Boystown Season Four Read online

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  “Okay, okay,” Jensen said. “I’ll do it for you.”

  Emmett reached across the table and grabbed Jensen’s hand. “No, Jensen. Do it for you.”

  Several blocks away, Dustin and Max were finishing a workout at the Boystown Athletic Club. They entered the locker room, opened their lockers, and undressed in preparation for the sauna.

  “That felt good,” Max said. “It’s been a while since I’ve been able to come here.”

  “After all you’ve been through lately, you needed the stress relief for a good workout.”

  “Thanks for insisting that I join you, especially after going through all the paperwork with the insurance people. I appreciated you being there with me for that, too.”

  “Hey, I’m the manager,” Dustin said. “I need to get things done and moving. We have a restaurant and club to rebuild.”

  “Sounds like it’ll be rising from the ashes sooner than we thought.”

  “The Mancinis moving their headquarters here to Chicago sure got them in good with the mayor’s office fast.”

  Max smiled. “Hey, if it helps us get through the red tape faster, it’s all good.” With towels wrapped around their otherwise naked bodies, Max and Dustin each stepped into his flip flops and closed his locker. “Sauna time.”

  As Dustin followed Max into to the sauna, he checked out Max’s muscular back and legs. They entered the sauna and, upon seeing that it was empty, sat down next to each other on the bench along the far wall.

  Max closed his eyes, leaned back against the wall behind him, and let out a sigh as he tried to relax in the heat of the room.

  Dustin watched him and then said, “Turn a bit.”

  “What?” Max asked, opening his eyes.

  “Just turn a bit to your side,” Dustin said as he watched Max shift and slightly turn his back to Dustin. Hesitantly, Dustin reached out and put his hands on Max’s shoulders, beginning to massage them. Max grew tense for a moment, but quickly relaxed as Dustin’s fingers worked the tight muscles of his shoulders and back.

  “Mmm, thanks,” Max said, closing his eyes again and relaxing more.

  “You deserve it,” Dustin said as he continued to dig his fingers into Max’s muscles. He continued the massage for a long time, working his hands down Max’s arms as well. Max relaxed and occasionally let out a sigh as he enjoyed the experience.

  Then Dustin moved his hands from Max’s shoulders down over his hard, sweaty chest. He massaged Max’s chest and his nipples, which grew hard beneath Dustin’s fingertips. Max adjusted his position somewhat, but kept his eyes closed.

  Dustin slid his right hand down Max’s stomach to the towel wrapped around his waist. He slowly unfastened it, feeling Max’s semi-erect penis. Cautiously, he folded his fingers around Max’s cock, stroking it gently.

  “Dustin...” Max whispered.

  “Shh,” Dustin replied, kissing the back of Max’s neck and shoulders. Max’s penis quickly became rock hard in Dustin’s hand as he continued to stroke it. Max moaned softly, letting his head lean back slightly. With his free hand, Dustin massaged Max’s chest and shoulders, finally turning Max’s head toward him so he could kiss him.

  As their lips finally touched, Max erupted, shooting thick ropes of cum up onto his chest and stomach. His entire body shook as he exploded and Dustin kissed him more deeply.

  Running his fingers through Max’s sticky mess, Dustin pinched Max’s nipples and continued to kiss him. Max pulled away from Dustin and opened his eyes, staring directly into Dustin’s. Then he put his hand on the side of Dustin’s face and kissed him again.

  At the same time, Tyler entered Derek’s hospital room. Derek was sitting up on his bed on his cell phone. He gave Tyler an odd look as Tyler closed the door behind him.

  “Thank you, Vince,” Derek said. “One way or another, we need to get those papers that my brother signed to disappear. I appreciate your help. We’ll talk soon.” Derek ended the call and placed his phone onto the tray in front of him. Then he looked directly at Tyler. “How did you get past the security guard?”

  “I work here, remember?”

  “Ah, yes,” Derek said, annoyed.

  “You think you’re pretty clever, don’t you? Putting my name on a list of suspects for Michael to investigate. And David’s, too.”

  “We aren’t exactly friends. And I have what you want...Joyelle.”

  Tyler laughed. “Correction: you had what I want. Joyelle is mine now. You’ll have your divorce papers soon enough.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  “And you’ve lost Cole, too.”

  “Why the hell are you here anyway?”

  “To put you on notice. I’m onto you and your games. You can try all you want to cause trouble for me, but it’s not going to work.”

  Derek smiled widely. “I always end up on top. Just ask Joyelle. And Cole.”

  “Not this time. I’m warning you. Stay out of my life...and Joyelle’s. Or I swear to you, what someone else tried to do to you and failed....I will finish!”

  On one of the upper floors of the Park Hyatt, Gino was standing at the window in his brother’s hotel room. Looking at the snow flurries that danced down toward Michigan Avenue, Gino was finishing a phone call with Justin.

  “Yes, babe, I’ll see you soon,” Gino said, pausing for Justin to reply. “And I have a huge surprise for you, Justin. I hope you’ll like it.” Gino smiled at Justin’s response and then added, “Great. See you in a bit.” Gino ended the call and put his phone into his pocket.

  Marco emerged from the bathroom, still wet from his shower, wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist.

  “Don’t we knock before entering anymore?” Marco asked.

  “We need to talk,” Gino said, sitting down upon one of the chairs next to the table.

  “Too bad our little Bella isn’t here in Chicago. We could have had a little fun with her for old time’s sake.”

  “Sit down,” Gino said, firmly.

  “Okay, okay,” Marco said, recognizing his brother was in no mood to joke. Marco sat down across from Gino. “What’s the matter?”

  Gino picked up the envelope lying on the table and tossed it into Marco’s lap. “This was delivered to you here this morning. I took the liberty of opening it for you when I saw the return address.”

  “You did?” Marco asked, opening the envelope.

  “You’ve been lying to me again, brother. You’re buying back all of Mother’s art collection and I suspect you already know who the other Mancini brother is.”

  “Wait just a minute--”

  “But even you couldn’t have known what’s in that envelope. So tell me what the hell is going on. Now!”

  As Gino interrogated his brother, Michael kissed Keith deeply. Their naked bodies wrapped around each other in Michael’s bed, Keith dug his fingers into Michael’s arms as he prepared for his lover to fill him.

  Michael looked into Keith’s eyes and he maneuvered his hips and pushed himself deeper into him. His thrusts became more powerful as Keith ran his hands down Michael’s back to his ass. Keith kissed Michael’s lips, ears, and neck as he braced himself. Michael made one final thrust and released inside of Keith.

  Rolling over onto his back, Michael kissed Keith and held him tightly.

  “God, I love you, Stormy,” he said, smiling.

  “I love you, too.”

  “I’m hoping you’ll come to my installation ceremony as commander. I want you there with me.”

  “Of course,” Keith said. “Where else would I be, but by your side?”

  Michael kissed Keith. “Thank you.”

  “And you said Carlo Ciancio invited you to lunch?”

  “He said he wants to thank me for saving his son, Gino.”

  “Just be careful,” Keith said. “The Ciancios often give gifts with strings attached.”

  “It’s just lunch. But you’re right -- I’ll keep my eyes open.” Michael pulled Keith closer to him. “I do have some
thing to ask you.”

  “You know how much I love you and how much I love our time together.”

  “I do, too.”

  “And my new position may require me to be working longer hours. So I’m wondering something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Would you move in with me?”

  While Michael and Keith held each other, Derek’s shooter stood quietly on the sidewalk outside of Michael’s apartment. The person stood beneath a large tree in the parkway looking up at the light coming from Michael’s bedroom window. Michael Martinez didn't realize he was in the presence of danger or that the source of the danger was someone he knew.

  Episode #35

  Life is too short not to embrace every opportunity for a celebration. With April drawing to a close, Chicagoans were heading outdoors, cautiously optimistic that they had seen the last of the snow for the season. While May snow showers were certainly not out of the question, the warm April weather was putting such thoughts out of the minds of most of the city’s residents.

  Laura Leahy was outside watching over the two young children for whom she was a nanny as they played in the small yard behind their condo, adjacent to Derek Mancini’s garage and driveway. As the two kids tossed a small, plastic ball back and forth, Laura watched from a nearby chair with a magazine in her lap.

  One toss went awry, landing in the nearby bushes that ran along the garage wall. The kids ran over to dig out the ball.

  Laura watched as one returned to the center of the yard with the ball while the other continued to dig deeper into the bushes. Standing up, Laura continued to observe the child as he bent over the bush. Finally, he stood up, clumsily holding a dark object in his hand.

  “What have you got there?” Laura asked, taking a few steps toward the bushes. The boy turned to Laura and pointed the object at her. Realizing it was a gun, Laura calmly said, “Put that down on the ground.” The boy ignored her, turning the gun around in his hands as he examined it more closely. In one swift movement, Laura lunged forward and pulled the gun from the boy’s hand. “That’s not a toy,” she said, holding the gun cautiously in her hands and away from her body. “It’s very dangerous. You two go into the house.” The children just stood and looked at her. “Now,” she ordered loudly and then watched the children rush into the back door of the building.

  “Oh, my God,” she said as she placed the gun on the chair in which she had originally sat. She reached into her pockets to find her cell phone and dialed 911, just as she had on the night she found Derek’s bloody body at the foot of his deck stairs.

  The residences along Chicago’s famed East Lake Shore Drive are some of the most extravagant and exclusive in the country. Inside the largest penthouse in that area, Gino Ciancio and Justin Mancini were lying in their new bed. Naked, their bodies were wrapped around each other as Justin rested his head against Gino’s chest.

  “Happy?” Gino asked Justin.

  “Mmm,” Justin moaned. “More than happy. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “I still can’t believe you bought this place for us. It’s like a palace.”

  “I thought we needed a home in Chicago to call our own. Your company headquarters are here now and I can work from here as often as I like. So I thought it was time. No more hotels or guest rooms at your brother’s place. A new place for our fresh start together.”

  “You’re alive, that’s all the matters to me. When I saw you trapped under that rubble in the fire--”

  “Shh,” Gino whispered. “That’s old news. I’m fine and I’m not going anywhere.”


  “I promise, babe,” he said, kissing Justin.

  “We need to have a party here. Show this place off.”

  Gino laughed. “Whatever you want. I’m glad my designer decorated to your satisfaction.”

  “Are you kidding? This place is amazing.”

  “We deserve it.”

  The men’s conversation was interrupted by the sound of a doorbell.

  “I wonder who that is?” Gino asked.

  Justin smiled as he got out of bed. “You’re not the only one with some surprises up his sleeve.” Justin pulled a robe over his naked body.

  “Oh, really?”

  “Give me two minutes. Put your robe on and then come downstairs.” Justin leaned over and kissed Gino. Then he left the room.

  Intrigued, Gino got out of bed and walked over to the window. He opened the drapes and looked out over Lake Michigan. Then he pulled on his robe and headed downstairs.

  In his own apartment, Cole O’Brien was lying on the sofa watching a morning news program and eating some oatmeal. After a few moments, Jesse Morgan emerged from his bedroom wearing a pair of shorts and flip flops.

  “Good morning,” Cole said from the sofa.

  “Hey, bro,” Jesse said, walking into the kitchen and pouring himself a cup of coffee. “What’s up?”

  “Nada,” Cole said. “Glad you’re home, though. Seems like we haven’t had a one on one in a long time.”

  “Tell me about it,” Jesse said as he walked into the living room area with his coffee cup and sat down near Cole.

  “Have you heard from your mom?”

  “Yup,” Jesse replied. “I talked to her yesterday. She’s doing great. Glad to be home and back to her normal life. And the baby is doing well, she saw her doctor last week.”

  “That’s great.”

  “I kind of miss having her around. But she needs to live her life, too.”

  “Absolutely. And how’s Logan?”

  “Ugh,” Jesse sighed. “That’s a whole different story. I’m no doctor, but I think he’s really depressed. He’s drinking more again, showing up late for work, dropping the ball on things. I’m covering for him at the office as much as I can.”

  “Maybe he needs to see a professional counselor?”

  “I’ve mentioned that,” Jesse said. “It’s like talking to a wall. I want so much to help him and he just won’t let me. Bro, we haven’t had sex since the fire. He won’t let me touch him.”


  “I’m worried about him.”

  “Have you thought about talking to Max? Maybe he can help?”

  “Now you sound like my mother. Cole, if he’s not going to let me help him, do you really think he’s going to let Max help him?”

  “What about Mateo? Maybe he can make a referral to a counselor? It’s worth a try.”

  “I guess.”

  “Is Logan going to David’s birthday party with you?”

  “I invited him. Whether or not he backs out at the last minute remains to be seen. He’s like a hermit these days.”

  “Well, try to get him to come.”

  “I will,” Jesse said, taking a sip of his coffee. “What about you? How are things with David?”

  “Great. How could they not be? He’s super sexy and incredibly sweet. It’ll be fun to celebrate his birthday with him at the party.”

  “And Derek...?”

  “What about him?”

  “I don’t know -- you tell me.”

  “He’s back to work and doing his thing, I guess.”

  “You haven’t spoken to him?”

  “Not since he left the hospital. It’s been several weeks.”

  “Do you miss him?”

  “Are you asking me if I still love him?”

  Jesse nodded.

  “I guess I do. I think I always will. But I can’t go back there. Too much drama and hurt. I’m with David now and we are very happy.”

  “I’m glad,” Jesse said. “He totally loves you. I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”

  Cole smiled. “He’s a keeper.”

  “And what about work...? Have the Ciancios come up with anything as they promised?”

  “Actually, I’m supposed to meet with Gino later today. He said he has an idea for me.”

  “An idea? Fuck an idea. How about a job? Preferably one that pay

  Cole laughed. “I’m sure that’s what he meant. He’s a good guy.”

  “Well, as good as the Ciancios can be. Keep your eyes open with that family.”

  “I will, don’t worry.”

  “Wanna hit the gym with me? I’m going into work a bit late today.”

  “Sure, let’s do it,” Cole said, hopping up from the couch.

  “Let me grab my bag.” Jesse ran into his bedroom to put on a shirt and grab his gym bag while Cole grabbed his from the stool at the kitchen counter.

  As Cole and Jesse headed to the gym, Gino cautiously descended the stairs of his penthouse and entered the living room area where he found Justin. Bouquets of red roses were situated all around the space and the table near the large window was set for an intimate breakfast for two. With a glass of champagne in each hand, Justin smiled at Gino.

  “Wow,” Gino said. “What’s all this?”

  “It’s a celebration,” Justin replied. “For you and for us.”

  Gino walked over to one of the rose bouquets. “Everything looks amazing. How did you manage all of this?”

  “You’re not the only one with contacts,” Justin said, handing Gino a glass of champagne.

  “This is great.”

  “Well, I wanted to make today special for us.”

  “What’s the occasion?”

  “Do we need to have one?” Justin asked with a smile.

  “No, I guess not,” Gino said, sipping his champagne.

  “Well, there actually is one today. You see, with the fire I didn’t get a chance to give you the proposal and engagement evening that you deserve. So I wanted a ‘do over.’” Gino laughed softly and Justin continued. “So today is that day.

  Justin took the champagne glass from Gino’s hand and placed it on a nearby coffee table along with his own glass. Then he took Gino’s hand and brought him over to the huge window that looked north along Lake Shore Drive. Still holding Gino’s hand, Justin dropped to one knee.

  “Gino Ciancio, you are the love of my life. You always see the best in me, even when I can’t see it myself. You bring out the best in me and make me want to be a better man because of you. You are my friend, my role model, my better half -- and I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. I love you. Gino, will you marry me?” Justin reached into his robe pocket and pulled out the ring he had presented Gino at the fundraiser.