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Boystown Season Three Page 5

  “Well, Justin will have to live with the fact that he killed his little nieces or nephews for the rest of his life. I will never forgive him for that.”

  “Derek, I am telling you: Justin had nothing to do with that explosion. In fact, he’s blind because of it.”

  “Blind?” Derek asked. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “He was injured in the explosion, just like the rest of us. He lost his eyesight. He can’t see.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I have been staying with him here in the city since the accident. Looking after him and taking care of him while he adjusts to his condition. He’s having a hard time.”

  “Tell him to try losing his children. Then he’ll know what a hard time really is.”


  “Look Gino, if you came here looking for sympathy or understanding, I have none to give. My brother is coward. Hiding out for the last two weeks while the rest of us try to move on with our lives that he ruined? That’s just pathetic.”

  “He hasn’t been hiding. He’s been seeing specialists that I have brought in from all over to try to help him.”

  “And what have they said?”

  “They are at a loss. There is no evidence of physical damage to his optic nerves or his eyes in general. They think it’s some sort of psychological response to the explosion. And that hopefully he’ll recover.”

  “Psychological? Where did these ‘specialists’ of yours go to school?” Derek paused and then said, “Gino, why don’t you just get out of here? I don’t have time for my brother, you, or your family. I’m too busy trying to save mine.”

  “Derek, please. He wants to reach out to you. Give him a chance.”

  “God, you’re incredible. Because of Justin, I have to meet tonight with Emmett and all of his friends to try to make sense of everything that has happened lately. Would you please get out of here? Next time, Justin wants to reach out to me, tell him to do so on his own. Not through you. And preferably without a bomb.”

  Gino stood up from his chair. “You are as stubborn and impossible as he is. What the hell is wrong with you two?” Gino turned toward the door and then turned back to face Derek. “You know, one day the two of you are going to need each other and it’s going to be too late for both of you.”

  “It been ‘too late’ for us for twenty years, Gino.”

  “You say you’re trying to save your family? Well, like it or not, he’s a part of it.” Gino turned and left the office. Derek stood up from his desk, walked to the door, and slammed it behind Gino.

  At the same time in California, Carlo and Marco Ciancio were having their breakfast and coffee on the terrace overlooking the vineyards on the Ciancio estate. The early morning sun cast a bright yellow hue across the landscape as a soft breeze put a slight chill in the air.

  “Have you found out anything at all?” Carlo asked his son.

  “I’m looking into it, Father. But finding the fourth Mancini boy isn’t something I can do overnight.”

  “Well, I have my men on it as well. With the old man’s declining health, we have to hurry. As soon as he finally passes, his family will know the secret and be looking for that boy, too. We have to find him first.”

  “Yes, Father,” Marco agreed, sipping his coffee.

  “And, for now, I don’t want your brother Gino to know anything at all about this. He’s too closely connected to Justin Mancini and I don’t want to put him into a situation that could compromise our success.”

  “I agree.”

  “So who’s this Rachel Carson who has been occupying your time?”

  Marco looked at his father. “How do you know about her?”

  Carlo laughed. “I make it my business to know everything about everyone. As should you. Now tell me, who is this girl?”

  “She’s an ally. She has just as much against the Mancinis as we do. They are responsible for her brother’s death. She is a valuable asset.”

  “Are you sure she’s not just an opportunist? From what I understand, she was raised in the gutter and maybe that’s where she should stay.”

  “I know what I’m doing, Father.”

  “The same way you knew what you were doing with that explosion?”

  “It accomplished its purpose. The Mancinis are distracted and Derek’s heirs are dead. I thought you’d be proud.”

  “And there’s no way anyone can trace that ‘distraction’ back to us?”

  “None,” Marco replied. “Nothing tracks back to us.”

  “I don’t like you making moves like that without consulting with me and considering all the consequences. If the Mancinis become desperate, they become dangerous.”

  “Don’t worry, Father. One by one, they will all fall. And we’ll have their company under our control, too.”

  “Well, think with your head, Marco. Not your libido. I don’t want this Rachel getting in the way. Have your fun and then get rid of her.”

  “The way Antonio Mancini did with mother?”

  Carlo grew stern. “Don’t you ever speak of your mother in that way.”

  “I’m sorry, Father. But ever since you told me about the other Mancini son, I have been thinking...”


  “Mother’s affair. And her illness. She was gone all that time in Rome.”

  “She was in Rome for her cancer treatments,” Carlo said. “We had hoped those clinical trials would save her.”

  “I know, Father. But have you ever considered...” Marco paused. “Have you ever wondered if maybe she and Mancini...”

  “That man stole your mother from me. He told her lies about me and took advantage of her kind nature. And when he had his fun, he left her. He used and abused her.”

  “I understand that, Father. But do you think there’s a possibility that during the time they were together--?”

  “Don’t hesitate, Marco. Say what you mean. Do I think it’s possible your mother got pregnant? No, I do not.”

  “But Father--”

  “Your mother never lied to me during our entire marriage. She told me about her affair and what old man Mancini did to her. If she didn’t keep that a secret, she wouldn’t keep anything a secret. Especially when the cancer came and she knew she was dying. We had many intimate conversations after she returned from Rome and the treatments were unsuccessful.”

  “Okay, Father. You asked me to investigate and I didn’t want to leave any stone unturned.”

  “That Mancini boy is out there somewhere. And we will find him before they do.” Carlo took another sip of his coffee. Marco finished the food on the plate in front of him and gazed out across the property.

  As Carlo and Marco wrapped up their morning, Tyler Bennett and David Young were returning from the gym to their apartment. Tyler tossed his gym bag onto the couch and David went into the kitchen. He took his jug of protein powder out of one of the cabinets and scooped the powder into a shake bottle.

  “Do you want one, too?” David asked, pointing to the container.

  “Sure, thanks,” Tyler said, pulling off his sweaty shirt and sitting down on the sofa. David grabbed another cup and filled it with protein powder. “So Joyelle is supposed to come into work today for the first time since the accident.”

  “Oh, wow,” David replied. “I had a session with Derek the other day and he said she’s doing okay.”

  “As good as can be expected, I guess,” Tyler said, filling the bottles with water and putting lids on them. He walked over to David and handed him one; they both began shaking them vigorously to mix the powder and water inside. “She still apparently can’t remember much.”

  “That’s so weird,” David said. “It’s gotta be totally frustrating. For her and for Derek.”

  Tyler sat down on the couch next to David. “I’m not so sure about Derek. This amnesia is pretty convenient for him.”

  “How do you mean?” David asked, removing the lid from his bottle and taking a drink.

nbsp; “As long as Joyelle can’t remember, he doesn’t have to address that video or Cole or anything,” Tyler explained. “Hell, he’s probably happy she can’t remember.”

  “He lost his children; that’s a pretty big tragedy to deal with,” David said.

  “True. Believe me, I understand that. But he needs to address their marital issues, too,” Tyler replied.

  “That’s their business.”

  “Aw, come on, David,” Tyler said. “I know how much you like Cole, but you can’t hope Derek and Joyelle stay together just so you can have Cole to yourself.”

  “I never said that, Tyler. I would never wish pain on any of them.” David took a drink from his cup. “Besides, Cole is obsessed with Derek. He loves him. He’s not available to me, regardless of my feelings for him.”

  “So you’re just going to give up on him? Just like that?”

  “Not sure what else I can do. Continue to pursue someone who’s in love with someone else?”

  “Well, you can’t just give up. You deserve to be happy, too.”

  “And you’re hoping Joyelle gets her memory back so that you can be with her? Is that your plan?”

  Tyler laughed. “I don’t have a plan. But Joyelle deserves to remember the truth and to be with someone who loves and respects her as much as she deserves.”

  “It’s all so complicated.”

  “True,” Tyler said. “It’s funny; we’d both be so much better off if Derek were just out of the picture.” Tyler took a drink of his protein shake and turned his attention to the painting above the fireplace. “That painting.”

  “What about it?” David asked.

  “It’s sort of cool, I think. Of all Todd’s artwork that came with this place, I’m glad we kept it.”

  “I like it, too. It’s not really something I would ever purchase, but I like it. The colors are great and it’s kind of modern.”

  “Reminds me of my mother for some reason,” Tyler said.

  “Looks like a nurse taking care of a patient to me,” David said. “Maybe that’s why you like it.”

  “I think it’s more of a mother and son. Either way, it’s cool.”

  “We did luck out with this place. And the rent Max and Emmett are charging us is ridiculously cheap.”

  “Well, we did help them clean out a lot of Todd’s stuff. That was part of the deal.”

  “But we got to keep a lot of it, too.”

  Tyler smiled. “And we lucked out with roommates, too.”

  David laughed. “We sure did.” He raised his cup to Tyler as if he were toasting him. Each took a gulp of his shake.

  While Tyler and David enjoyed their shakes, Cole O’Brien was waiting for Jesse Morgan to join him for lunch in a downtown Chicago restaurant. A waiter refilled Cole’s water glass as Cole checked his phone for messages. The waiter walked away; Jesse rushed into the restaurant and over to the table.

  “Sorry I’m late, bro,” Jesse said, taking a seat at the table. “Had to wrap up a conference call.”

  “No worries,” Cole said. “Any sign of Logan?”

  “No,” Jesse said. “I’ve been working at the office nearly two weeks now and he won’t see me. His secretary always runs interference for him where I am concerned. And he still won’t return my calls or texts.”

  “Shit,” Cole said. “That sucks. You’ve got to see him. To explain everything.”

  “Like you said before, the whole fiasco in the hotel room is going to be difficult to explain away, even if he does give me the chance.”

  “I warned you not to go through with that plan. It alienated both Logan and your mother, just as I feared it would.”

  Jesse rolled his eyes. “So much for not saying ‘I told you so.’ I haven’t heard back from my mother at all, either. I guess you were right.”

  “I’m sorry that I was. But there’s got to be a way to get through to them both and help them understand what a manipulator Ben is.”

  “You’d think. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” Jesse glanced at the menu and then back at Cole. “How’s your office?”

  “Good,” Cole replied. “I’m really liking it. And my boss is cool. He’s keeping me busy, which is good.”

  “Takes your mind off of Derek.”

  “Exactly. Talk about not returning calls or texts. I haven’t heard a thing from him.”

  “Nothing at all? Crap.”

  “I saw David yesterday and he said that Joyelle is going back to work soon. Maybe that’ll give me a chance to get Derek alone.”

  “She still has no memory of the video or anything?”

  Cole shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

  “Damn,” Jesse said.

  “I know,” Cole said. “I do feel horrible for them both. I can’t imagine what it’s like to lose a child, let alone two of them.”

  “Cole, you tried to save Joyelle and her babies. That’s more than anyone else did, including Derek.”

  “I know, but I’m sure it’s still rough for them. Not sure it’s something that they will ever totally get over.”

  “But without the babies, maybe your chances with Derek are much better? Once Joyelle regains her memories.”

  “I’ve thought about that,” Cole said. “Seems like a horrible way to ‘win’ him, though.”

  “Life works out the way it’s supposed to. This whole accident may be an opportunity for you both.”

  “We’ll see,” Cole said. “I just want to see him.”

  “And what about David?”

  “We’re just friends,” Cole said.

  “I think he’s hoping for more,” Jesse added.

  “I was drunk when I made out with him. It was a mistake.”

  “Nothing’s ever quite as easy as it should be, is it?”

  “As you just said, things will work out the way they are supposed to.”

  Jesse added, “With a little help from us along the way.” Cole smiled as the waiter returned to the table to take their lunch order.

  While Cole and Jesse had lunch, Justin Mancini was seated in his hotel room. Dressed casually and facing the hotel room window, Justin picked up the sunglasses resting in his lap and put them on. After a moment, he heard a knock at the door.

  “Come in,” he said loudly from his chair.

  The door opened and Rachel Carson stepped into the room. She scanned the place and, upon seeing Justin in his chair, closed the door behind her and stepped toward him.

  “So it’s true,” Rachel said.

  “Where have you been?” Justin asked, recognizing Rachel’s voice. “I have been calling you for days.”

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “We have work to continue,” Justin said, standing up and turning in Rachel’s direction. “And you have some explaining to do.”

  “Do I?” Rachel asked.

  “You had that video shown at the party, didn’t you?” Justin received no reply, so he repeated, “Didn’t you?”

  “What if I did? What difference does it make? You wanted to destroy your brother and that video helped that to happen.”

  “He thinks I did it. He thinks I’m responsible.”

  “Good. Then he’ll fear you even more.”

  “But I didn’t do it; you did.” Justin took a few steps forward.

  Rachel stepped forward and put her hands on Justin’s chest. “You’re just not the man you used to be.”

  Justin grabbed Rachel’s arms. “I’m the same man I always was.”

  “No,” Rachel said. “You’ve softened. You’re weak now. Handicapped.”

  Justin forced a kiss onto Rachel’s lips. “I’m the same man I have always been.” Justin kissed Rachel passionately, wrapping his arms around her.

  She ran her fingers through his hair as he kissed her mouth and then her neck. As his hands made their way down her back, she tore open his shirt. She ran her fingers over his hard chest, eventually removing his shirt, which fell to the floor.

  Suddenly, Rachel broke fre
e from Justin’s embrace, pushing him away from her. “You’re pathetic. You’ll never be who you want to be. I need a real man.”

  “Damn you.”

  “You can’t handle a woman like me anymore. All you can handle now is a seeing eye dog.”

  “You bitch.”

  Rachel walked toward the door. “See you around, Justin.” She paused and added, “Oh, that’s right. You can’t see.” With that comment, Rachel left the room, slamming the door behind her.

  “Fuck!” Justin said, standing alone in the large room.

  Later in the afternoon, Michael was still running his errands on his day off. He dropped some laundry to his dry cleaner and then headed toward the grocery store. The street was quiet and Michael walked with a slow step as he took in the Spring-like air and the streetscape around him.

  As he continued north on Halsted, he noticed the red headed boy standing against one of the buildings, one foot against the building and the other on the sidewalk. Michael continued toward the grocery store as the boy whistled toward him.

  “Hey, hottie,” the boy said, smiling.

  “What’s up?” Michael replied, without intending to stop his walk.

  “This,” the boy said, firmly grabbing his crotch. “Want to see it?”

  Michael stopped in front of the boy, maintaining eye contact as he pulled his badge from his pocket. “Officer Michael Martinez, Chicago P.D.” At the sight of the badge, the boy put his other foot onto the pavement and lost his smile. “You wouldn’t be soliciting me, would you?”

  “No, Officer,” the boy replied. “Of course, not. Just making small talk.”

  “Despite what many people in Boystown may think, prostitution is still illegal,” Michael explained. “Don’t get yourself hauled into the station for something like that.” The boy didn’t reply; he just looked down at the sidewalk. “Do you understand me?”

  “Yes,” the boy mumbled.

  “Don’t let me catch you pulling that crap with me or anyone else again. Consider this a warning.”

  The boy continued to stare at the pavement, “Thank you.”

  “Now get out of here.” Upon command, the boy took off down the Halsted Street in the opposite direction Michael was headed. Michael watched him run away, then returned his badge to his pocket, and continued on to the grocery store.