Boystown Season Four Read online

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  “Of course.”

  “Stormy, why did you get so upset about Emmett’s HIV test? You acted like a crazy person.”

  “It’s just been a long night, that’s all,” Keith said as he walked into the bedroom.

  “For all of us,” Michael added, following Keith. “But your reaction was still a bit over the top.”

  “Michael, Emmett only has to have those tests because of something my crazy ex did to him,” Keith explained. “Every time I hear something like that, it brings back all those memories. And the guilt I feel, too.”

  Michael wrapped his arms around Keith’s naked body. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t make Nick do all those awful things.”

  “But I brought Nick into everyone’s lives. And Rachel, too. I can’t help but blame myself.”

  Michael kissed Keith. “Well, I don’t blame you and I’m sure Emmett doesn’t, either. Besides, the test will be negative and he’ll be completely out of the woods.”

  “I hope so,” Keith replied.

  “You know, right before the fire broke out, you said you had something important to tell me. What was it?”

  Keith kissed Michael. “I don’t want to talk about that now. I don’t want to talk at all.” Keith kissed Michael again.

  “Mmm,” Michael mumbled with a smile. “I like the sound of that.” Michael pulled Keith tightly to him and kissed him deeply. Keith ran his fingers down Michael’s damp back to his tight ass. Still kissing, Michael slowly pushed Keith toward the bed.

  When Keith reached it, he gently pulled Michael down onto the bed on top of him. Keith wrapped his legs around Michael’s hips as Michael leaned forward to kiss his chest. Keith pressed his feet against Michael’s chest and then slid them up over his shoulders.

  Michael grabbed Keith’s ankles and pulled his legs further up. Then he pressed his hard dick against Keith and slowly entered him. Keith grabbed Michael’s shoulders and pulled him forward so they could kiss. Running his fingers along Michael’s back, Keith held him tightly as he thrust further into him.

  Michael’s abs massaged Keith’s erect penis each time he pushed forward. Keith kissed Michael’s neck and chin and then let his tongue explore Michael’s mouth. Michael’s thrusts became rhythmic as he looked into Keith’s eyes.

  “I love you, Stormy,” Michael said with a smile.

  “I love you, too,” Keith replied.

  With that declaration of love, Keith’s dick erupted between them, lubing Michael’s stomach as he continued to pound his boyfriend. Letting out a few deep breaths, Keith grabbed Michael’s biceps tightly. Michael used his legs to lunge forward powerfully into Keith, finally releasing inside of him. Keith curled his toes as Michael packed thick cum inside of him. Then Michael leaned forward and kissed the man he loved.

  They repositioned themselves, Michael on his back with his arms around Keith. Michael kissed Keith on the forehead.

  “We should clean up,” Keith said.

  “Shh. I just want to hold you.” Michael squeezed him tighter. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Me? You’re the one who was almost killed tonight. I’m fine.”


  “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “Lose me? What are you talking about? I’m not going anywhere. You have nothing to worry about.” Michael kissed Keith again and wrapped himself even tighter around him.

  While Michael and Keith fell asleep in each other’s arms, Jesse slept in the chair next to Logan’s hospital bed. Dr. Martinez entered the room to check on Logan and, upon noticing Jesse, went about his business as quietly as possible.

  After a moment, Jesse awoke. He slowly opened his eyes, but then sat up when he saw Mateo.


  “I’m sorry I woke you,” Mateo said as he checked some of the monitors in the room. “You need to get some rest.”

  “How is he?” Jesse asked, standing up and walking over to the bed.

  “He’s stable now and resting. He suffered some pretty severe burns to his chest, back, and neck.”

  “Is he going to be okay?”

  “He should be,” Mateo said with a soft smile. “We’ll better understand the extent of the damage once some of the swelling goes down. We’ll keep changing his dressing to make sure everything stays clean and we’re administering antibiotics as well.”

  “Thank you. I just want him to be okay.”

  “I don’t want to sugar coat things for you, though. There may be some permanent damage as a result of the burns. Even skin grafting won’t cover all of them. Such an injury can be just as devastating emotionally as it is physically.”

  “I understand.”

  “He’s going to need lots of emotional support. You and your friends really need to be there for him.”

  “Is it really that bad?”

  “I’m afraid it is. I’m sorry.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Jesse said. “I will get him through this. I promise you.”

  One floor below, Justin sat by Gino’s bedside as Marco stood at the window. Gino lay unconscious in his bed. His arms and parts of his face were covered in ointment and gauze and an oxygen tube hung from his nose. A few machines stood behind the bed monitoring his vitals.

  “It’s good of you to be here,” Marco told Justin. “I know it means a lot to him.”

  “Where else would I be?”

  “My father and I are very grateful for you saving Gino’s life. We owe you.”

  “I couldn’t imagine life without him.”

  “You know how much he loves you,” Marco declared. “Do you love him as much?”

  “I love him very much, Marco,” Justin replied. “I guess I just don’t tell him enough.”

  “Maybe you should.”

  “If he survives this, I will for sure.” Justin remained focused on Gino. “Why isn’t he waking up?”

  “He’s been through a lot tonight. A lot of people have.”

  “But the doctor said there is no reason why he shouldn’t be waking up.”

  “Doctors don’t know everything,” Marco said. “Remember your blindness, they couldn’t explain that, either.”

  “True,” Justin said.

  “I guess I never realized how much I rely on him. How much I need him. It’s hard for someone who’s not a twin to understand.”

  “I understand, believe me,” Justin stated. “I need and rely on him, too.”

  Marco’s cell phone started to ring. He pulled it from his pocket to see who was calling. “Oh, it’s my father. Excuse me.” Marco walked out of the room, leaving Justin alone with Gino.

  Justin took Gino’s hand in his. “You have to wake up, Gino. You just have to.” Justin put Gino’s hand back onto the bed and then put his head down onto the bed as well. “I can’t make it without you. I love you so much.” Tears fell from Justin’s eyes onto the bed sheet.

  Suddenly, Gino’s hand slowly moved onto Justin’s head, gingerly stroking his hair. Justin looked up at Gino, whose eyes slowly opened. Gino let out a quiet sigh before speaking.

  “Is that wedding proposal of yours still available?” Gino asked, forcing a smile.

  Across the hallway, Jacqueline and Max were seated in Emmett’s room as he slept peacefully in his hospital bed. Then a police officer entered the room.

  “Mrs. Donovan?”

  “Yes?” Jacqueline replied, standing up from her chair. Max stood up as well.

  “I’m Sergeant Reynolds.”

  “What is it, Sergeant?”

  “Would you mind stepping out with me for a moment?”

  “What’s this all about?” Max asked.

  “Come with me,” Jacqueline told Max and they followed the sergeant out of the room and down the hallway into a small office.

  Watching from nearby as Jacqueline and Max left the room, Jensen waited for them to close the door of the office. Then he walked into Emmett’s room and stood beside the bed.

  “I’m so sorry, Emmett,” Jensen whisp
ered. “For everything.” He leaned forward and kissed Emmett as he slept.

  In the office, Max and Jacqueline sat down at the table as the sergeant instructed.

  “I didn’t mean to intrude on your visit, but I’m here on official police business.”

  “What is it, Sergeant?” Jacqueline asked.

  The sergeant handed Jacqueline two plastic bags. “Do you recognize any of these items?”

  Jacqueline carefully examined the bags’ contents. She observed a wallet, driver’s license, money clip, and ring -- all damaged by the fire. “These are my husband Ben’s. Where did you get these?”

  “We found them in the fire...along with what we believe is your husband’s body.”

  “What?” Max asked.

  “Ben was there? At the club?”

  “Apparently so. We found all these belongings -- and his body -- in the basement once the fire was out. We believe that he may be responsible for the fire.”

  “Oh, my God,” Jacqueline mumbled.

  “Ben started the fire that destroyed my business?”

  “We’ve started a full investigation to find out what happened. I know this news must be distressing for you, but I wanted to tell you in person. I’m sorry for your loss.”

  In the operating room, two doctors and several nurses were working to save Derek’s life. Lying on the table, Derek’s body was surrounded by hospital staff trying to remove the bullets and repair the damage they caused.

  The surgery had already been a long one due to the position of the bullets and the excessive amount of bleeding that had occurred prior to the ambulance getting Derek to the hospital.

  Suddenly, the heart monitor beeped loudly, showing some irregularities in Derek’s heartbeat.

  “Doctor, we’re losing him,” one nurse said.

  “We need to get this one,” one doctor replied, still focused on removing a bullet.

  Then the monitor revealed more instability in the heart rate.

  “Dammit,” the other doctor said.

  The line on the monitor went flat and the loud beep became steady.

  “Doctor--” one nurse said.

  “I know, I know,” the doctor yelled as the flat line continued.

  “I think we’ve lost him.” The loud beep of the heart monitor continued to echo through the operating room. Hospitals can be places of great joy and great sadness.

  Episode #33

  Ben Donovan’s plan to destroy lives and relationships may have strengthened some instead. Jensen Stone sat beside Emmett Mancini’s hospital bed with his hands on the rails as he watched Emmett’s chest rise and fall with each breath he took.

  Jensen closed his eyes for a moment. “Please, God, let him be okay,” he whispered quietly. He reached over the railing and held Emmett’s hand.

  “You really do care about him,” Rachel Carson said as she entered the room from behind Jensen. “It’s charming.”

  Jensen cringed at the sound of her voice. “What is it with you? You’re like a bad penny.”

  Rachel laughed softly as she walked over to the window and looked out at the sun rising over the city.

  “What are you doing here? Why don’t you get lost?”

  “Is that any way to talk to someone who just paid you as much money as I did? Someone should teach you some respect.”

  “I have respect for people who deserve it,” Jensen said, adjusting the blanket on top of Emmett.

  With her back still to Jensen, Rachel walked over to the portable tray on which stood a small, plastic water pitcher. “You realize that I could make things very complicated for you and your friend here if I were to tell him what you helped me do.” Rachel carefully removed a small brown bottle from her pocket and unscrewed the cap, all in such a way that Jensen could not see what she was doing.

  “I may be young, but I’m not stupid. I could make things equally complicated for you if I told Officer Martinez what you hired me to do.”

  Rachel discreetly poured the contents of the brown bottle into the water pitcher and then put the empty bottle back into her pocket. She turned around to face Jensen. “To think you can mess with me could be more than just stupid, Jensen. It could be fatal.”

  “Get out of here,” Jensen said. Rachel winked at Jensen and left the room. Jensen refocused his attention on Emmett, who shifted his position in bed. Then he sighed a bit and slowly opened his eyes. Jensen grabbed his hand and smiled at him. “Hey, handsome.”

  “Hey,” Emmett said softly, his lips dry. “I’m still at the hospital?”

  “Yes,” Jensen said. “We’ve been waiting for you to wake up. You’re going to be okay.”

  “Can I have some water?”

  “Oh, sure,” Jensen said, hopping up from his seat and walking over to the tray. He poured some water from the pitcher into a cup and handed it to Emmett, who carefully drank from it. When he was finished, Jensen refilled the cup.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m glad you’re awake. Everything’s going to be fine. I’ll get the nurse.”

  Emmett reached out and took Jensen’s hand. “Wait.”

  “What is it? Can I get you something else?”

  “No, no,” Emmett said slowly. “I want to thank you for getting me out of that building and saving my life.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I owe you...”

  “Emmett, you saved my life the day you took me into your home and gave me a job. You don’t owe me anything.” Jensen smiled and Emmett smiled back at him. “Let me go get the nurse.”

  As Jensen searched for a nurse, nurses Tyler Bennett and Joyelle Mancini made love in Tyler’s bed. Their morning sex was intense and passionate as Tyler caressed every inch of Joyelle’s lovely body.

  He kissed her deeply as he drove himself deep into Joyelle, who clung to his hard body. She moaned with pleasure as he finally released inside of her. Then he kissed her again, putting all the weight of his body on top of her.

  “Good morning,” Tyler said with a smile.

  “Hi,” Joyelle replied. “Nice way to start the day.”

  “I’m glad I can be of service,” Tyler added jokingly.

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s still early,” Tyler said. “I didn’t want to wake you because you needed your rest.”

  “Is there any news from the others?”

  “Unfortunately, there is some bad news.”

  Joyelle sat up in the bed. “Oh, no. What happened?”

  “I’m afraid Derek’s been shot.”

  “Shot? How did it happen?”

  “They don’t know. Someone found him and called 911.”

  “Take me to him.”

  “You need to rest--”

  “No, I need to make sure he’s okay.”

  “Okay,” Tyler said, getting out of bed. “Let’s get dressed and I’ll drive you over.”

  Joyelle hopped out of bed. “Thank you.” She rushed into the bathroom and Tyler sat up in the bed, running his hands over his face and through his hair.

  While Tyler and Joyelle made their way to St. Joseph Hospital, Keith Colgan stepped out of the shower in Michael Martinez’s bathroom. He dried himself with a towel and walked into the bedroom. After a moment, Michael, dressed in his uniform, entered the room.

  “Good morning,” Michael said.

  “Oh, hey,” Keith replied. “Please don’t tell me you’re going to work. After last night, you need to rest.”

  Michael kissed Keith. “My boss called me in. It sounded urgent, so I have to go.”

  “But Michael--”

  “I’ll be okay. I’m rested and good as new.”

  “You do look pretty hot in your uniform.”

  “Well, you look pretty damn hot in your birthday suit,” Michael said, smiling. “Are you going over to the hospital?”

  “Yes, I want to see how everyone is doing.”

  “Okay,” Michael replied. “How about I meet you there when I’m done at the station?”

  “Perfect,” Keith said, kissing Michael. “Be careful.”

  “You don’t have to worry about me, Stormy.” Michael winked at Keith and then left the room as Keith pulled on some clothes.

  At the same time, Justin Mancini was sleeping in a chair next to Gino Ciancio’s bed. Gino was resting calmly with his eyes fixated on Justin. Quietly, Mateo Martinez entered the room and approached Gino.

  “How are you doing this morning?”

  “I can’t complain,” Gino replied. “I’m pretty sore. And this gauze is itchy but I’m not going to complain.”

  “It’s a miracle that you came out of that building with such minor injuries and burns. Sounds like you have Michael and Justin to thank for that.”

  “That’s what I hear,” Gino said with a smile. “And Cole, too.”

  “The nurse will be in to change the dressings on your burns and we’re going to continue with meds just to guard against infection. There are no signs of broken bones, either. I’d say you’re a very lucky man.”

  “I’d say so, too,” Justin said as he awoke from his nap.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you,” Mateo said.

  “How long did I sleep?”

  Gino smiled. “Longer than I did.”

  “How’s Derek?” Justin asked, jumping to his feet. “How’s my brother?”

  “That’s one of the reasons that I came up here -- to find you. We nearly lost him.”

  “Oh, God. What happened?”

  “I told you when we were prepping him that things were serious. And they were. At one point, they thought they had lost him. But the surgeons on my staff here are outstanding. They managed to remove both of the bullets and stop the bleeding.”

  “Then he’s going to be okay?”

  “Well, he’s not out of the woods yet. He lost a lot of blood, which we replaced with transfusions, and there is extensive healing that needs to occur, from the bullets and the surgery itself. Plus, he has some bad bruising from the fall from the deck stairs.”