Boystown Season Four Read online

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Joyelle sat up again in the bed. “I have to get out of this room and make sure my friends are okay.”

  “All right,” the doctor said. “I’ll release you but only to go home, not to stay here and work. At least you can rest at home. I’ve left a few messages for Derek on his phone, but he hasn’t called back. Tyler’s downstairs; I’ll ask him to help you get home. He should get out of here to get some rest, too.”

  “Thank you,” Joyelle said with an uneasy smile. “I just need to know that everyone is okay.”

  Dr. MacMahon headed down to the main level to locate Tyler as David and Keith ran around the side of the collapsed building. Working their way through the smoke and debris, they were stopped by two firemen.

  “Hey, you two. You need to step back from there,” one of the firemen declared, motioning for David and Keith to step further away.

  “Our friends are trapped under there,” Keith said.

  “You have to step back,” the fire fighter repeated.


  David began to reply to the fireman when suddenly Justin Mancini emerged from the smoke; Cole O’Brien had his arm around Justin’s shoulder for support and was limping along side of him.

  “Over here,” Justin called.

  “Oh, my God,” David said, rushing over to them. “Cole!”

  “I’m okay,” Cole said, choking. David gently wrapped his arms around Cole as tears streamed down his face. “I’m okay.”

  “Where’s Michael?” Keith asked anxiously. “Where’s Michael?”

  As Keith finished yelling out his question a second time, Michael Martinez emerged behind Justin carrying the limp body of Gino Ciancio in his arms.

  “We need an ambulance,” Michael said.

  Justin looked toward the firemen. “Please, hurry.” The firemen ran over and took Gino’s body from Michael, who collapsed onto his knees on the hard street pavement.

  “Michael,” Keith said, running to him.

  Michael struggled to speak between coughs. “I’m okay...Stormy.”

  “Somebody help him,” Keith said as he looked around for assistance.

  One of the firemen spoke into his communication device. “We need back up on the north side.”

  “Go with Gino,” Cole told Justin, who followed the two men carrying Gino away from the scene. Cole continued to protect his ribs with his arm.

  “You’re hurt,” David said. “We need to get you some help.”

  “It’s just a rib,” Cole replied. “Let them take care of the others first.”

  “What about Gino?”

  Cole shook his head. “He was trapped under a lot of rubble. We couldn’t wake him up.”

  “Oh, God -- we need to tell Marco. He’s been waiting across the street.”

  “Go tell him,” Cole said, sitting down on the sidewalk as more paramedics arrived in the area. “I’ll be here; I’m okay.” David placed his hands on each side of Cole’s soot-covered face and kissed him. Then he ran to find Marco.

  “He needs help!” Keith called to the paramedics as an ambulance pulled away carrying Gino and Justin.

  Michael raised his hand to try to calm Keith. “It’s okay, Stormy. They will get to me.”

  “Hurry, please,” Keith told the paramedics who came over to assist Michael.

  “You’ll have to...forgive him,” Michael told the paramedics between coughs. “He’s a worrier.” Michael’s sooty face forced a smile as one of the paramedics put an oxygen mask over it.

  Across the street, Marco was finishing his phone call with his father, Carlo Ciancio. Tears falling occasionally from his eyes onto his cheeks, Marco concluded telling Carlo about Gino’s death.

  “I’m sorry, Father,” Marco said. “I’m so very sorry.” Marco disconnected the call and put his phone back into his pocket as David approached him.

  “Marco, Marco.” David paused to catch his breath. “They just brought Gino out of the building. They found him.”


  “Michael and Justin brought him out. They took him to the hospital, Justin’s with him.”

  “Is he alive? Is he okay?”

  “I don’t know,” David replied, breathing heavily. “You should get to the hospital right away.”

  “I just told my father that--”

  “Come on, let’s get you over there right away.”

  As Marco followed David, Carlo slowly walked in front of the fireplace of his study. Holding a photo of Gino in his hand, Carlo cried quietly as he paced back and forth. He set the photo onto the fireplace mantle and then walked to the window.

  Looking out over his vast estate, Carlo contemplated the news that Marco had just shared. He reached down and lifted a family photo from the table next to the window. The photo featured Carlo with his wife and twin boys.

  “Damn the Mancinis,” Carlo said quietly. “First, my wife. Now, my son.” Carlo put the picture back down onto the table. “From now on, they will be the ones suffering.”

  Back at St. Joseph Hospital, Dr. Martinez and Dr. MacMahon updated those who remained in the emergency room waiting room desperate for news about their friends and loved ones. As some people received news, they were escorted to other parts of the hospital by nurses while others were asked to remain in the waiting room for further updates.

  For a moment, Dr. MacMahon pulled Dr. Martinez to the side to speak with him privately.

  “I just heard about Derek Mancini,” Dr. MacMahon said. “Is it true?”

  “I’m afraid so,” Mateo replied. “He’s being prepped for surgery.”

  “My God,” Dr. MacMahon said. “How much more can this family endure tonight?”

  “Are you able to locate his wife?”

  “I just sent her home with Tyler Bennett,” Dr. MacMahon explained. “But I didn’t know about Derek at the time.”

  “Tyler knows,” Mateo said. “I’m sure he’ll tell her. In the meantime, his brother Emmett is here now. I’ll tell him as soon as he’s done being examined.”

  “Okay,” Dr. MacMahon said. “By the way, welcome aboard. Talk about baptism by fire.”

  “Literally,” Mateo added. “And thank you. It’s good to be here at St. Joe’s. Now let’s get back to work.”

  Upstairs, Max sat beside Emmett’s hospital bed as Emmett slept, an oxygen tube wrapped itself over his ears and under his nose. Quietly, Jacqueline entered the room.

  “How is he?” she whispered, startling Max who turned around to face her. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I just wanted to check on you and Emmett.”

  “He’s asleep now,” Max explained. “The doctor gave him a sedative because he became a bit agitated when he woke up in this room. He hasn’t been himself lately.”

  “That’s what you said,” she replied. “Some rest will do him good, I’m sure.”

  “I hope so. I’m worried about him.”

  “And how are you? You were breathing in that smoke for some time.”

  “I reek of it. We all do. But I’m okay.”

  “That’s good.”

  “How’s Logan? I’m sure you’ve talked to Jesse.”

  “Yes,” Jacqueline said softly. “Not good, I’m afraid. He’s suffered some severe burns.”


  “The burn unit team is attending to him. They’re talking about skin grafting. Jesse is down there waiting for more news.”

  “Thank you for being here,” Max said. “For them. For me. For all of us.”

  “It’s the least I can do.”

  Max paused and then asked, “Do you think Jesse and I will ever be able to get along? He’s my son.”

  Jacqueline put her hand on Max’s shoulder. “Give him time, Max. Right now, your focus should be on Emmett and making sure everyone is okay.”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Outside the room, Rachel stood quietly in the hallway, listening in on Max’s conversation. When it concluded, she turned to leave and walked right into Jensen Stone.

  “What are you d
oing?” Jensen asked her.

  “I should ask you the same question.” Rachel grabbed Jensen by the arm and pulled him into an empty room nearby. “Are you crazy? People can’t see us together.”

  “How was I supposed to know you were up here eavesdropping? I came to check on Emmett.”

  “To check on him? Why?”

  “Look, lady. You paid me to do a job and I did it. You asked me to get Emmett to sign some papers and I did. I gave you the documents, you paid me. We are done.”

  Rachel pulled the papers from her purse. “Yes, you did a nice job. These documents could have been destroyed in the fire.”

  “But they weren’t. So we’re good and we’re done.”

  “So what do you care what happens to Emmett then?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but he is one of the nicest people I know. When nobody else would take me in or even treat me as a person, he did. He gave me a job and a home. And I feel horrible for even helping you get those documents signed by him.”

  “He’ll never know,” Rachel replied. “Sounds like you actually care about him.”

  “I do,” Jensen said. “And I’m going to check on him. I don’t know what you’re up to or what your plan is -- and I don’t want to know -- so take your papers and get out of my way.”

  Jensen walked out of the room as Rachel reviewed the papers in her hand. “Mission accomplished.”

  Downstairs in the waiting area, Keith, Justin, and David were seated together waiting for more news about their loved ones.

  “Michael and you are heroes,” David said to Justin. “You got Gino out of there.”

  “And Cole, too,” Justin added. “I told them I wasn’t leaving without Gino and they risked their lives to help me get him out. I am very grateful.”

  “Let’s hope he makes it,” Keith stated.

  “He has to,” Marco said as he entered the room.

  Justin stood up. “Have they told you anything?”

  “Nothing yet,” Marco said. “I need to thank you -- all of you -- for saving my brother.”

  “I would never have left him,” Justin said.

  “I just got off the phone with my father,” Marco added. “He’s very grateful, too. When I first told him that Gino was dead, he--”

  “Don’t talk like that,” Justin said. “He’s going to be okay. He has to be.”

  Dr. Martinez entered the room and walked over to the group of friends. Justin turned to address him. “Doctor, is there any news about Gino? How is he?”

  Mateo shook his head. “I’m sorry but I don’t have any news about Mr. Ciancio right now. But I’m afraid I have some bad news about your brother.”

  “Emmett? What’s wrong?”

  “Not Emmett, Derek,” Max said as he entered the waiting room. “Dr. MacMahon just told me upstairs.”

  David walked over to Justin. “Derek? What about him?”

  Mateo directed his response to Justin. “I’m afraid he’s been shot.”

  “Shot? What the hell happened?”

  “We don’t know. Someone found him and called an ambulance. I’m afraid he’s in very critical condition. We’re bringing him into surgery now.”

  Justin sat down in the chair near him. “I can’t take much more tonight.” He looked up at Max. “How’s Emmett?”

  “He’s resting. The doctor gave him a sedative.”

  “I promise you that my staff and I are doing all we can to help Derek and Gino.”

  “Thank you,” David said as he sat down next to Justin. “Please let us know as soon as you know anything more.”

  “Of course,” Mateo replied. “Excuse me.”

  As Mateo turned to leave the room, he nearly walked right into Michael who was entering the room.

  “Excuse me,” Mateo said, stepping out of the way before looking into Michael’s face. “Michael!”

  “Mateo?” Michael asked as Keith jumped up to greet his boyfriend.

  “What are you doing here? Were you in the fire?” Mateo inquired.

  “Are you okay?” Keith asked, hugging Michael.

  “Yes. And yes,” Michael said, responding to both questions. “I didn’t think you were starting for a while.”

  “Surprise,” Mateo said smiling and giving his brother a hug. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Michael said. “I just want to get home and change clothes.”

  “You two know each other?” Keith asked.

  “Yes,” Michael said. “This is my brother Mateo.”

  “Oh, wow,” Keith said. “I’ve heard a lot about you. Good to meet you, I’m Keith.”

  Mateo shook his hand. “Good to meet you as well. I wish the circumstances were better.”

  “Your brother’s a hero,” Keith added. “He rescued a lot of people from that fire tonight.”

  “So I’ve heard,” Mateo said. “He always was an over achiever.”

  Michael smiled and added, “And you were always my biggest fan.”

  “We’ll catch up soon. Glad you’re okay. Let me go check on the others,” Mateo said and then left the room before Michael could comment.

  Keith hugged Michael again. “Are you sure you’re okay? We should get you home to rest.”

  Michael kissed Keith. “That’s a good idea. But we need to make sure the others are okay.”

  “Go on,” David said. “Let him take you home for a bit. As soon as we hear anything, we’ll let you know. Promise.”

  “Okay,” Michael agreed. “Maybe just for a little bit.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  “Bossy,” Michael said with a smile as Keith put his arm around him.

  Max leaned over to talk to Justin. “The doctor suggested we do Emmett’s final HIV test since he’s here in the hospital anyway.”

  “Good,” Justin said. “Maybe there will be some good news in the midst of this nightmare.”

  Keith spun around. “What did you say? They’re going to draw blood from Emmett?”

  “Relax, babe,” Michael said.

  “But he needs to rest,” Keith said, trying to calm himself. “They can do that later.”

  “If I wanted the entire waiting room to know what was going on, I would have broadcasted it myself,” Max declared, angrily. “What the hell is the matter with you?”

  “I just--”

  Max cut off Keith and looked at Michael. “Get him out of here, would you?”

  “Come on, Stormy,” Michael said, leading Keith out of the room.

  “What a piece of work,” Max mumbled, sitting down next to Justin.

  “Did I ever tell you how glad I am that Emmett is marrying you?” Justin smiled. “I couldn’t stand having that one as a brother-in-law.”

  Max smiled. “Thank you.” He let out a loud sigh. “What a night.”

  “It’ll get better,” David said. “It has to.”

  As the three men awaited more news, Tyler was helping Joyelle get comfortable in his bed. He fluffed the pillows behind her as she leaned back against them. Their hair was still damp from having just showered and Joyelle was wearing clean, loose-fitting scrubs.

  “Are you sure this is okay?” Joyelle asked as she repositioned herself on the bed.

  “Of course,” Tyler said. “David is still at the hospital and said it’s perfectly fine for you to stay here as long as you need to.”

  “I have so much to figure out.”

  “Shh. Not tonight. Tonight you just need to relax.”

  “Easier said than done,” Joyelle said. “Until we know all of our friends are out of the woods.”

  “The doctors are doing all they can, you know how good they are. And we can check back in with them after you rest a little.”

  “I’m too tense to rest,” Joyelle said.

  “Well, maybe I can help with some of that tension,” Tyler said, smiling, as he leaned forward and kissed Joyelle.

  She ran her fingers through his hair and their kiss became longer and more p
assionate. Slowly, Tyler crawled on top of her and she wrapped herself around him. Pausing for a moment, Tyler looked in Joyelle’s eyes and smiled. Then he kissed her neck, running his tongue along her jaw line.

  Joyelle pulled Tyler’s scrubs off him, revealing his muscled body. Running her feet up the backs of his legs, Joyelle began to massage his back and shoulders with her hands. He wasted little time removing Joyelle’s scrubs and burying his face in her firm breasts.

  “Oh, Tyler,” Joyelle moaned as she spread her legs beneath him.

  “I want you, Joyelle,” he whispered as he positioned his erection between her legs.

  “I want you, too,” Joyelle replied, smiling. She wrapped her hips around him as he worked his way into her. Maintaining eye contact with her, Tyler pushed himself deeper and deeper inside.

  His thrusts became more aggressive and Joyelle dug her fingers into his lower back. As he kissed her again, she ran her hands over his arms and then up to his neck. Their tongues became intertwined and Tyler adjusted his position again. He pulled her hips closer to him and pushed himself deeper.

  Joyelle braced herself as Tyler touched his forehead to hers. Gritting his teeth, Tyler released inside of Joyelle, who held him tightly as his body thrust forward. He kissed her deeply and then looked into her eyes.

  “You’re safe with me,” he whispered. She replied by smiling and kissing him again. Then she hugged him and held him close.

  As Joyelle and Tyler fell asleep together, Michael and Keith stepped out of Michael’s shower and dried themselves off.

  “Feels good to wash the night off,” Keith said, drying his hair with a towel. “I can’t believe I met your brother tonight. That was a surprise.”

  “For me, too,” Michael replied.

  “You didn’t know he got a job here?”

  “No, I knew he had accepted the position, but I didn’t realize he would be starting so soon.”

  “You mean he moved here to Chicago without even telling you?”

  “We don’t talk all that often.”

  “Well, I look forward to getting to know him more.”

  “One step at a time, okay?” Michael stated. “There’s no rush.”