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Boystown Season Three Page 6

  As Michael purchased what he needed to prepare his dinner for Keith later that night, Keith arrived at Derek’s condominium for the meeting with his friends. Upon entering Derek’s condo, Keith saw that Emmett and Max were already there.

  “Come on in,” Derek said, welcoming Keith into his home. “I can take your coat.”

  “Thanks,” Keith replied, removing his jacket and handing it to Derek, who left the room with it.

  “Hey, Keith,” Emmett said, walking toward Keith from the kitchen.

  “Hey,” Keith responded, giving Emmett a kiss on the cheek.

  “What can we get you to drink?” Max asked, giving Keith a hug.

  “Whatever you guys are drinking is fine,” Keith said.

  “Why don’t we all sit at the table?” Derek asked, returning to the room.

  “We’re just waiting on Logan,” Max added. “I’m sure he’ll be here any minute.”

  Keith took a seat at the table and looked around the room. “The place looks so empty without all the Christmas decorations.”

  “I know,” Emmett said, smiling. “When I took them all down, the place looked so big. And empty.” Emmett sat down next to Keith.

  “Same at my place,” Keith said as Max handed him a drink. “Thanks, Max.”

  Max nodded and sat down next to Emmett. “Joyelle is at her mother’s. She doesn’t know we are all meeting.”

  “How’s she doing?” Keith asked.

  “Physically, she’s great,” Derek said, also taking a seat at the table. “But her memories still haven’t returned. The doctors think it may be a while before they do.”

  “Maybe that’s a good thing,” Keith said. “There are probably some things we all wish she would never remember.”

  “Is that why you asked us all to meet, Keith?” Derek asked. “To talk about the video?”

  “That was one of the reasons, yes.”

  Before Derek could ask his next question, the door buzzer rang and Derek popped up from his chair to open the door.

  “That must be Logan,” Max said.

  “Hey, there,” Derek said to Logan, who swayed into the condo visibly intoxicated.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Logan said as he struggled to take off his coat.

  “Not a problem,” Derek replied. “We were just about to start.”

  Max got up from the table and approached Logan. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Logan said in much the same fashion he had said it a million times when Max and Logan were together.

  “Okay,” Max said, hugging his former partner. “Come on in and take a seat.” Max escorted Logan to the table as Derek put Logan’s coat away and returned to the room.

  “Can I get you anything?” Emmett asked Logan.

  “A glass of wine would be perfect,” Logan replied slowly.

  “And a glass of water,” Max added, sitting back down. Max gave Emmett a “look,” which Emmett immediately understood.

  Derek took a seat at the head of the table. “Now that we are all here, Keith was just about to tell us why he wanted to have this group meeting.” Emmett returned to the table with Logan’s wine and water. He placed the glasses in front of Logan and sat down.

  “I think we all know why we are here,” Keith said. “It was best to do this all at once, together as a group of friends.”

  “Friends,” Logan mumbled.

  “Look, we have all been through a lot together, good times and bad,” Keith continued. “Some of our best times together were right in this very room. But what happened on New Year’s Eve was horrific and dangerous.”

  “No one knows that better than I do, Keith,” Derek said. “I lost my children.”

  “I know,” Keith continued. “And I am so sorry for that. But in a way, it’s your own fault.”

  “Keith!” Emmett said loudly.

  “No, hear me out,” Keith said, returning his focus to Derek. “When you decided to fight the Ciancios and Justin for part of your father’s company, you put us all at risk. Any one of us could’ve been seriously hurt or killed. Michael included.”

  “Is that what this is about? Your boyfriend?” Max asked.

  “No. Well, yes. It’s about all of us,” Keith said.

  “I don’t see a single scratch on you from that explosion,” Derek said. “I don’t think you were ever in any danger.”

  “That’s not the point,” Keith replied.

  “Then what is?” Derek said, growing annoyed. “What is the point of all this? No one sitting around this table lost more than I did that night.”

  Max tried to calm the situation. “Maybe what would be helpful, Derek, would be an explanation of what happened. The video. The explosion. Everything.”

  “Yes,” Logan said, finishing off his glass of wine. Max pushed the glass of water closer to Logan.

  “At least as much as you know,” Emmett added.

  Derek took a deep breath. “Okay. I will tell you what I can.” Derek took a drink from his beer bottle and Max nudged Logan who seemed to be falling asleep at the table. “That video was taken by Justin. He filmed it on his phone at the hospital and then tried to blackmail me with it.”

  “Justin?” Emmett asked. “Why?”

  “He wanted me to sign over my portion of the company to him or he threatened to make the video public.”

  “Damn,” Keith said.

  “He made a really bad deal with the Ciancios and needs my part of the company to satisfy his deal with them. I refused, we talked more, and we came up with a plan to make things right with the Ciancios. He promised to destroy the video.”

  “Cleary, he didn’t,” Max said.

  “Oh, Derek. I am so sorry,” Emmett said. “I really thought Justin was trying to change.”

  “But is it true?” Keith asked. “Are you really in love with Cole?”

  “Frankly, that’s none of your business, Keith,” Derek said. “That entire video was taken out of context. It’s not as it appears to be.”

  “You don’t need to explain that to us,” Max said. “It’s between you and Joyelle.”

  “And Cole,” Keith added.

  Derek ignored Keith’s comment and continued. “As far as the explosion, I can only assume he is responsible for that, too. He was the one who arranged for the limo that night. And he was probably still angry with me for refusing to sign over my share of the company.”

  “I told you he hasn’t changed,” Max said to Emmett. “He’s just as awful as he’s always been.”

  “But Michael told me that the limo driver died in that explosion,” Keith said. “Wouldn’t he have at least spared the driver if he was solely targeting you?”

  “God knows what my brother is thinking,” Derek said. “We haven’t seen or heard from him since that night.”

  “Something still doesn’t make sense,” Max said. “If Justin is responsible for the explosion, why would he have been anywhere near it when it went off? He’s the one who told Michael to follow him to the car.”

  “And you said he’s blind now,” Emmett said. “He would never injure himself in his own plan. If there’s one thing we know about him, it’s that he’s a survivor.”

  “Well, if Justin didn’t set the bomb, who did?” Derek asked.

  A voice from the condominium hallway surprised everyone sitting around the table. “I may be able to help answer that question,” Justin said, standing just inside the door.

  “You!” Derek said, jumping up from the table and rushing toward Justin. “Where the hell have you been?” Derek grabbed Justin and threw him up against the wall as Emmett rushed over to stop him.

  “Derek, no,” Emmett said, trying to get between Justin and Derek.

  “I’m going to kill you!” Derek said, punching Justin in the gut. “You killed my children!”

  Max helped Emmett restrain Derek. “Come on, man. This isn’t helping.” They pulled him away from Justin.

  “I’m sorry,” Justin said.

  “You okay?
” Emmett asked Justin, who clutched his gut.

  “Yes,” Justin said. “I suppose I deserved that. Can you help me to a chair?” Emmett wrapped his arm around Justin and slowly walked him to the table. Feeling the chair, Justin carefully sat down.

  “What are you doing here?” Emmett asked.

  “And where the hell have you been?” Derek added.

  “Gino told me that you were all meeting today,” Justin said. “His driver gave me a ride over here.”

  “So you really are blind,” Keith said, receiving a hostile look from Max.

  “Yes,” Justin said. “I am. I have had appointments with several specialists. Nothing has helped.”

  “Why did you come here?” Derek asked. “Or did Gino make you?”

  “I’m my own man,” Justin said. “No one makes me do anything.”

  “Well, no one made you hide out for the last two weeks like a coward, either. You did that all on your own.”

  “I understand why you’re upset with me, Derek,” Justin said. “And I am so sorry for the loss of your children. From the bottom of my heart.”

  “You don’t have a heart,” Derek said.

  “I have to go,” Logan said, abruptly standing up.

  “Are you okay?” Max asked.

  “I’m fine,” Logan replied, walking away from the table.

  “Well, don’t forget your coat,” Max said, following Logan. “I’ll get it for you.” Max left the room.

  Logan walked unsteadily toward the front door. “Bye guys.” When he reached the front door, Max appeared with his coat.

  Wrapping the coat around Logan, Max asked, “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not ‘fine.’ You’re drunk. What’s going on? Did something happen?” Max paused. “Did Jesse do something to you?”

  “I’m fine,” Logan repeated, putting his arms into his coat.

  “I asked you a question. Did Jesse do something to you?” Logan shook his head and left the condo. Max closed the door, mumbling to himself, “I’ll kill that kid.”

  As Max returned to the table, Emmett asked, “Is he okay?”

  “Who knows?” Max said, sitting down.

  “You promised not to show that video,” Derek said to Justin. “I don’t know why the hell I ever believed you.”

  “I didn’t,” Justin said. “I swear to you. And I know who did.”

  “You’re the only one who had access to the video.”

  “No,” Justin said. “There was one other person. Rachel Carson.”

  Keith sat up in his seat. “Rachel Carson? What does she have to do with this?”

  “Who’s Rachel Carson?” Max asked.

  “She’s Nick’s sister,” Keith explained. Then he looked at Justin. “How do you know Rachel?”

  “We met after her brother died in the warehouse.”

  “So what?” Derek asked. “How would she know about the video?”

  “This is difficult to explain,” Justin said.

  “Do your best, brother,” Derek replied sternly.

  “Rachel is a loose cannon. She was very close to her brother. She is out for revenge on all of you. She holds you responsible for Nick’s death.”

  “Us?” Emmett asked. “He’s the one who kidnapped and raped me.” Max put his hand on Emmett’s lap. “And he killed Todd.”

  “She doesn’t see it that way. She wants to bring this family down. And she wanted my help doing it.”

  “And I’m sure you accepted her offer,” Derek added.

  “No,” Justin stated. “She stole the video from me. She was at the party. She is responsible for showing the video.”

  “Wait,” Keith said. “Rachel was at the New Year’s Eve party. How do you know?”

  “She was my date.”

  “Oh, no,” Keith said. “You’re fucking Rachel?”

  “How well do you know her, Keith?” Max asked.

  “Well enough to know she’s bad news,” Keith said. “Oh, my God, the note...”

  “What note?” Emmett asked.

  “She’s after all of you,” Justin continued. “Keith, she’s the one playing those phone tricks on you. With Nick’s voice.”

  “Oh, my God,” Keith replied, turning a bit pale.

  “Let me get this straight,” Derek said. “She stole the video and showed it to hurt me?”

  “That’s right. I swear to you...I had nothing to do with it.”

  “Except that you filmed it. Tried to blackmail me with it. And told her about it,” Derek clarified. “You are just as responsible.”

  “No,” Justin said.

  “And did she plant the bomb, too?”

  “I don’t know that,” Justin said. “I think it may have been Marco.”

  “Marco Ciancio?” Derek asked. “My God. Was he trying to kill you?”

  “I don’t know,” Justin said, shaking his head. “Honestly, I don’t.”

  “So instead of you being dead, my children are?

  “It’s not like that,” Justin said. “I had nothing to do with it.”

  “Get out of my house!” Derek said.

  “I’m here to help you,” Justin said. “I want to help you.”

  “You’ve helped quite enough already,” Derek said. “Get the hell out of here.” Derek turned to Keith. “And you get out of here, too.”

  “Me?” Keith asked.

  “Because this is your fault, too. First, Nick kidnaps Emmett and now his sister tries to destroy me. You think I put everyone here at risk? You did, Keith! You did!”

  “I didn’t even know Rachel was around. And I certainly have nothing to do with your Ciancio feud. That’s all your shit.”

  “And to think you were almost married into our family at one point. Thank God Emmett came to his senses.”

  “Come on, guys,” Max said. “Enough. You said it yourself, Keith. We are friends. Now we are all turning on each other. We can’t do this.”

  “Friends?” Derek asked. “What a joke!” Derek pointed to Justin and then Keith. “The two of you have placed everyone in this room at risk at one point or another. ‘Friends’ don’t do that.”

  “Derek, please,” Emmett said.

  “I want you both out of here,” Derek said. “Now!” Derek got up from the table and left the room. A moment later, a door slammed loudly.

  “I better go,” Keith said. “He’s acting crazy.”

  “Understandably, maybe,” Max said. “This is a lot for us all to process.”

  “I’m sorry,” Justin said.

  “For what it’s worth,” Emmett said to his brother, “I believe you.”

  “Thank you,” Justin said. “That means a lot. We’ll talk more.” Justin stood up from the table. “Can someone help me to the door? Gino’s driver is waiting for me downstairs.”

  “Gino?” Emmett asked, putting his arm under Justin’s. “What’s going on with you two?”

  Justin hesitated and then said, “He’s not like Marco.”

  “I’ll walk you out,” Keith told Justin. “I want to know more about Rachel.” Keith hugged Emmett and then Max. “See you guys soon.”

  “I’ll have the driver drop you home, Keith,” Justin said.

  “No, thanks. I’d prefer to get home alive,” Keith replied.

  “Bye,” Emmett said, as Justin and Keith left.

  Emmett closed the door behind them and turned to Max, who gave him a warm hug.

  “Are you okay?” Max asked.

  “Yes,” Emmett said. “Just overwhelmed. And you’re worried about Logan.”

  “I am. He hasn’t been drunk like that in a long time. Something’s wrong. And I just know it has something to do with Jesse.”

  Max and Emmett embraced quietly for a moment and then Derek re-entered the room.

  “They’re gone,” Emmett said.

  “Good,” Derek said. “I need to talk to you both.”

  “Are you okay?” Emmett asked.

  “I’m fine,” Derek
said. “I need a favor. I know that you’re in the process of moving out of here into your new place above the restaurant. But I’m hoping you can stay here an extra day or two to take care of Joyelle. I don’t want her here alone.”

  “Alone?” Max asked.

  Emmett followed up by asking, “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to California for a couple of days. I leave in the morning.”

  “California? Why?” Emmett asked.

  “I’m going to see our father,” Derek declared and then turned and left the room. Max and Emmett stood silently staring at one another. Time has a way of altering one’s perspective.

  Episode #24

  All secrets have an expiration date. Just as the snow melting all over Chicago revealed items once buried beneath it, secrets work their way to the surface and eventually emerge for all to know, often altering lives forever.

  As Derek Mancini was packing for his trip to California, his brother Emmett walked into the bedroom and sat down on Derek’s bed next to his suitcase.

  “Got a minute?” Emmett asked as he examined some of the clothes already in the suitcase.

  “Of course,” Derek said, taking some shirts from his closet. “What’s up?”

  “It’s just you and me now, Derek. No one else is around.”

  Derek smiled. “I can see that.”

  “You know how much I love you and that I always have your back,” Emmett said. “And you can tell me anything. I will keep it to myself.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  Emmett hesitated. “Do you really love him?”



  “He saved my life,” Derek said. “I’m very grateful for that.”

  “You’re not answering my question,” Emmett persisted. “Do you love him? In the video, you said you did.”

  “I love Joyelle and we are still going to have a family one day soon.”

  “Derek, it’s me you’re talking to. Your gay brother,” Emmett said. “You were always so supportive of me when I came out. You never judged me. So you know I’m not going to judge you.”

  “I know.”