best time to even bring that up. It’s been a long night. Hell, it’s been a long year and the year’s not even twenty-four hours long yet.”

  “The whole party saw the damn thing. Our relationship is public now.”

  “Your ‘relationship’? Do you really think Derek is going to describe it that way?” David bit his lip and redirected his comments. “Let’s just get you home. You can talk to Derek tomorrow. Give him time with Joyelle.”


  “Cole!” David said sternly. “Listen to me. You need to rest. And so do they.”

  “Okay, okay,” Cole said. “You’re probably right.”

  David smiled and put his arm around Cole. “I usually am.”

  While Cole leaned on David and left the hospital, Derek leaned over Joyelle’s hospital bed to kiss his wife on the forehead. Then he wiped the tears from her cheeks as she reached up and took his hand. Dr. MacMahon stood quietly in the doorway.

  “I lost them. I lost them,” Joyelle repeated several times.

  Derek tried to calm his wife. “Shh. It’s okay. It’s okay, Joy.”

  “Your twins...”

  “It’s not your fault, babe. All that matters is that you’re okay.”

  Dr. MacMahon took a few steps forward into the room. “He’s right. You’re going to be just fine.” Dr. MacMahon smiled. “And there will be other babies. There’s nothing to indicate you will have any problems in the future. What’s important now is that you get some rest.”

  “Did you hear that, Joy? We can still have a family.”

  “Well, that’s a bit of a Christmas present,” Joyelle said softly.

  Derek forced a smile. “Christmas present?”

  “I was going to give you two little baby outfits for a reminder of our coming twins.” Joyelle began to cry again. “Now I can’t. But maybe next Christmas?”

  Derek tried to reassure his wife. “Yes, Joy. Maybe next Christmas.”

  “But we have nothing to celebrate this Christmas now.”

  Derek looked at Dr. MacMahon and then back at Joyelle. “This Christmas? What do you mean, Joy?”

  “Christmas. It’s in a few days.”

  At that moment, Tyler passed Joyelle’s room in the hallway. Seeing Derek and Dr. MacMahon in the room with Joyelle, he quietly positioned himself just outside the doorway where he could hear what they were saying without being seen.

  Dr. MacMahon walked over to the side of Joyelle’s bed opposite Derek. “Joyelle, do you remember what happened tonight?”

  Joyelle turned her head toward Dr. MacMahon. “You said there was an explosion.”

  “Yes, there was,” Dr. MacMahon said. “Do you remember where?”

  “You said it was at the hotel.”

  “That’s right,” Derek said.

  “Do you remember why you were at the hotel?”

  Joyelle closed her eyes, forcing tears down her cheeks, and shook her head. “No.”

  Derek and Dr. MacMahon exchanged glances as the doctor asked, “That’s okay, Joyelle. That’s okay. What is the last thing you remember?”

  Joyelle shook her head more. “I don’t know.”

  “It’s okay, Joy. Just relax and take your time.”

  “There was a shooting. When you rescued Emmett. And you hurt your arm.” Derek nodded to encourage his wife. “That boy was shot. And you both were here in the hospital.”

  “Yes,” Dr. MacMahon said.

  “And you had to have physical therapy. You met the therapist here.”

  “Yes, that’s right,” Derek said. “We met David here in the hospital. And he helped me with my arm.”

  Dr. MacMahon nodded and then asked, “And then what do you remember?”

  “Waking up here. In this bed.”

  “You don’t remember the explosion?” Derek asked. Joyelle just shook her head. “Or the party before that?” Joyelle shook her head again, more tears flowing. “Putting on our costumes?”

  “No,” Joyelle cried. “I don’t remember any of that.”

  “What about planning the party?” Dr. MacMahon asked. “For Max and Emmett? You were so excited about it.”

  “What party?” Joyelle asked, shaking her head and putting her hands over her ears. “I don’t remember. I don’t remember any of that.”

  “It’s okay,” Dr. MacMahon said. “You’re going to be just fine.”

  “What’s wrong with me, Doctor? Why can’t I remember?”

  Dr. MacMahon shifted his focus from his patient to Derek, who was still looking down at Joyelle. She looked toward the doctor for an answer to her question and, when none came, she looked toward her husband. No one spoke, especially not Tyler. The past has a way of working itself into the present.

  Episode #23

  Time has a way of altering one’s perspective. As the unusual mid-January thaw melted Chicago’s ice and snow, people took advantage of the above-average temperatures and sunshine in a variety of ways. While some enjoyed a brisk run along the lakefront or ice skating in Millennium Park, others ventured outside to remove holiday decorations and greenery which had begun to turn brown since being wrapped around lampposts and along fences prior to Thanksgiving. With the holidays behind them, Chicagoans were ready for Spring but wise enough to know that this rare streak of warm weather wouldn’t last. So they were eager to enjoy the outdoors before the grip of winter returned.

  As the sun peered into Derek and Joyelle Mancini’s bedroom, Derek rolled over in bed next to his sleeping wife. He kissed her cheek softly. When she didn’t wake up, he kissed her again, this time more passionately. His dick beginning to get hard, Derek pressed himself up against Joyelle’s naked body. He ran his fingers over her breasts and she finally began to move as she awakened.

  “Good morning, Joy,” Derek whispered, rubbing his nose along her jaw line. She smiled and wrapped her arm around her husband. “You okay?”

  “Yes,” Joyelle replied, stretching her legs out from beneath the bed sheets. Derek pulled the sheets completely off of them and ran his right hand down her back to her ass.

  “It’s been two weeks, babe,” Derek said as he kissed her breasts. “Let’s try again.” Without waiting for a reply, Derek moved into position. Joyelle didn’t resist; instead, she kissed her husband’s neck and chest, digging her fingers into the small of his back.

  Derek used his hairy legs to spread Joyelle’s further apart, eventually pulling them up around his hips so he could work himself into her. Joyelle arched her back as he pushed deeper, his thrusts powerful, but not rough. Her fingers caressed his back and shoulders as he gently pushed his tongue into her mouth. They kissed deeply and Derek adjusted his position once again.

  Preparing for his release inside of her, Derek stopped kissing his wife and looked down at his cock. His balls slapping against her, Derek’s breathing quickened and Joyelle ran her feet along the backs of his legs. She ran her hands along his arms, gripping them for support. Looking deep into his wife’s eyes, Derek kissed her and released inside of her. His cock continued to release more seed as he pressed his chest against her hard nipples. Then he rested all his weight on top of her, eventually allowing himself to slip from inside of her.

  “I love you,” he whispered, kissing her neck. Joyelle hugged him tightly. After a moment, he rolled onto his back next to her. “You okay, babe?”

  “That felt so good, Derek,” Joyelle said. “It’s been so

  “Too long, Joy. But from now on--”

  “Derek,” Joyelle said, cutting off her husband. “What if we never have any children?”

  “Don’t talk like that, Joy. We will. You’ll see.” Derek wrapped his arm around Joyelle and kissed her forehead. “Maybe we just did.”

  Joyelle smiled. “Maybe.”

  “Are you really going into the hospital today?”

  “It’s been two weeks, Derek. I can’t stay in this house forever. It’s not helping my memory come back, that’s for sure.”

  “But you have been through a lot, babe. The doctor said you need lots of rest.”

  “I’ve been resting non-stop since I got home. I can’t sit still anymore. It’s driving me nuts.” Joyelle ran her hands over her head. “Ugh, if I could just remember more.”

  “Don’t try to force it, Joy. The doctor said your memory will come back in time. You have to be patient.”

  “In time? How much time? You have no idea what it’s like. It’s so...frustrating.”

  Derek squeezed Joyelle tightly in his arm. “I know, I know. But you have to give yourself time, just like you’d tell one of your patients.”

  “It’ll be good for me to get back to work at the hospital, even if it’s just part time. I’ll get to see my friends at work and take my mind off myself.”

  “Okay. As long as the doctor said it’s okay.”

  “He did,” Joyelle replied. “He encouraged it, in fact. As long as I don’t push it and still get rest at home.”

  Derek rolled over on top of Joyelle again. “Well, there are other ways to distract you besides work...” Derek kissed Joyelle deeply, running his hand along her body and between her legs. “There’s no rush to get to the hospital.” Derek smiled, preparing to make love to his wife again.

  While Derek and Joyelle made love a second time that morning, Keith Colgan was getting dressed in Michael Martinez’s bedroom. He dried himself off from his shower, dropping the towel on the floor. As he reached into his duffle bag to pull out some clean underwear, he came across the note that Rachel Carson has anonymously slipped into his hand at the New Year’s Eve party.

  He opened the crumpled piece of paper and read the handwritten message on it for the umpteenth time: “I know what you did all those years ago.” Every time he read the note, he trembled and the fact that he had no idea who put the note in his hand terrified him.

  Suddenly, Michael walked up behind Keith and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. Having also just finished showering, Michael was naked and kissed the back of Keith’s neck. Keith quickly dropped the note into his bag.

  “Let’s start every day off that way from now on, okay, Stormy?” Michael asked as Keith turned to face him.

  “Deal,” Keith replied, kissing Michael gently. “And who says sex in the shower has to be limited to the morning?”

  Michael smiled. “I like the way you think.” Michael kissed Keith. “What was that you were just reading?”

  “Oh, nothing. Just work stuff.”

  “You know, today is my day off. Why don’t you call in ‘sick’ to work today and spend the day with me? We don’t even have to leave the apartment if you don’t want to.”

  Keith laughed. “That would be great, but I do have to get some things done at the office. And I’m meeting up with Emmett and Derek later, remember?”

  “Oh, that’s right. The big pow-wow.”

  “But I could take you to dinner tonight after my meeting. How’s that?”

  “I’ve got a better idea. How about if I cook for us? Gives me something to do today besides the gym and errands.”

  “Sounds perfect. I’d take a night in with you over a night out any time.”

  Michael smiled. “Okay, handsome. It’s a date.” Michael kissed Keith and patted him on the ass. “Now you better get dressed and get out of here before I get horny again.”

  “You’re always horny.”

  “Only when you’re around,” Michael said, winking. Then he walked over to his closet and began to take out some clothes.

  While Keith and Michael got dressed and Keith headed to work, Emmett Mancini and Max Taylor were walking through the restaurant that Max had purchased. As they approached the front corner of the space, they stopped.

  “And then the booths would run along this wall all the way to the corner,” Max said.

  “Perfect,” Emmett replied. He turned and looked back toward the opposite wall. “I just can’t believe all this.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  Emmett smiled. “Nothing is wrong. I just can’t believe this is happening. It’s so fast.”

  “Well, when Vince Provenzano contacted me about it and showed me the property, I had to move quickly. Both he and I knew it would be perfect for us.”

  “It is, Max. I just can’t believe you put the deal together so quickly.”

  “It was supposed to be an engagement surprise for you. But that all got screwed up with the party disaster.”

  “That wasn’t your fault,” Emmett said. “And it’s the thought that counts. I’m so grateful. For the place, but most of all, for you. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too, Emmett.”

  “I know you told me all about the loan and the finances already. I just want to make sure that we are okay financially. Giving my two weeks’ notice at work was a scary thing.”

  “I know. For me, too. But we’re going to be fine. With the loan I got, plus our combined savings, plus your inheritance from Todd, and my half of the condo once Logan buys me out, we will be just fine.”

  “I’m glad we’re meeting with Vince again to go over everything. It’ll just make me less stressed.”

  “This is going to be fun,” Max assured Emmett. “And stressful, too. But mainly fun. And Shawn’s restaurant experience will be helpful, too. He checked everything out with me before the purchase, too.”

  “Good. Have you heard from him at all?”

  “Not since the party. Maybe Jacqueline and he are back in St. Louis? I’m sure he’ll be in touch.”

  “We could always call--”

  “Jesse?” Max asked. “Bite your tongue. I haven’t seen that little ass since the new year began and that’s fine with me.”

  Emmett changed the subject, pointing to the area beyond where they were standing. “And you’re sure about the club part?”

  “Well, look at this space, babe. The previous owner had the restaurant on this side and the banquet rooms on that side. We’ll convert the banquet side into the club. Staggered openings, of course. Restaurant first.”

  “We still need a name,” Emmett said.

  “It’ll come to us. There’s time.”

  “Speaking of time, I need to get going.”

  “I know -- me, too. Should we just meet up at the condo for the meeting then?”

  “Sounds good,” Emmett said. “It’s going to be interesting.”

  “It’s going to be fine. People just want a chance to talk.”

  “I know. I just don’t want it to get awkward. Derek’s my brother and I love him.”

  Max reassured Emmett by hugging him. “It’s going to be fine.”

  “Okay,” Emmett said. “Let’s be sure to lock this place up when we leave. No more break-ins.”

  “That was a one-time thing on New Year’s Eve. Like Michael said, it was probably just some drunk kids or something. Nothing was even stolen.”

  “I suppose. I’m still glad we had the locks changed. Especially since we’ll be living upstairs.”

  “I’ll have Michael send extra patrols around the place just to make you feel safe,” Max teased.

  “Okay, okay. I know when you’re making fun of me.” Emmett laughed. “Besides, I’m sure Keith has Michael occupied with other tasks.”

  “I’m sure,” Max replied, as they headed toward the door.

  Max and Emmett exited the restaurant, locked the door, and headed down the sidewalk. As they crossed the street and contin
ued on their way, they passed right by the red-haired boy who had broken into the restaurant. He was leaning against the lamppost in front of the restaurant and watching Max and Emmett as they disappeared down the street. Once they were out of sight, he headed toward the alley that led to the back of the restaurant.

  Later that morning, Derek was in his office on the phone with his travel coordinator. Seated behind his desk with his back to the office doorway, Derek provided his friend with his trip details.

  “I’d like to head out in the morning. Just an overnight trip,” Derek said. “Well, the weather here hasn’t been too bad lately, but you’re right. California will certainly be warmer.” Derek laughed at his friend’s response. “Very true, my friend. Okay, great. I’ll look forward to hearing from you with my flight information. Thanks.”

  As Derek hung up his office phone, a voice surprised him. “You could always fly back with me.” Derek turned around in his chair to see Gino Ciancio standing in the doorway. “I’ll get the jet fired up for us.”

  “I’d just as soon fly with a kamikaze pilot,” Derek replied. “What are you doing here, Gino? Or is it Marco?”

  Gino smiled. “It’s Gino. Happy new year, Derek.”

  “What do you want?”

  “May I sit down?” Gino asked.

  “Of course,” Derek said, pointing to one of the chairs across from his desk. “You’ll forgive me if I don’t stand up.”

  “I never expect manners from you, Derek, so all is forgiven,” Gino said, taking a seat opposite Derek.

  “What do you want, Gino?”

  “I’m here about your brother.”

  “Emmett? Or the missing one?”


  “Where is the bastard? He’s been under the radar even since he tried to blow us all up.”

  “He had nothing to do with that,” Gino said. “He was a casualty of that accident.”

  “Accident? That’s a joke!” Derek pounded his fist on the desk. “That ‘accident’ cost me my children.”

  “I was very sorry to hear that, as was your brother. Joyelle and you have my deepest sympathy. Truly.”